Participants - Health Misinformation 2022¶
- Name: Marcos Fernndez-Pichel
- Organization: University of Santiago de Compostela
- Runs: citius.base | citius.r1 | citius.r2 | citius.r3 | citius.r4 | citius.r5 | citius.r6 | citius.gpt-3 | | citius.se_gpt
- Name: Jimmy Lin
- Organization: University of Waterloo
- Runs: vera_gpt3 | vera_gpt3_abs | gpt3a | gpt3a_fc | vera | vera_abs | gpt3b | gpt3a_neg | gpt3b_neg | hm22_ref.vera_mdt5 | hm22_ref.vera_mt5 | hm22_ref_comb.vera_mdt5 | hm22_ref_comb.vera_mt5 | hm22_ref.mdt5 | hm22_ref.mt5 | hm22_ref_comb.mdt5 | hm22_ref_comb.mt5 | hm22.vera_mdt5 | hm22.vera_mt5 | hm22.mdt5 | hm22.mt5 | hm22_ref.vera | hm22.vera | hm22_ref_neg.vera | hm22_ref_neg.mdt5 | hm22_ref_neg.mt5 | hm22_ref_neg.vera_mdt5 | hm22_ref_neg.vera_mt5 | bm25
- Name: Mark Smucker
- Organization: University of Waterloo, Smucker Research Group
- Runs: WatS-MT5-MT5 | WatS-Bigbird2_75-MT5 | WatS-Bigbird2_75-MT5-TA2 | WatS-BB75-MT5-TA | WatS-manual-pred | WatS-BM25-Query | WatS-BM25-Question | WatS-Trust | WatS-Trust-L1 | WatS-Trust-MT5 | WatS-Trust-MT5-L1 | WatS-AP-Baseline | WatS-AP-Baseline-L1 | WatS-AP-MT5 | WatS-AP-MT5-L1 | WatS-Bigbird2_75-MT5-TA1 | WatS-Manual | WatS-AP-Manual
- Name: Alexander Bondarenko
- Organization: Webis @ Halle, Leipzig, Weimar
- Runs: webis-goo-lbert-abs | webis-nlm-lbert-abs | webis-goo-lbert-title-abs | webis-goo-boolq-abs | webis-nlm-boolq-abs | webis-longck-dis | webis-uniqa-dis | webis-verasent-dis | webis-longck-uniqa-dis | webis-longck-uniqa-ax-dis | webis-uniqa-ax-lin | webis-uniqa-ax-pol | webis-uniqa-ax-com | webis-longck-ax-lin | webis-longck-ax-pol | webis-longck-ax-com | webis-longck-uniqa-ax-pol | webis-longck-uniqa-ax-com | webis-longck-uniqa-pol | webis-longck-uniqa-ax-lin