Interface IModelDefinitionTypeInfo

    • Method Detail

      • newTypeInfo

        static IModelDefinitionTypeInfo newTypeInfo​(@NonNull
                                                    IFlagContainer definition,
                                                    ITypeResolver typeResolver)
        Construct a new type information object for the provided definition.
        definition - the definition to provide type information for
        typeResolver - use to resolve type information for composite instances
        the type information
      • getBaseClassName

        com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName getBaseClassName()
        Get the class type information for the base class of the generated class, .
        the type information or null if no base class is configured
      • getClassName

        com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName getClassName()
        Gets the class type information for the object definition for which this class is being generated.
        the class's type information