Interface IFlagNodeItem

    • Method Detail

      • getBaseUri

        default URI getBaseUri()
        Description copied from interface: INodeItem
        Retrieve the base URI of this node.

        The base URI of a node will be in order of preference:

        1. the base URI defined on the node
        2. the base URI defined on the nearest ancestor node
        3. the base URI defined on the document node
        4. null if the document node is unknown
        Specified by:
        getBaseUri in interface INodeItem
        the base URI or null if it is unknown
      • getFlagByName

        default IFlagNodeItem getFlagByName​(@NonNull
                                            String name)
        FlagContainer do not have flag items. This call should return null.
        Specified by:
        getFlagByName in interface INodeItem
        name - the effective name of the flag
        the flag with the matching effective name or null if no match was found
      • flags

        default Stream<? extends IFlagNodeItemflags()
        FlagContainer do not have flag items. This call should return an empty stream.
        Specified by:
        flags in interface INodeItem
        the stream of flags or an empty stream if none exist
      • getModelItems

        default Collection<? extends List<? extends IModelNodeItem<?,​?>>> getModelItems()
        FlagContainer do not have model items. This call should return an empty collection.
        Specified by:
        getModelItems in interface INodeItem
        a collection of list(s), with each list containing the items for a given model instance
      • getModelItemsByName

        default List<? extends IModelNodeItem<?,​?>> getModelItemsByName​(String name)
        FlagContainer do not have model items. This call should return an empty list.
        Specified by:
        getModelItemsByName in interface INodeItem
        name - the instance name to get model items for
        the sequence of items associated with the named model instance, or an empty list if an instance with that name is not present
      • modelItems

        default Stream<? extends IModelNodeItem<?,​?>> modelItems()
        FlagContainer do not have model items. This call should return an empty stream.
        Specified by:
        modelItems in interface INodeItem
        the stream of model items or an empty stream if none exist
      • format

        default String format​(@NonNull
                              IPathFormatter formatter)
        Description copied from interface: INodeItem
        Generate a path for this node in the directed node graph, using the provided path formatter.
        Specified by:
        format in interface INodeItem
        Specified by:
        format in interface IPathSegment
        formatter - the path formatter
        a textual representation of the path segment
      • accept

        default <RESULT,​CONTEXT> RESULT accept​(@NonNull
                                                     INodeItemVisitor<RESULT,​CONTEXT> visitor,
                                                     CONTEXT context)
        Description copied from interface: INodeItemVisitable
        A visitor callback.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface INodeItemVisitable
        Type Parameters:
        RESULT - the type of the visitor result
        CONTEXT - the type of the context parameter
        visitor - the calling visitor
        context - a parameter used to pass contextual information between visitors
        the visitor result