Source code for utilities

import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats
import math
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gs

from sklearn import decomposition as skdecomp

def idfunc(*args,**kwargs):
    '''Returns exactly the function's positional arguments, ignoring any keyword arguments'''
    if len(args) == 1:
        return args[0] #We only passed one argument to the function. We want to return arg, not (arg)
    return args

def g_formatter(x):
    a,b = '{:.2e}'.format(x).split('e')
    b = int(b)
    a = float(a)
    if not(b > 2) or (b < -1): 
        mult = 10**b
        a = a * mult
        prec = min(max(2-b,0),2)
        return (r'${:.'+str(prec)+'f}$').format(a)
    return r'${}\times10^{{{}}}$'.format(a,b)

def calculate_minmax(data):
    """Determines the maximum and minimum (excluding zero) of a data set. Rounds to one significant figure.
    data_max = data.max()
    data_min = data[data > 0].min()
    #Find the power of 10 
    log_max = math.log(data_max,10)
    log_min = math.log(data_min,10)
    decimals_max = int(-1*math.floor(log_max))+1
    decimals_min = int(-1*math.floor(log_min))
    significance_max = 10 ** decimals_max
    significance_min = 10 ** decimals_min
    distance_max = math.ceil(data_max * significance_max)/significance_max
    distance_min = math.floor(data_min * significance_min)/significance_min
    return distance_min,distance_max

[docs]class ExperimentGroup(object): """Container for spectral data and methods for analysis This object contains a group of spectral measurements that are related, usually by being of the same physical object and having the same structure. :key name: The name of the group of measurements. :key data: Array of data to be used for the interlab analysis :key rawdata: Array of unprocessed data, if different from data :key data_names: List of data sets (labs) with data for each sample :key distance_metrics: List of distance metrics. Each metric in this list will be used to create a :py:class:`DistanceMetric` object. :key distribution_function: Which distribution will be assumed when assigning Z scores to each measurement of a sample. """ def __init__(self, name=None, xdata=None, rawdata=None,data=None,data_names=None, distance_metrics=None,distribution=None): = name self.xdata = xdata = data self.data_names = data_names self.distance_metrics = [] self.distribution = distribution for metric in distance_metrics: self.distance_metrics += [ DistanceMetric(distribution=distribution,**metric) ] return @property def names(self): names = {} for item in self.distance_metrics: names[] = item return names def __str__(self): str_rep = return str_rep def __getitem__(self,x): if type(x) is int: return self.distance_metrics[x] else: try: return self.names[x] except KeyError: print('No metric with name ' + x) return def distance(self,metric): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.DistanceMetric` """ self[metric].distance( return def fit_zscores(self,metric): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.DistanceMetric` """ self[metric].fit_zscores() return def find_outliers(self,metric,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.DistanceMetric` """ self[metric].find_outliers(**kwargs) return def histogram(self,metric,*args,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.DistanceMetric` """ self[metric].histogram(*args,**kwargs) return def plot_zscores(self,metric,*args,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.DistanceMetric` """ ax = self[metric].plot_zscores(*args,**kwargs) ax.set_xlim(-0.5,len(self.data_names)-0.5) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(self.data_names))) ax.set_xticklabels(self.data_names,rotation='vertical') return def minmax(self,metric): return self[metric].population.minmax() def plot_data(self,ax,linecolor='k',**kwargs): """Line plot of the spectral data in this group. """ numsets =[0] if self.xdata is not None: pl = ax.plot(self.xdata,, linecolor) if self.xdata[0] > self.xdata[1]: ax.invert_xaxis() else: pl = ax.plot(,linecolor) ax.set_ylim([-0.5,numsets-0.5]) ax.text(0.1,0.95,,ha='left', va='center',color='k',size=9, bbox=dict(facecolor='w',alpha=1,lw=0,pad=0),transform=ax.transAxes) return def distance_measure_plot(self,ax_row,plot_data=False,distance_metrics=None, data_kwargs={},distance_kwargs={},show_titles=False): """Heatmaps of interspectral distances and (optionally) line plots of data """ if distance_metrics is None: metrics_to_plot = self.distance_metrics else: metrics_to_plot = [] for metric in self.distance_metrics: for name in distance_metrics: if == name: metrics_to_plot += [metric] ax_dist = ax_row if plot_data: ax_dist = ax_row[1:] self.plot_data(ax_row[0],**data_kwargs) for metric,ax in zip(metrics_to_plot,ax_dist): im = metric.distance_plot(ax,show_titles=show_titles, **distance_kwargs) cb = plt.colorbar(im,ax=ax,fraction=0.2) cb.locator = plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=4,prune='lower',integer=True,min_n_ticks=3) cb.update_ticks() ax.set_yticks(range(len(self.data_names))) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax_row[0].set_yticklabels(self.data_names,size=7)
[docs]class DistanceMetric(object): """A distance metric and the interspectral distances associated with it :param metric: The name of the metric function :param function: The metric function. Can be a binary function f(x,y) or a string identifying a metric recognized by :py:func:`scipy.spatial.distance.pdist` :key distribution_function: Which distribution will be assumed when assigning Z scores to each measurement of a sample. :key mahalanobis_dict: """ def __init__(self,metric,function,distribution=None,mahalanobis_dict=None): = metric self.function = function self.distribution = distribution self.distance_matrix = None self.distance_max = None self.distance_min = None self.population = None self.mahalanobis_dict = mahalanobis_dict return @property def zscores(self): return self.population.zscores @property def values(self): return self.population.values @property def outlier_mask(self): return self.population.outlier_mask def distance(self,data): """Calculates the pairwise interspectral distances and the average interspectral distance, then loads the average distances into the :py:class:`Population`. :param data: The data for which distances will be calculated """ VI=None #significant_components=data.shape[0] #Empty containers distance_dict = dict() distance_square_dict = dict() if self.function == 'mahalanobis': if not(self.mahalanobis_dict): raise ValueError('Must define the inverse covariance matrix if metric is mahalanobis') VI=self.mahalanobis_dict['VI'] #significant_components=mahalanobis_dict['significant_components'] distance_condensed = sp.spatial.distance.pdist(data,self.function,VI=VI) self.distance_matrix = sp.spatial.distance.squareform(distance_condensed) self.population = Population(, distribution=self.distribution, values=self.distance_matrix.sum(axis=1)/self.distance_matrix.shape[0] ) self.distance_min,self.distance_max = self.population.minmax() return def distance_plot(self,ax,vmin=None,vmax=None,cmap='Greys',origin='lower', aspect='equal',show_titles=False,**kwargs): """Plots a heatmap of the pairwise interspectral distance. :param ax: The axis to make the plot :key vmin: Passed to imshow :key vmax: Passed to imshow :key cmap: Passed to imshow :key origin: Passed to imshow :key aspect: Passed to imshow :key show_titles: """ if vmin is None: vmin,vmax = self.minmax() if show_titles: ax.set_title(' ','\n'),size=10) im = ax.imshow(self.distance_matrix,cmap=cmap,origin=origin, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,aspect=aspect,**kwargs ) return im def fit_zscores(self,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.Population` """ self.population.fit_zscores(**kwargs) return def find_outliers(self,recursive=False,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.Population` """ self.population.find_outliers(recursive=recursive,**kwargs) if recursive: self.distance_min,self.distance_max = calculate_minmax(self.values[self.outlier_mask]) return def histogram(self,*args,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.Population` """ self.population.histogram(*args,**kwargs) return def plot_zscores(self,*args,**kwargs): """Pass-through to :py:class:`.Population` """ ax = self.population.plot_zscores(*args,**kwargs) return ax def minmax(self): return calculate_minmax(self.distance_matrix)
[docs]class Population(object): """Object containing some values, a distribution function fit to those values, and corresponding scores :param name: The name assigned to this Population :key distribution: Which distribution will be assumed when assigning Z scores to laboratories. :key values: The values to which the distribution will be fit """ def __init__(self,name,distribution=None,values=None): = name self.values = values self.distribution = distribution self.params = None self.zscores = None self.outlier_mask = None return def fit_zscores(self,data=None,mask=None): """Fit the distribution to the data using a provided mask and calculate the scores of the data :key data: The data that will be fit to the distribution. Normally, this is the values of the Population :key mask: If present, masks some elements of data """ if data is None: data = self.values if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(data,dtype=np.bool) std = self.distribution(1) self.params =[mask],floc=0) rv = self.distribution(*self.params) CDF = rv.cdf(data) self.zscores = std.ppf(CDF) #Explicitly calculate Z if the distribution is lognorm, because this will give more reliable results for large Z if type(self.distribution) is type(sp.stats.lognorm): mean = self.params[2] stdev = self.params[0] self.zscores = np.exp( (np.log(data) - np.log(mean)) / stdev) #self.outlier_mask = self.zscores < zlimit return def find_outliers(self,recursive=False,support_fraction=0.6,final_screen=False): """Finds the outliers of the distribution :key recursive: If true, finds outliers and refit until all outliers have been removed :key support_fraction: Fraction of values that are guaranteed to be retained """ max_percentile = 0.9495 #95% confidence limint, respecting support fraction (respecting 3 sig figs rounding) max_ignore_support_fraction = 0.9895 #99% confidence limit, ignoring support fraction (3 sig fig rounding) std = self.distribution(1) zlimit = std.ppf(max_percentile) zlimit_ignore = std.ppf(max_ignore_support_fraction) self.fit_zscores(self.values) max_num_outliers = int((1-support_fraction)*len(self.values)) self.outlier_mask = np.ones_like(self.values,dtype=np.bool) # if not recursive: # for i in range(max_num_outliers): # self.outlier_mask = self.zscores < zlimit #If not recursive, just get all outliers and leave # return # Note that, because we always use a support fraction, we always want to remove outliers one-by-one for i in range(max_num_outliers): zmax = self.zscores[self.outlier_mask].max() #Get the biggest z-score still considered in the distribution if zmax < zlimit: break #If the biggest z-score is within the zlimit, break from the loop self.outlier_mask = self.zscores < zmax #Recalculate z-scores only if recursive if recursive: self.fit_zscores(self.values,self.outlier_mask) if final_screen: self.outlier_mask = self.zscores < zlimit_ignore if recursive: self.fit_zscores(self.values,self.outlier_mask) return def minmax(self): return calculate_minmax(self.values) def histogram(self,ax,num_bins=20,max_bin=None,min_bin=None,xvals=None): """Plots a histogram of the populations `values` with the corresponding distribution function """ if max_bin is None: min_bin,max_bin=self.minmax() if xvals is None: xvals = np.linspace(min_bin,max_bin,num_bins*10) binsize = (max_bin - min_bin)/float(num_bins) hist_norm,bins = np.histogram(self.values,range=(min_bin,max_bin), bins=num_bins,density=True) dist_vals = self.distribution.pdf(xvals,*self.params) confidence_limit = self.distribution.ppf(0.9495,*self.params) ax.plot(xvals,dist_vals,'k')[:-1]+0.5*binsize,hist_norm,binsize,color='r') ax.axvline(x=confidence_limit,color='k',ls=':') return def plot_zscores(self,ax,rotation=None): """Plots a bar chart of the populations `values` and annotates it with the corresponding zscores """ width = 0.4 #Get the number of data sets and number of spectra numsets = len(self.zscores) bar_colors = ['w'] * numsets bar_edge = ['k'] * numsets box_trans = [0.7] * numsets for int_num,inlier in enumerate(self.outlier_mask): #Color and transparency if the point is an outlier if not(inlier): bar_colors[int_num] = 'r' bar_edge[int_num] = 'r' box_trans[int_num] = 0 #bar chart of projected distances,self.values, 2*width,alpha=1,color=bar_colors,edgecolor=bar_edge) (ymin,ymax) = ax.get_ylim() sample_label_pos = 0.05*ymax + 0.95*ymin for int_num,(zscore,value,inlier) in enumerate(zip(self.zscores,self.values,self.outlier_mask)): if(inlier): label_pos = sample_label_pos + value else: label_pos = sample_label_pos ax.text(int_num,label_pos, g_formatter(zscore), ha='center', va='bottom', color='k',size=9,rotation=rotation, bbox=dict(facecolor='w',alpha=box_trans[int_num],lw=0) ) return ax
[docs]class InterlabArray(object): """Object for executing interlaboratory comparison :key name: Name for the interlab object :key data_array: Z-score array for the measurements in this interlaboratory study :key lablist: List of laboratories that have data in this interlab :key datasets: List of datasets that are in this interlab :key distribution_function: Which distribution will be assumed when assigning Z scores to laboratories. The default is sp.stats.lognorm """ def __init__(self, name=None, data_array=None, lablist=None, datasets=None, distribution_function=sp.stats.lognorm,): #Data array that will be fit self.data_array = data_array #Distribution function to fit the zscores to self.distribution_function = distribution_function #Metric name = name #PCA object self.pca = skdecomp.PCA() self.pca_scores = None self.population = Population('Projected statistical distance', distribution=self.distribution_function) return def __str__(self): return @property def zscores(self): return self.population.zscores @property def values(self): return self.population.values @property def outlier_mask(self): return self.population.outlier_mask def fit_transform(self): """Fits the sklearn.pca object and then removes the mean-centering. Calculates projected statistical distance and stores that in :py:class:`Population` """ #Fit PCA #Find where the zero point of our z-score space lies in PCA space effective_zero = self.pca.transform(np.zeros_like(self.pca.mean_.reshape(1,-1))) #Transform the scores into the translated PCA space self.pca_scores = self.pca.transform(self.data_array.T) - effective_zero #Get the active components (minimum number of components that explains at least 95% of variance) #self.active_components = self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_.cumsum() < 0.95 self.active_components = self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_ > 0.01 # ^^^ this definition actually has one fewer component than what we want so we have to do some manipulation #print(self.active_components) self.active_components[1] = True #Obviously there should be at least one active component #self.active_components = np.roll(self.active_components,1) #Move the active component mask one element. Combined with the statement above, this ensures that the second component will be active, and we want two active components. #self.active_components[0] = True #Obviously the first component should be active #print(self.active_components) #Store the projected statistical distance num_active_components = np.count_nonzero(self.active_components) self.population.values = np.linalg.norm(self.pca_scores[:,0:num_active_components],axis=1) return #def plot_zscore_heatmap(self): def fit_zscores(self,**kwargs): """Pass-through for :py:class:`.Population.fit_zscores` """ #Fit the projected statistical distance self.population.fit_zscores(**kwargs) return def find_outliers(self,**kwargs): """Pass-through for :py:class:`.Population.find_outliers` """ self.population.find_outliers(**kwargs) return def plot_components(self,ax): """Plots the principal component loadings for the statistical distances :param ax: A list of the distance metrics for which loadings will be plotted. If None, plot loadings for all metrics in this project :key xlabel_buffer: Space allocated for x-axis labels (in inches) """ PCAsign = np.sign(self.pca.components_[0,:].mean()) #Get the number of active components in the PCA num_active_components = np.count_nonzero(self.active_components) #print(,num_active_components,self.active_components) #Calculate the positions where the bars will go total_width = 0.4 # total width available for all components width = total_width/num_active_components #width allocated to each component positions = np.arange(-total_width,total_width,2*width) #list of offsets for all components #Create the spectrum of colors that will be used for the plot bar_properties = np.arange(1,0,-1.0/num_active_components) #Get the number of data sets and number of spectra numsets = len(self.lablist) numspecs = len(self.datasets) #Plot the principal components for component_num in range(num_active_components): #intensity = bar_properties[component_num] #Intensity corresponds to the explained variance ratio intensity = 1 - self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_[component_num] #Edges should be darker to provide contrast for lighter bars edge_intensity = (1 - self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_[component_num])/1.3 bar_colors = [[intensity] * 3] * len(self.lablist) edge_colors = [[edge_intensity] * 3] * len(self.lablist) position = positions[component_num] im =, self.pca.components_[component_num,:]*PCAsign, 2*width, alpha=1,color=bar_colors,edgecolor=edge_colors) #X tick labels ax.set_xlim(-1,numspecs + 2) # We'll want 2 labels for the explained variance ratios ax.set_xticks(range(numspecs)) ax.set_xticklabels(self.datasets,rotation='vertical') #Draw dividing lines between components for spec_num,spectrum in enumerate(self.datasets): ax.axvline(x=spec_num+0.5,color='k',ls=':') #Print the explained variance ratios #(ymin,ymax) = ax.get_ylim() #center = (ymax+ymin)/2.0 #interval = (ymin-ymax)/(num_active_components + 1) #positions = np.arange(ymax+interval,ymin,interval) interval = -1/(num_active_components + 1) positions = np.arange(1+interval,0,interval) for component_number in range(num_active_components): component_label_position = positions[component_number] component_horizontal_position = len(self.datasets)/(len(self.datasets) + 1) componentscore = "%4.1f" % (self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_[component_number] * 100) componentscore_string = componentscore + " %" ax.text(component_horizontal_position,component_label_position,componentscore_string, ha='center', va='center',transform=ax.transAxes) return def plot_zscores(self,*args,**kwargs): """Plots the projected statistical distances annotated with the corresponding laboratory-level Z scores. Pass-through to :py:class:Population.plot_zscores. """ ax = self.population.plot_zscores(*args,**kwargs) ax.set_xlim(-0.5,len(self.lablist)-0.5) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(self.lablist))) ax.set_xticklabels(self.lablist,rotation='vertical') return def plot_outliers(self,ax,y_component=1): """Plots the principal component scores for each lab along with the final distribution used to calculate the outliers :param ax: The axis on which the plot will be made :key y_component: Which principal component to use on the Y axis, if not the first """ zscores_projected = self.pca_scores z_mask = self.outlier_mask #Create the scatterplot, blue for outliers and red for inliers scatterplot = ax.scatter(self.pca_scores[z_mask,0], self.pca_scores[z_mask,y_component], c='r',edgecolors='none',s=60,zorder=3) scatterplot = ax.scatter(self.pca_scores[np.invert(z_mask),0], self.pca_scores[np.invert(z_mask),y_component], c='b',edgecolors='none',s=60,zorder=4) #Get the x and y limits of the plot (xmin,xmax) = ax.get_xlim() (ymin,ymax) = ax.get_ylim() #Make the grid numgrid = 60 xstep = (xmax-xmin)/numgrid ystep = (ymax-ymin)/numgrid xdata = np.arange(xmin,xmax,xstep) ydata = np.arange(ymin,ymax,ystep) xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xdata,ydata) dist = np.sqrt(xx ** 2 + yy ** 2) rv = self.population.distribution(*self.population.params) std = self.population.distribution(1) pdf_for_plot = std.ppf(rv.cdf(dist)) levelsc = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] levelsf = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5] levelsc = list(np.arange(1,std.ppf(0.95))) + [std.ppf(0.95)] levelsf = [0.25] + list(np.arange(0.5,std.ppf(0.95),0.5)) + [std.ppf(0.95)] cformats = ['{:1.0f}'] * (len(levelsc) - 1) cformats += ['{:3.1f}'] cformats_dict = {x:fmt_str.format(x) for x,fmt_str in zip(levelsc,cformats) } ccolors = ['w'] * int(len(levelsc)/2) ccolors += ['k'] * int( (len(levelsc) + 1)/2) ctr1 = ax.contourf(xx,yy,pdf_for_plot,extend='min',cmap='Greys_r',levels=levelsf,zorder=1) ctr2 = ax.contour(xx,yy,pdf_for_plot,extend='neither',colors=ccolors,levels=levelsc,zorder=2) contourlabels = plt.clabel(ctr2,fmt=cformats_dict,colors=ccolors) component1score = "%5.2f" % (self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0] * 100) component2score = "%5.2f" % (self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_[y_component] * 100) xaxislabel = 'Component 1: ' + component1score + " %" yaxislabel = 'Component ' + str(y_component + 1) +': ' + component2score + " %" ax.set_xlabel(xaxislabel,size=20) ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel,size=20) for j,labeltext in enumerate(self.lablist): if not z_mask[j]: ax.text(self.pca_scores[j,0]+1.0,self.pca_scores[j,y_component], labeltext, ha='left',va='center', size='9', bbox = dict(facecolor='w'))