Class AbstractKeyConstraint

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractKeyConstraint

        protected AbstractKeyConstraint​(@Nullable
                                        String id,
                                        String formalName,
                                        MarkupLine description,
                                        IConstraint.ISource source,
                                        IConstraint.Level level,
                                        MetapathExpression target,
                                        Map<QName,​Set<String>> properties,
                                        List<DefaultKeyField> keyFields,
                                        MarkupMultiline remarks)
        Create a new key-based constraint, which uses a set of key fields to build a key.
        id - the optional identifier for the constraint
        formalName - the constraint's formal name or null if not provided
        description - the constraint's semantic description or null if not provided
        source - information about the constraint source
        level - the significance of a violation of this constraint
        target - the Metapath expression identifying the nodes the constraint targets
        properties - a collection of associated properties
        keyFields - a list of key fields associated with the constraint
        remarks - optional remarks describing the intent of the constraint