►Nteqp | |
►Nactivity | |
►Nactivity_models | |
CCombinatorialConstants | |
CCOSMO3Constants | |
CFluidSigmaProfiles | |
CSigmaProfile | |
CBinaryInvariantResidualHelmholtzOverRT | |
CNullResidualHelmholtzOverRT | |
CWilsonResidualHelmholtzOverRT | |
►Nalgorithms | |
►Nphase_equil | |
CAbstractSpecification | |
CBetaSpecification | Specification of molar phase fraction in given phase |
CCaloricPhaseDerivatives | |
►CGeneralizedPhaseEquilibrium | |
CCallResult | |
CUnpackedVariables | |
CMolarEnthalpySpecification | Specification equation for molar enthalpy |
CMolarEntropySpecification | Specification equation for molar entropy |
CMolarInternalEnergySpecification | Specification equation for molar internal energy |
CMolarVolumeSpecification | Specification equation for molar volume |
CPSpecification | Specification equation for pressure |
CRequiredPhaseDerivatives | |
CSpecificationSidecar | |
CTSpecification | |
►Npure_param_optimization | |
CPureParameterOptimizer | |
CPVTNoniterativePoint | |
CSatRhoLPoint | |
CSatRhoLPPoint | |
CSatRhoLPWPoint | |
CSOSPoint | |
►Nassociation | |
►CAssociation | |
CIndexMapper | |
CAssociationOptions | |
CCanonicalData | |
CDufalData | |
►NCPA | |
CAssociationVariantWrapper | |
CCPAAssociation | |
CCPACubic | |
►Ncppinterface | |
►Nadapter | |
►Ninternal | |
Ctag | |
CConstViewer | |
CDerivativeAdapter | |
COwner | |
COwnershipSummer | A collection type that allows you to sum contributions from multiple EOS terms |
CAbstractModel | |
CIterationMatrices | |
►NCubicSuperAncillary | |
CChebyshev | |
CSuperAncillary | |
►NECSHuberEly | |
CECSHuberEly1994 | |
►Nexp6 | |
CKataoka1992 | |
CChaparroJCP2023 | |
►NGERG2004 | |
CGERG2004IdealGasModel | |
CGERG2004ResidualModel | |
►NGERG2008 | |
CGERG2008IdealGasModel | |
CGERG2008ResidualModel | |
►NGERGGeneral | |
CAlphaigCoeffs | |
CBetasGammas | |
CDepartureCoeffs | |
CGERG200XAlphaig | |
CGERG200XCorrespondingStatesTerm | |
CGERG200XDepartureFunction | |
CGERG200XDepartureTerm | |
CGERG200XPureFluidEOS | |
►CGERG200XReducing | |
CMatrices | |
CTcVc | |
CPureCoeffs | |
CPureInfo | |
►Niteration | |
CAlphaModel | |
CMaxAbsErrorCondition | |
CMinRelStepsizeCondition | |
CNanXDXErrorCondition | |
CNegativeXErrorCondition | |
CNRIterator | |
CNRIteratorResult | |
CStepCountErrorCondition | |
CStoppingCondition | |
CStoppingData | |
►NLJChain | |
CLJChain | |
►NLKP | |
CLKPFluidParameters | |
CLKPMix | |
►NMie | |
CMie6Pohl2023 | |
►Nmie | |
►Nlennardjones | |
►NJohnson | |
CLJ126Johnson1993 | |
►NKolafa | |
CLJ126KolafaNezbeda1994 | |
►Nmultifluid | |
►Ngasconstant | |
CMoleFractionWeighted | |
►Nmultifluid_activity | |
CMultifluidPlusActivity | |
►Nsaft | |
►Ngenericsaft | |
CGenericSAFT | |
CPCSAFTPureGrossSadowski2001 | |
►Npcsaft | |
CPCSAFTHardChainContribution | |
CPCSAFTLibrary | Manager class for PCSAFT coefficients |
CPCSAFTMixture | |
CSAFTCoeffs | Coefficients for one fluid |
►Npolar_terms | |
►NGrossVrabec | |
CDipolarContributionGrossVrabec | |
CDipolarQuadrupolarContributionVrabecGross | |
CMultipolarContributionGrossVrabec | |
CMultipolarContributionGrossVrabecTerms | |
CQuadrupolarContributionGross | |
►Nsoftsaft | |
CSoftSAFT | |
►NSAFTpolar | |
CGottschalkJIntegral | |
CGottschalkKIntegral | |
CGubbinsTwuJIntegral | |
CGubbinsTwuKIntegral | |
CLuckasJIntegral | |
CLuckasKIntegral | |
CMultipolarContributionGrayGubbins | |
CMultipolarContributionGubbinsTwu | |
CPolarizableArrays | |
CSAFTVRMieChainContributionTerms | Things that only depend on the components themselves, but not on composition, temperature, or density |
CSAFTVRMieCoeffs | Coefficients for one fluid |
CSAFTVRMieMixture | A class used to evaluate mixtures using the SAFT-VR-Mie model |
CSAFTVRMieNonpolarMixture | A class used to evaluate mixtures using the SAFT-VR-Mie model |
►Nsquarewell | |
CEspindolaHeredia2009 | |
►Ntwocenterljf | |
CAttractiveContribution | |
CDipolarContribution | |
CHardSphereContribution | |
CParameterContainer | |
CQuadrupolarContribution | |
CReducingDensity | |
CReducingTemperature | |
CTwocenterljf | |
►NVLLE | |
CSelfIntersectionSolution | |
CVLLEFinderOptions | |
CVLLETracerOptions | |
CAdvancedPRaEres | |
CBasicAlphaFunction | The standard alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK |
CChebyshev2DEOSTerm | |
CCorrespondingStatesContribution | |
►CCriticalTracing | |
Cpsi1derivs | |
CDepartureContribution | |
CDerivativeHolderSquare | |
CDoubleExponentialEOSTerm | |
CEigenData | |
CEOSTermContainer | |
CExponentialEOSTerm | |
CFunctor | |
CGaoBEOSTerm | |
CGaussianEOSTerm | |
CGenericCubic | |
CGenericCubicTerm | |
CGERG2004EOSTerm | |
Chybrj_functor__mix_VLE_Tp | |
CIdealHelmholtz | Ideal-gas Helmholtz energy container |
CIdealHelmholtzConstant | |
CIdealHelmholtzCp0Constant | |
CIdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT | |
CIdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh | |
CIdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh | |
CIdealHelmholtzLead | |
CIdealHelmholtzLogT | |
CIdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein | |
CIdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized | |
CIdealHelmholtzPowerT | |
CInvalidArgument | |
CInvalidValue | |
Cis_complex_t | |
Cis_complex_t< std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container< std::valarray< Ts... > > | |
Cis_container< std::vector< Ts... > > | |
Cis_eigen_impl | |
Cis_eigen_impl< Eigen::Array< T, Is... > > | |
Cis_eigen_impl< Eigen::Matrix< T, Is... > > | |
Cis_mcx_t | |
CIsochoricDerivatives | |
CIsothermPureVLEResiduals | |
CIterationFailure | |
CJSONValidationError | Validation of a JSON schema failed |
CJSONValidator | |
CJustPowerEOSTerm | |
CLemmon2005EOSTerm | |
CMathiasCopemanAlphaFunction | The Mathias-Copeman alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK |
CMixVLEpxFlags | |
CMixVLEReturn | |
CMixVLETpFlags | |
CModelContainer | |
CMultiFluid | |
CMultiFluidAdapter | |
CMultiFluidAdapter_Ecs | |
CMultiFluidInvariantReducingFunction | |
CMultifluidPlusAssociation | |
CMultiFluidReducingFunction | |
CMultiFluidVLEAncillaries | |
CNonAnalyticEOSTerm | |
CNotImplementedError | |
CNullEOSTerm | |
CPCSAFTGrossSadowski2001Term | |
►CPowerEOSTerm | |
CPowerEOSTermCoeffs | |
CPureIdealHelmholtz | |
CPVLEOptions | |
CQuantumCorrectedPR | |
CReducing_ECS | |
CReducingTermContainer | |
CRKPRCismondi2005 | |
CTCABOptions | |
CTDXDerivatives | |
CteqpcException | |
CteqpException | |
CTimer | |
CTVLEOptions | |
CTwuAlphaFunction | The Twu alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK |
CvdWEOS | A slightly more involved implementation of van der Waals, this time with mixture properties |
CvdWEOS1 | A (very) simple implementation of the van der Waals EOS |
CVirialDerivatives | |
CVLEAncillary | |
Cwrt_helper | |