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Getting Started


NLP in technical domains often involves

  1. Narrowing down the set of concepts written about to a subset of relevant, well-defined, possibly related ones;
  2. Annotating whether/where those concepts occur within documents of a dataset, for training or validation purposes.

This can take the form of named entity recognition (NER) training sets, lists of domain-specific stopwords, etc. In medical NLP, this often uses agreed-upon named-entity sets that have been added by-hand to several corpuses. Check out the scispacy page from Allen AI for an example: one set uses disease and chemical, another uses dna, protein, cell-type, cell-line, and rna, etc.

Creating the set of concepts in a way that enough people can agree on a method for tagging their occurrence is incredibly time-consuming. Often, an analyst needs to iterate and prototype various entity sets, and test their coverage and usefulness in a specific task. This analyst needs a way to rapidly estimate the sets of entities --- the "tags" they will use --- that meaningfully represent the data at hand. The insight we bring to bear is that this does not need to be done document-by-document in order to be data-driven.