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Action - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
Application - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client
Application() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.Application


build(KeyStore, String) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HttpClientFactory
Construct a HTTP client
buildPayload(List<String>, TagType) - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderService
Construct request payload for SWID insert endpoints
buildPayload(List<String>, TagType) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl
Construct payload from one or more tag files


displayTagTypes() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.TagType
Return display type of TagType


fetchEndpoint() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Return endpoint URL
findByName(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Return Action name that matches the name.


generate(byte[], long) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Hotp
Generates an HOTP value according to RFC 4226
getAction() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Get the action name for the enum
getAlgorithmName() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Hotp.HashAlgorithm
getCachedToken(String) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Fetch token if cached
getEndpoint() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Get endpoint URL for the action
getHostName() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Use swidHost environment variable value, if provided
getKeyStoreSubjectDN(KeyStore) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Get Subject DN from Keystore instance
getMethod() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
getName() - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.TagType
Get the name of the tagtype
gov.nist.secauto.swid.client - package gov.nist.secauto.swid.client
gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service - package gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp - package gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp


Hotp - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp
A direct implementation of and C = counter K = key Digits = length of OTP Note that a strict implementation of RFC 4226 will only support HMAC-SHA-1.
Hotp(Hotp.HashAlgorithm, int) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Hotp
Creates a new instance
Hotp.HashAlgorithm - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp
HttpClientFactory - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
HttpClientFactory() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HttpClientFactory
HTTPService - Interface in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
HTTPServiceImpl - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
HTTPServiceImpl() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl


JWTException - Exception in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
Configuration exceptions.
JWTException() - Constructor for exception gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.JWTException
JWTException(Exception) - Constructor for exception gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.JWTException
JWTException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.JWTException


loadKeyStore(String, String) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HttpClientFactory
Instantiate Java Keystore for the client certificate
login(CloseableHttpClient, String) - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.LoginService
login(CloseableHttpClient, String) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.LoginServiceImpl
LOGIN_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.LoginServiceImpl
LoginService - Interface in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
LoginServiceImpl - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
LoginServiceImpl() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.LoginServiceImpl
lookup(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.TagType
Get list of tag type values


main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.Application
Runs the application


parseCLI(String[]) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.Application
Parses the command line input arguments
PayloadBuilderService - Interface in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
PayloadBuilderServiceImpl - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
PayloadBuilderServiceImpl() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl
postSwid(String, String, String, List<String>, Action, TagType) - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPService
postSwid(String, String, String, List<String>, Action, TagType) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
prettyFormat(String, int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Format XML response for human readability
prettyFormat(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Format XML input String


sendSWIDData(CloseableHttpClient, String, List<String>, Action, TagType) - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPService
Insert or Update end points
sendSWIDData(CloseableHttpClient, String, List<String>, Action, TagType) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
setAction(String) - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Set the action name
setEndpoint(String) - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Set endpoint URL for the action
setMethod(String) - Method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Set method
setTokenCache(String, String) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Set token cache
SWID_BODY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl
SWID_ELEMENT - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl
SWID_LIST_ELEMENT - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl


TAG_TYPE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.PayloadBuilderServiceImpl
TagType - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service
TOKEN_CACHE_FILENAME - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.HTTPServiceImpl
Totp - Class in gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp
A direct implementation of
Totp() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Totp
Creates a default Totp instance with a 30 second time step, T0 of 0 using HMAC-SHA-1 producing an 8 digit output.
Totp(Hotp.HashAlgorithm, int) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Totp
Creates a Totp instance with a 30 second time step, T0 of 0 using the provided parameters.
Totp(int, long, Hotp.HashAlgorithm, int) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Totp
Creates a Totp instance with a 30 second time step, T0 of 0 using the provided parameters.
totp(byte[]) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Totp
Calculates a TOTP result using the provided key and the current time
totp(byte[], long) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Totp
Calculates a TOTP result using the provided key and provided time


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.TagType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Hotp.HashAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.TagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.totp.Hotp.HashAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WEBSERVICES_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME - Static variable in enum gov.nist.secauto.swid.client.service.Action
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