Interface IControlFilter

    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        static IControlFilter newInstance​(@NonNull
                                          ProfileImport profileImport)
        Construct a new filter instance based on the provided profile import statement.
        profileImport - an OSCAL profile import statement
        a new control filter
      • match

        default org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<Boolean,​Booleanmatch​(@NonNull
                                                                                 IControl control)
        Determines if the control is matched by this filter. This method returns a Pair where the first member of the pair indicates if the control matches, and the second indicates if the match applies to child controls as well.
        control - the control to check for a match
        a pair indicating the status of the match (true for a match or false otherwise), and if a match applies to child controls
      • match

                                                                         IControl control,
                                                                         boolean defaultMatch)
        Determines if the control is matched by this filter. This method returns a Pair where the first member of the pair indicates if the control matches, and the second indicates if the match applies to child controls as well.
        control - the control to check for a match
        defaultMatch - the match status to use if the filter doesn't have an explicit hit
        a pair indicating the status of the match (true for a match or false otherwise), and if a match applies to child controls