class MuellerMatrix

The class MuellerMatrix represents a Mueller matrix in the Stokes-Mueller representation of polarization states. Arithmetic operations between Mueller matrices and Stokes vectors, various properties of a Mueller matrix, and transformation operations are defined.

Include file:

#include "mueller.h"

See also:

SCATMECH Home,   Conventions,   StokesVector,   JonesMatrix,   JonesVector

C.F. Bohren and D.R. Huffman, Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles, (Wiley, New York, 1983).
H.C. van de Hulst, Light Scattering by Small Particles, (Dover, New York, 1981).
R.A. Chipman, "Polarimetry." in Handbook of Optics, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995).
C.R. Givens and A.B. Kostinski, "A simple necessary and sufficient condition on physically realizable Mueller matrices," J. Mod. Opt. 40, 471 (1993).
B.N. Simon, et al., "A complete characterization of pre-Mueller and Mueller matrices in polarization optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 27(2), 188-199 (2010).
S.-Y. Lu and R.A. Chipman, "Interpretation of Mueller matrices based on polar decomposition," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13(5), 1106-1113 (1996).

Definition of public elements:

class MuellerMatrix {
        MuellerMatrix(const JonesMatrix& j);
        MuellerMatrix(const MuellerMatrix& x);
        MuellerMatrix& operator=(const MuellerMatrix& x);
        double* operator[](int i);
        const double* operator[](int i) const;
        double Tmax() const;
        double Tmin() const;
        double diattenuation() const;
        double linear_diattenuation() const;
	double depolarization_index() const;
        double polarization_dependent_loss() const;
        double polarizance() const;
        double extinction_ratio() const;
	bool valid() const;
	bool physically_valid() const;
        MuellerMatrix rotate(double angle) const;
        MuellerMatrix parity() const;
        MuellerMatrix transpose() const;
	MuellerMatrix inverse() const;
	MuellerMatrix log() const;
	MuellerMatrix exp() const;
	MuellerMatrix normalized() const;
	void Cloude_Decomposition(MuellerMatrix& M1,MuellerMatrix& M2,MuellerMatrix& M3, MuellerMatrix& M4) const;
	MuellerMatrix Closest_NonDepolarizing() const;
	void Lu_Chipman_Decomposition(MuellerMatrix& depolarizer,MuellerMatrix& retarder,MuellerMatrix& diattenuator) const;
        MuellerMatrix operator*(const MuellerMatrix& matrix) const;
        MuellerMatrix& operator*=(const MuellerMatrix& matrix);
        MuellerMatrix operator*(double d) const;
        friend MuellerMatrix operator*(double d,const MuellerMatrix &v);
        StokesVector operator*(const StokesVector& s) const;
        MuellerMatrix& operator*=(double d);
        MuellerMatrix operator/(double d) const;
        MuellerMatrix& operator/=(double d);
        MuellerMatrix operator+(const MuellerMatrix& a) const;
        MuellerMatrix operator-(const MuellerMatrix& a) const;
        MuellerMatrix operator-() const;
        MuellerMatrix& operator+=(MuellerMatrix& matrix);
        MuellerMatrix& operator-=(MuellerMatrix& matrix);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const MuellerMatrix& mm);
istream& operator>>(istream& is, MuellerMatrix& mm);


The default constructor for a MuellerMatrix does not initialize any of the elements.

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MuellerMatrix(const JonesMatrix& j)

Constructor that converts a JonesMatrix to a MuellerMatrix, using the algorithm described by Bohren and Huffman.


JonesMatrix j;
MuellerMatrix m(j); // Conversion from a Jones matrix to a Mueller matrix.

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MuellerMatrix(const MuellerMatrix& x)

The copy constructor.


MuellerMatrix a;
MuellerMatrix b(a);

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MuellerMatrix& operator=(const MuellerMatrix& x)

The assignment operator.


MuellerMatrix a;
MuellerMatrix b=a;

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double* operator[](int i)
const double* operator[](int i) const

Operators to access specific elements of the MuellerMatrix.


MuellerMatrix a;
double b=a[0][0]; // Access the 00 term of the Mueller matrix

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double Tmax() const
double Tmin() const
double diattenuation() const
double linear_diattenuation() const
double polarization_dependent_loss() const
double polarizance() const
double extinction_ratio() const
double depolarization_index() const

Functions to return the maximum and minimum transmissivity, the diattenuation, the linear diattenuation, the polarization-dependent loss, the polarizance, the extinction ratio, and the depolarization index, respectively, for the given Mueller matrix. These terms are defined in Chipman.


MuellerMatrix a;
cout << "Tmax = " << a.Tmax() << endl
     << "Tmin = " << a.Tmin() << endl
     << "diattenuation = " << a.diattenuation() << endl
     << "lineardiattenuation = " << a.lineardiattenuation() << endl;

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bool valid() const
bool physically_valid() const

The function valid() uses the criterion described by Givens and Kostinski to test if the matrix is a mapping from the space of valid Stokes vectors to itself. The function physically_valid() tests the criterion that a Mueller matrix must be a convex sum (i.e., a sum of positive Mueller matrices) of Jones-Mueller matrices, as described by Simon, et al.. The function physically_valid() is a more stringent requirement that a physical Mueller matrix must satisfy.

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MuellerMatrix rotate(double angle) const

Function that returns a MuellerMatrix rotated by angle in the clockwise direction, looking into the beam.


MuellerMatrix a,b;
b = a.rotate(45*PI/180.);

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MuellerMatrix parity() const

Function that returns a MuellerMatrix that has undergone a mirror operation.


MuellerMatrix a,b;
b = a.parity();

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MuellerMatrix transpose() const

Function that returns the transpose of a MuellerMatrix.


MuellerMatrix a,b;
b = a.transpose();

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MuellerMatrix inverse() const

Function that returns the inverse of a MuellerMatrix.


MuellerMatrix a,b;
b = a.inverse();

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MuellerMatrix log() const
MuellerMatrix exp() const

Functions that return the matrix logarithm and exponent of a MuellerMatrix.

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MuellerMatrix normalized() const

Function that returns the Mueller matrix normalized by the 00 element.

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void Cloude_Decomposition(MuellerMatrix& M1,MuellerMatrix& M2,MuellerMatrix& M3, MuellerMatrix& M4) const

Function that decomposes the Mueller matrix into the sum of four non-depolarizing Mueller matrices, as described by Cloude.


MuellerMatrix m = MuellerMatrix(JonesMatrix(1,1,0,0))+MuellerMatrix(JonesMatrix(1,-2,0,0));
MuellerMatrix m1,m2,m3,m4;
cout << m - m1 - m2 - m3 - m4 << endl; // should be close to the zero matrix

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MuellerMatrix Closest_NonDepolarizing() const

Function that returns the largest of the matrices returned by Cloude_Decomposition.

MuellerMatrix m;
cout << m.Closest_NonDepolarizing() << endl; 

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void Lu_Chipman_Decomposition(MuellerMatrix& depolarizer, MuellerMatrix& retarder, MuellerMatrix& diattenuator) const

Function that decomposes the Mueller matrix into the product of a depolarizer, a retarder, and a diattenuator, according to Lu and Chipman.


MuellerMatrix a,depolarizer,retarder,diattenuator;
cout << a - depolarizer*retarder*diattenuator; // should be close to the zero matrix

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MuellerMatrix operator*(const MuellerMatrix& matrix) const
MuellerMatrix& operator*=(const MuellerMatrix& matrix)

Binary multiplication between two MuellerMatrix objects. If matrix2 is followed by matrix1, then matrix1*matrix2 returns the net MuellerMatrix. This operator is not commutative.


MuellerMatrix a,b,c;
c = a*b;
a *= b;  // Same as a = a*b;

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MuellerMatrix operator*(double d) const
friend MuellerMatrix operator*(double d,const MuellerMatrix&v)
MuellerMatrix& operator*=(double d)
MuellerMatrix operator/(double d) const
MuellerMatrix& operator/=(double d)

Multiplication and division of a MuellerMatrix by a scalar.


double scalar;
MuellerMatrix matrix;
matrix = matrix * scalar;
matrix = scalar * matrix;
matrix *= scalar;
matrix = matrix / scalar;
matrix = scalar / matrix; // Not allowed.
matrix /= scalar;

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StokesVector operator*(const StokesVector &s) const

Left multiplication of a StokesVector by a MuellerMatrix.


MuellerMatrix matrix;
StokesVector vector;
vector = matrix*vector;

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MuellerMatrix operator+(const MuellerMatrix& a) const
MuellerMatrix operator-(const MuellerMatrix& a) const
MuellerMatrix& operator+=(MuellerMatrix& matrix)
MuellerMatrix& operator-=(MuellerMatrix& matrix)

Addition and subtraction of MuellerMatrix objects.


MuellerMatrix matrix1,matrix2,matrix3;

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MuellerMatrix operator-() const

Negation of a MuellerMatrix.


MuellerMatrix matrix;

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ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const MuellerMatrix& mm)

Operator to send a MuellerMatrix to an ostream. The result will contain four Stokes vectors, representing each of the four rows, separated by commas, and surrounded by parentheses, e.g., ((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)).


MuellerMatrix M;
cout << "M = " << M << endl;

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istream& operator>>(istream& is, MuellerMatrix& mm)

Reads a MuellerMatrix from an input stream. The input string must contain four Stokes vectors, representing each of the four rows, separated by commas, and surrounded by parentheses, e.g., ((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)).

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Current SCATMECH version: 7.22 (April 2021)