Interface IProduction

  • public interface IProduction
    Information about Java classes generated for a collection of Module modules.
    • Method Detail

      • getModuleProduction

        IGeneratedModuleClass getModuleProduction​(@NonNull
                                                  IModule module)
        Get information about the Java classes generated for the provided Module module.
        module - the Module module to get information for
        the Java class information for the module or null if this production did not involve generating classes for the provided module
      • getGlobalDefinitionClassesAsStream

        Get a stream of all definition Java classes generated as part of this production.

        This will include each unique class generated for all Module modules associated with this production.

        the stream of generated Java classes
      • getGeneratedClasses

        Stream<? extends IGeneratedClassgetGeneratedClasses()
        Get a stream of all Java classes generated as part of this production, including module, definition, and package-info classes.
        the stream of generated Java classes
      • of

        static IProduction of​(@NonNull
                              Collection<? extends IModule> modules,
                              ITypeResolver typeResolver,
                              Path classDir)
                       throws IOException
        Create a new production for the provided set of Module modules.
        modules - the Module modules to generate and compile classes for
        typeResolver - the resolve used to determine type names
        classDir - the directory to generate and compile classes in
        the production information
        IOException - if an error occurred while generating or compiling the classes