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Overview - Session 2012

Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The TREC Session track ran for the third time in 2012. The track has the primary goal of providing test collections and evaluation measures for studying information retrieval over user sessions rather than one-time queries. These test collections are meant to be portable, reusable, statistically powerful, and open to anyone that wishes to work on the problem of retrieval over sessions

Track coordinator(s):

  • Evangelos Kanoulas, Google
  • Ben Carterette, University of Delaware
  • Mark Hall, University of Sheffield
  • Paul Clough, University of Sheffield
  • Mark Sanderson, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)


  • RL1: RL1
  • RL2: RL2
  • RL3: RL3
  • RL4: RL4

Track Web Page: