static auto | sorted_eigen (const Eigen::MatrixXd &H) |
static auto | eigen_problem (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec, const std::optional< VecType > &alignment_v0=std::nullopt) |
static auto | get_minimum_eigenvalue_Psi_Hessian (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec) |
static auto | get_derivs (const AbstractModel &model, const double T, const VecType &rhovec, const std::optional< VecType > &alignment_v0=std::nullopt) |
template<typename Iterable > |
static bool | all (const Iterable &foo) |
template<typename Iterable > |
static bool | any (const Iterable &foo) |
static auto | get_drhovec_dT_crit (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar &T, const VecType &rhovec) |
static auto | get_criticality_conditions (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec) |
static auto | EigenVectorPath (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec, const VecType &u1, Scalar drho) |
| The EigenVectorPath function of Algorithm 2 from Deiters and Bell: https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.0c03667.
static auto | is_locally_stable (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec, const Scalar stability_rel_drho) |
| The LocalStability function of Algorithm 2 from Deiters and Bell: https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.0c03667.
static auto | critical_polish_fixedmolefrac (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec, const Scalar z0) |
| Polish a critical point while keeping the overall composition constant and iterating for temperature and overall density.
static auto | critical_polish_fixedrho (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec, const int i) |
static auto | critical_polish_fixedT (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar T, const VecType &rhovec) |
static auto | trace_critical_arclength_binary (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar &T0, const VecType &rhovec0, const std::optional< std::string > &filename_=std::nullopt, const std::optional< TCABOptions > &options_=std::nullopt) -> nlohmann::json |
static auto | get_dp_dT_crit (const AbstractModel &model, const Scalar &T, const VecType &rhovec) |
| Calculate dp/dT along the critical locus at given T, rhovec.
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | get_dp_dT_crit (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | trace_critical_arclength_binary (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | critical_polish_fixedmolefrac (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | get_drhovec_dT_crit (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | get_derivs (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename TemplatedModel , typename ... Params, typename = typename std::enable_if<not std::is_base_of<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel, TemplatedModel>::value>::type> |
static auto | eigen_problem (const TemplatedModel &model, Params &&... params) |
template<typename Model, typename Scalar = double, typename VecType = Eigen::ArrayXd>
struct teqp::CriticalTracing< Model, Scalar, VecType >
Definition at line 22 of file critical_tracing.hpp.
template<typename Model , typename Scalar = double, typename VecType = Eigen::ArrayXd>
Calculate dp/dT along the critical locus at given T, rhovec.
\rmderivsub{Y}{T}{\CRL} = \deriv{Y}{T}{\vec\rho} + \sum_j \deriv{Y}{\rho_j}{T,\rho_{k\neq j}} \rmderivsub{\rho_j}{T}{\CRL}
where the derivatives on the RHS without the subscript CRL are homogeneous derivatives taken at the mixture statepoint, and are NOT along the critical curve.
Definition at line 747 of file critical_tracing.hpp.