Fit Pure Fluid ParametersΒΆ

This example shows how to use the new fitting class of version 0.21 of teqp to fit the model parameters for the SAFT-VR-Mie model based on fitting pseudo-experimental data obtained from a reference equation of state.

In version 0.23, the parameter optimization objects were moved into their own submodule called paramopt

import teqp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import scipy.optimize

nonpolar = {
    "kind": "SAFT-VR-Mie",
    "model": {
        "coeffs": [
          "name": "R32",
          "BibTeXKey": "Bell",
          "m": 1.2476268271391935,
          "sigma_m": 3.6080717234117107e-10,
          "epsilon_over_k": 172.53065054286867,
          "lambda_r": 14.634722358167384,
          "lambda_a": 6
template = {
  'kind': 'genericSAFT',
  'model': {
      'nonpolar': nonpolar

# NOTE: '/' inside field names MUST be escaped as ~1; see
pointers = [
x0 = [1.5, 3e-10, 150, 19, 5.7]
bounds = [(1,5), (2e-10,5e-10), (100,400), (12,50), (5.1, 6.0)]
FLD = 'Methane'
ppo = teqp.paramopt.PureParameterOptimizer(template, pointers)

Ts = np.linspace(100, 170, 10)

# Generate some artificial pseudo-experimental data from
# the reference EOS as implemented in CoolProp
for T in Ts:
    pt = teqp.paramopt.SatRhoLPWPoint()
    rhoL, rhoV = [CP.PropsSI('Dmolar','Q',Q,'T',T,FLD) for Q in [0,1]]
    p = CP.PropsSI('P','Q',0,'T',T,FLD)
    w = CP.PropsSI('speed_of_sound','Q',0,'T',T,FLD)
    pt.T = T
    # Measurands (here, pseudo-experimental values)
    pt.p_exp = p
    pt.rhoL_exp = rhoL
    pt.w_exp = w

    # Additional parameters
    pt.rhoL_guess = rhoL
    pt.rhoV_guess = rhoV
    pt.R = 8.31446261815324
    pt.M = CP.PropsSI('molemass',FLD)
    AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS',FLD)
    AS.update(CP.DmolarT_INPUTS, 1e-10, T)
    pt.Ao20 = AS.tau()**2*AS.d2alpha0_dTau2() # -cv0/R

    # Weights (multiplied by 100 to put on a percentage basis)
    pt.weight_p = 1*100
    pt.weight_rho = 1*100
    pt.weight_w = 0.25*100

def cost_function(x):
#     return ppo.cost_function_threaded(x, 10) # This is an option if you have lots of threads
    return ppo.cost_function(x)

r = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(cost_function, bounds=bounds, disp=True, maxiter=10000, popsize=8)
x = r.x
model = teqp.make_model(ppo.build_JSON(x))

Tc, rhoc = model.solve_pure_critical(400, 5000)
print(Tc, rhoc)
anc = teqp.build_ancillaries(model, Tc, rhoc, 0.5*Tc)

def _get_SOS(model, T, rho, z, *, R, M, Ao20):
    """ Helper function to calculate speed of sound """
    Ar0n = model.get_Ar02n(T, rho, z)
    Ar01 = Ar0n[1]; Ar02 = Ar0n[2]
    Ar11 = model.get_Ar11(T, rho, z)
    Ar20 = model.get_Ar20(T, rho, z)

    # M*w^2/(R*T) where w is the speed of sound
    # from the definition w = sqrt(dp/drho|s)
    Mw2RT = 1 + 2*Ar01 + Ar02 - (1 + Ar01 - Ar11)**2/(Ao20 + Ar20)
    if Mw2RT < 0:
        return 1e6
    w = (Mw2RT*R*T/M)**0.5
    return w

TcREF = CP.PropsSI('Tcrit', FLD)
Tsverify = np.linspace(100, TcREF*0.99999, 1000)
RHOL, RHOV, PPP, WWW = [],[],[],[]
z = np.array([1.0])
for T in Tsverify:
    rhoL, rhoV = model.pure_VLE_T(T, anc.rhoL(T)*1.01, anc.rhoV(T)*0.9, 10)
    pL = rhoL*model.get_R(z)*T*(1+model.get_Ar01(T, rhoL, z))
    pV = rhoV*model.get_R(z)*T*(1+model.get_Ar01(T, rhoV, z))
    AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS',FLD)
    AS.update(CP.DmolarT_INPUTS, 1e-10, T)
    Ao20 = AS.d2alpha0_dTau2()*AS.tau()**2
    WWW.append(_get_SOS(model, T, rhoL, z, R=8.314462618,M=CP.PropsSI('molemass',FLD),Ao20=Ao20))

# Plot the T-rho for VLE
line, = plt.plot(np.array(RHOL), Tsverify)
plt.plot(np.array(RHOV), Tsverify, color=line.get_color())
for Q in [0, 1]:
    D = CP.PropsSI('Dmolar','T',Tsverify,'Q',Q,FLD)
    plt.plot(D, Tsverify, lw=2, color='k')
plt.gca().set(xlabel=r'$\rho$ / mol/m$^3$', ylabel='$T$ / K')

# And a deviation plot, much closer to the critical point
# than the fitting region
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(10,5), sharex=True)

ax1.plot(Tsverify, (np.array(PPP)/CP.PropsSI('P','T',Tsverify,'Q',0,FLD)-1)*100)
ax1.set(ylabel=r'$(p_{fit}/p_{\rm pexp}-1)\times 100$')

ax2.plot(Tsverify, (np.array(RHOL)/CP.PropsSI('Dmolar','T',Tsverify,'Q',0,FLD)-1)*100)
ax2.set(ylabel=r'$(\rho_{fit}/\rho_{\rm pexp}-1)\times 100$')

ax3.plot(Tsverify, (np.array(WWW)/CP.PropsSI('speed_of_sound','T',Tsverify,'Q',0,FLD)-1)*100)
ax3.set(ylabel=r'$(w_{fit}/w_{\rm pexp}-1)\times 100$', xlabel='$T$ / K')
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 FLD = 'Methane'
----> 2 ppo = teqp.paramopt.PureParameterOptimizer(template, pointers)
      4 Ts = np.linspace(100, 170, 10)
      6 # Generate some artificial pseudo-experimental data from 
      7 # the reference EOS as implemented in CoolProp

AttributeError: module 'teqp' has no attribute 'paramopt'