Source code for project

from utilities import ExperimentGroup,InterlabArray,g_formatter,idfunc

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.spatial 
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn import preprocessing as skpp
from sklearn import impute as skimp

import plot_utils as plu

#We use the tqdm notebook function and its widgets in order to run a lot of things, but we don't actually need it
    import tqdm
    tqfunc = tqdm.tqdm_notebook
except ImportError:
    #if tqdm isn't available, just use the idfunc defined below

[docs]class Project(object): """The top-level project class for the interlaboratory comparison module :key Sample_names: List of sample names, used as keys for the dictionaries of data set names and processed and raw data. Each key in this list will correspond to a :py:class:`ExperimentGroup` object :key Data_set_names: Dictionary of data sets (labs) with data for each sample :key data: Dictionary of data to be used for the interlab analysis :key rawdata: Dictionary of unprocessed data, if different from data :key distance_metrics: List of distance metrics. Each metric in this list will be used to create a :py:class:`DistanceMetric` object within each :py:class:`ExperimentGroup` object :key x_data_list: The list of x data in the data array. For 2D data, this is not used :key range_to_use: Used to screen certain parts of the spectral data from consideration in the experimental comparison :key distribution_function: Which distribution will be assumed when assigning Z scores to each measurement of a sample. The default is sp.stats.lognorm :key outlier_dist: Which distribution will be assumed when detecting outliers. The default is the same as distribution_function """ def __init__(self, data=None, rawdata=None, distance_metrics=None, Sample_names=None, Data_set_names=None, x_data_list=None, range_to_use=None, distribution_function=sp.stats.lognorm, outlier_dist=None): # Feature names self._x_data=None if x_data_list is not None: self._x_data = np.array(x_data_list) # Names for the data sets (or laboratories) and samples () self.Labels = Data_set_names self.Spectrum_names = Sample_names #Distance metrics for measuring the sample distances self.distance_metrics = distance_metrics #Range of data to use for analysis self._range_to_use = range_to_use self.zscores_array = dict self.pca = dict() self.projected_zscores = dict() self.outlier_mask = dict() self.zscore_pdf = dict() self.pdfs = dict() self._distribution_function = distribution_function self._outlier_distribution = outlier_dist if outlier_dist is None: self._outlier_distribution = distribution_function #Create the experiment groups self.experiment_groups = [] self._create_groups(xdata=self._x_data,data=data,rawdata=rawdata,data_names=Data_set_names) #Create the list of unique labs project_lablist = [] for group in self.experiment_groups: project_lablist += list(group.data_names) self.lablist = list(np.unique(project_lablist)) #Create the interlab arrays that will be used for outlier analysis self.interlab_arrays = {} self._create_interlab_arrays() return def __str__(self): #allitems = self.experiment_groups + [self.interlab_arrays[metric['metric']] for metric in self.distance_metrics] exps_rep = ['Experiments:'] + [str(item) for item in self.experiment_groups] inls_rep = ['Interlab arrays:'] + [str(self.interlab_arrays[metric['metric']]) for metric in self.distance_metrics] str_rep = '\n '.join(exps_rep) + '\n' + '\n '.join(inls_rep) return str_rep @property def names(self): names = {} for item in self.experiment_groups: names[] = item return names def __getitem__(self,x): if x is None: return self.experiment_groups elif type(x) is slice: return self.experiment_groups[x] elif type(x) is tuple: exp = x[0] metric = x[1] group = self._get_experiment(exp) if type(metric) is str: return group[metric] else: return [group[metric] for metric in x[1]] elif type(x) is list: groups = [self._get_experiment(exp) for exp in x] return groups else: return self._get_experiment(x) return def _get_experiment(self,exp): if type(exp) is int: return self.experiment_groups[exp] else: try: return self.names[exp] except KeyError: print('No experiment with name ' + exp) def _create_groups(self,xdata=None,data=None,rawdata=None,data_names=None,): for key in self.Spectrum_names: group_keyw = dict(name=key, xdata=xdata, data=data[key], rawdata=rawdata[key], data_names=data_names[key], distance_metrics=self.distance_metrics, distribution=self._distribution_function, #mahalanobis_dict=self.mahalanobis_dict ) if data[key].shape[0] > 2: self.experiment_groups += [ExperimentGroup(**group_keyw)] else: print('Group {} has fewer than 3 measurements, not creating'.format(key)) return def _create_interlab_arrays(self): for metric in self.distance_metrics: metric_name = metric['metric'] self.interlab_arrays[metric_name] = InterlabArray(name=metric_name) return
[docs] def set_distances(self): """Calculates the interspectral distances for each experiment group and metric """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Distances'): metric_name = metric['metric'] for group in tqfunc(self.experiment_groups,desc=metric_name): group.distance(metric_name)
[docs] def fit_zscores(self): """Fits the sample-level zscores for each experiment group and metric. """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Sample Zscores'): metric_name = metric['metric'] for group in tqfunc(self.experiment_groups,desc=metric_name): group.fit_zscores(metric_name)
[docs] def find_outliers(self,**kwargs): """Finds the sample outliers for each experiment group and metric. """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Sample Outliers'): metric_name = metric['metric'] for group in tqfunc(self.experiment_groups,desc=metric_name): group.find_outliers(metric_name,**kwargs)
[docs] def fit_lab_zscores(self): """Fits the lab-level zscores for each metric. """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Lab Zscores'): metric_name = metric['metric'] self.interlab_arrays[metric_name].fit_zscores()
[docs] def find_lab_outliers(self,**kwargs): """Finds the lab outliers for each metric. """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Lab outliers'): metric_name = metric['metric'] self.interlab_arrays[metric_name].find_outliers(**kwargs)
[docs] def extract_matrices(self,**kwargs): """Runs :py:func:`.extract_experimental_matrix` for each experimental matrix """ for metric in tqfunc(self.distance_metrics,desc='Extract matrices'): metric_name = metric['metric'] self.extract_experimental_matrix(metric=metric_name,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_distance_fig(self,plot_range=None, cmap='Greys',linecolor='k', distance_metrics=None,plot_data=True,wspace=0, ylabel_buffer=0.8,rightlabel_buffer=0.6,xlabel_buffer=0.5,**kwargs): """For each sample, generates the following plots: * A plot of the spectra generated for that sample by each laboratory * For each metric, a heat map plot of the interspectral distance matrix :key plot_range: An iterable of integers specifying which sample labels to plot :key cmap: The color map that will be used for the distance heat maps :key linecolor: The line color that will be used for the spectral data :key distance_metrics: A list of the distance metrics for which heat maps will be plotted. If None, plot heat maps for all metrics in this project :key plot_data: Boolean that tells whether the raw spectral data will be plotted :key wspace: Horizontal spacing between the heat maps :key ylabel_buffer: Space allocated for the y axis label (in inches) :key rightlabel_buffer: Space allocated for the colorbar label (in inches) :key xlabel_buffer: :returns: distance_fig, the distance measure figure matplotlib object. """ #If no distance metrics are specified, plot them all if distance_metrics is None: distance_metrics = [metric['metric'] for metric in self.distance_metrics] sets_to_plot = self[plot_range]#self._scan_plot_range(plot_range) #Number of distance plots, number of sets to plot, and number of columns in the plot numdist = len(distance_metrics) numspecs = len(sets_to_plot) numcols = numdist # Height of each row, in inches height = 1.5 #Width of the spectrum column and distance-metric column, in terms of row height spectrum_width = 2 distance_width = 1.5 widths = [] total_width = 0 if plot_data: numcols += 1 widths += [spectrum_width] total_width += spectrum_width for i in range(numdist): widths += [distance_width] # Add the appropriate number of columns to the width list total_width += distance_width fs = (total_width * height,numspecs * height) #total figure size, inches gs_key = dict(width_ratios=widths,hspace=0.075,wspace=wspace) #Create the figure we're going to plot in sfig,saxes = plu.make_grid_plot(numspecs,numcols,figsize=fs,gridspec_kw=gs_key, sharey='row',#sharex='col', right_ylabel=r'Pairwise Distance, $D_{ij,k}$', xlabel='Data set ID',ylabel='Data set ID', ylabel_buffer=ylabel_buffer, rightlabel_buffer=rightlabel_buffer, xlabel_buffer=xlabel_buffer, add_buffer=True) show_titles = True #Create the distance measure plots for group,ax_row in zip(sets_to_plot,saxes): group.distance_measure_plot(ax_row,plot_data=plot_data, data_kwargs=dict(linecolor=linecolor), distance_kwargs=dict(cmap=cmap,**kwargs), distance_metrics=distance_metrics, show_titles=show_titles) show_titles = False #Change the heat map ranges so that they're all the same for metric_num,metric_name in enumerate(distance_metrics): #metric_name = metric['metric'] #Find the least minimum and greatest maximum for all of the groups for this metric plot_min = [] plot_max = [] for group in sets_to_plot: pmn,pmx = group[metric_name].minmax() plot_min += [pmn] plot_max += [pmx] distance_min = np.array(plot_min).min() distance_max = np.array(plot_max).max() #Expand the limits of the images to be the same as the least min and greatest max for row in saxes: plot_locator = metric_num + int(plot_data) #need to increment this by 1 if the data is being plotted with the heat maps im = row[plot_locator].get_images()[0] im.set_clim(vmin=distance_min,vmax=distance_max) return sfig
def process_mahalanobis(self,sets_to_extract=None,threshold=1e-1): """Calculates the pooled covariance for use by Mahalanobis distance """ #Extract the groups we want to use for the Mahalanobis distance groups_to_use = self[sets_to_extract]#self._scan_plot_range(sets_to_extract) #Default values need defined before running covariance = None denom = 0 for group in groups_to_use: #Mean-center the data data_centered = ( - #Covariance matrix for this group cov_this = np.cov(data_centered) if covariance is None: covariance = np.zeros_like(cov_this) #This appears a lot because statistics std_factor =[1] - 1 #Start adding together the weighted covariances covariance += std_factor * cov_this denom += std_factor #Final step of pooling covariance = covariance / denom #Pseudo-inverse VI = np.linalg.pinv(covariance,rcond=threshold) #self.mahalanobis_dict = dict(VI=VI,) for group in groups_to_use: group['Mahalanobis'].mahalanobis_dict = dict(VI=VI,) def _extract_matrix(self,sets=None,metric=None,screen_outliers=True): '''Turns the dict-of-zscores into a zscores array with experiments on one axis and labs on the other. Replaces missing lab/experiment combinations with np.nan''' if metric is None: raise ValueError('Must specify the metric to use') sets_to_extract = self[sets]#self._scan_plot_range(sets) #if sets is None: sets = [ for group in sets_to_extract] #Create the array of zscores for experiments shape = (len(sets),len(self.lablist)) zscores_array = np.empty(shape) zscores_array.fill(np.nan) for group in sets_to_extract: #Extract z-scores and outliers zscores = group[metric].zscores if screen_outliers: outliers = ~group[metric].outlier_mask #outlier_mask MASKS the outliers, we want the opposite else: #If we're not screening outliers, the outlier mask should just be all zeros, i.e. nothing is an outlier outliers = np.zeros_like(group[metric].outlier_mask,dtype=np.bool) data_names = group.data_names #key_location and lab_location tell us where to find the inlier and outlier labs key_location = sets.index( for outlier,zscore,data_name in zip(outliers,zscores,data_names): lab_location = self.lablist.index(data_name) #If this element in zscores_array is nan, then we haven't filled it yet if np.isnan(zscores_array[key_location,lab_location]): if not outlier: zscores_array[key_location,lab_location] = zscore #Otherwise, we've filled it, so take the average else: if not outlier: zscores_array[key_location,lab_location] = (zscores_array[key_location,lab_location] + zscore)/2 return zscores_array
[docs] def extract_experimental_matrix(self, sets=None, metric=None, screen_outliers=True, imputation_axis=0): """Extracts the zscore data from the dict-of-vectors format and casts it as a 2D array. The dictionary of sample-level z-scores is recast as an array, with one dimension corresponding to sample names and the other corresponding to laboratory. :key sets: Sets to extract for the interlab comparison :key metric: Distance metric that will be used :key screen_outliers: Whether to remove outlier measurements before imputing missing values :key imputation_axis: Axis along which to impute missing values """ if sets is None: sets = [ for group in self.experiment_groups] zscores_array = self._extract_matrix(sets=sets,metric=metric,screen_outliers=screen_outliers) #Find labs that have had all their spectra removed as outlier spectra no_exp_for_lab = np.all(np.isnan(zscores_array),axis=0) #Impute the missing Z scores by replacing all nan values with the median imp = skimp.SimpleImputer(strategy='median')#,axis=imputation_axis) zscores_imputed = imp.fit_transform(zscores_array.T[~no_exp_for_lab]).T #Load the imputed score array into the interlab array object self.interlab_arrays[metric].data_array = zscores_imputed self.interlab_arrays[metric].lablist = list(np.array(self.lablist)[~no_exp_for_lab]) self.interlab_arrays[metric].datasets = sets #PCA transformation and projected statistial distance calculation self.interlab_arrays[metric].fit_transform() return
def plot_zscores_heatmap(self, sets=None, metric=None, screen_outliers=True, cmap='Greys',**subplot_kwargs): """Extracts the zscore data from the dict-of-vectors format and casts it as a 2D array, plotting it with missing and outlier data called out. The dictionary of sample-level z-scores is recast as an array, with one dimension corresponding to sample names and the other corresponding to laboratory. The array is then plotted as a heat map. :key sets: Sets to extract for the interlab comparison :key metric: Distance metric that will be used :key screen_outliers: Whether to remove outlier measurements before imputing missing values :key imputation_axis: Axis along which to impute missing values """ if sets is None: sets = [ for group in self.experiment_groups] #Extract the experiment matrix without screening outliers zscores_array = self._extract_matrix(sets=sets,metric=metric,screen_outliers=False) #Find the smallest finite value in the matrix (NaNs are missing) and set the vmin for the heatmap to that value. Then fill the NaNs with zeros vmin = zscores_array[np.isfinite(zscores_array)].min() zscores_array[np.isnan(zscores_array)] = 0 #By default, we are not flagging outliers vmax = None extend = 'min' if screen_outliers: extend = 'both' #Find the outlier limit, which is the 95th (94.95) percentile, and set vmax to that value std = self._distribution_function(1) vmax = std.ppf(0.9495) #Create the figure and axis objects fig,ax = plt.subplots(**subplot_kwargs) #Get the colormap and then set the over- and under-colors cmaps = cmaps.set_over('r') #Red for outliers cmaps.set_under('0.6') #Grey for missing data #Plot the heat map and color bar im = ax.imshow(zscores_array,cmap=cmaps,origin='lower',aspect='auto',vmax=vmax,vmin=vmin) cb = fig.colorbar(im,ax=ax,extend=extend) #Axis labels ax.set_ylabel('Experiment',size=15) ax.set_xlabel('Data Set ID',size=15) cb.set_label('Z-score',size=15) #X tick labels for facilities a = ax.set_xticks(range(len(self.lablist))) a = ax.set_xticklabels(self.lablist,rotation='vertical') #Y tick labels for experiment groups a = ax.set_yticks(range(len(sets))) a = ax.set_yticklabels(sets) def _standard_plot(self,numplots,numcols,gs_kw=dict(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.4),**kwargs): '''Creates a standard plot that we use a lot''' numrows = int(math.floor((numplots + numcols - 1)/ numcols)) height = 1 width = 5 fig, ax_array = plu.make_grid_plot(numrows,numcols, plotsize=(width,height), gridspec_kw=gs_kw, **kwargs) axes = ax_array.flatten('F') return fig,axes def _scan_plot_range(self,plot_range=None): #If no experimental groups are specified, show them all if plot_range is None: sets_to_plot = self.experiment_groups #Otherwise, find the groups by name else: sets_to_plot = [] for name in plot_range: for group in self.experiment_groups: if == name: sets_to_plot += [group] return sets_to_plot
[docs] def plot_histograms(self,metric,plot_range=None,numcols=2,xlabel_buffer=0.8,rotation=None) : """Plots a histogram of the average interspectral distance for each sample, along with the corresponding fit :param metrics: The metric for which the distances will be plotted :key plot_range: An iterable of integers specifying which sample labels to plot :key numcols: The number of columns in the distance plot :key xlabel_buffer: Space allocated for x-axis labels (in inches) :key rotation: Specifies the orientation of the z-score labels for individual labs :returns pdffig: The distances and scores plot as a matplotlib figure object """ sets_to_plot = self[plot_range]#self._scan_plot_range(plot_range) numplots = len(sets_to_plot) xlabel = r"Average Diameter Distance, $\^{D}_{i,k}$" ylabel = "Probability Density" gs_kw = dict(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.4) pdffig,pdfax = self._standard_plot(numplots,numcols,gs_kw=gs_kw, xlabel_buffer=xlabel_buffer, ylabel=ylabel,xlabel=xlabel, add_buffer=True, sharex=True,sharey=True, ) plot_min = [] plot_max = [] for group in sets_to_plot: plot_min += [group[metric].distance_min] plot_max += [group[metric].distance_max] distance_min = np.array(plot_min).min() distance_max = np.array(plot_max).max() #Create the histogram bins and corresponding PDF evaluation points num_bins = 20 max_bin = distance_max min_bin = distance_min binsize = (max_bin - min_bin)/float(num_bins) lognorm_xvals = np.linspace(min_bin,max_bin,num_bins*10) #Ticks pdf_locator = plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=4,prune='both') #Plot each histogram for ax,group in zip(pdfax,sets_to_plot): group.histogram(metric,ax, num_bins=num_bins,max_bin=max_bin,min_bin=min_bin) #Count number of non-outlier samples num_samples = (np.count_nonzero(group[metric].outlier_mask),len(group.data_names)) #Annotate the histograms plot_text = '\n'.join((,'N = {} / {}'.format(*num_samples))) ax.text(0.98,0.9,plot_text,ha='right',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pdf_locator) return pdffig
[docs] def plot_zscore_distances(self,metric,plot_range=None,numcols=2, xlabel_buffer=1,ylabel_buffer=0.6, rotation=None) : """Plots a bar chart of the average interspectral distance for each sample, annotated with the generalized Z score for each sample :param metric: The metric for which the distances will be plotted :key plot_range: An iterable of integers specifying which sample labels to plot :key numcols: The number of columns in the distance plot :key xlabel_buffer: Space allocated for x-axis labels (in inches) :key ylabel_buffer: Space allocated for y-axis labels (in inches) :key rotation: Specifies the orientation of the z-score labels for individual labs :returns zscorefig: The distances and scores plot as a matplotlib figure object """ sets_to_plot = self[plot_range]#self._scan_plot_range(plot_range) numplots = len(sets_to_plot) ylabel = r"Average Diameter Distance, $\^{D}_{i,k}$" xlabel = 'Data set ID' if numplots == 2: ylabel = ylabel.replace('r D','r\nD') if numplots < 2: ylabel = ylabel.replace(' ','\n') gs_kw = dict(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.4) #By default, share axes among all plots sharex = True olm0 = sets_to_plot[0][metric].outlier_mask.shape #Get the shape of the outlier mask of the first group #Check to make sure the outlier masks are the same length for group in sets_to_plot: #Check if the lablists of each experimental group are the same length mask_same = group[metric].outlier_mask.shape == olm0 if not(mask_same): sharex = False #Can't share axes if different number of labs zscorefig,zscoreax = self._standard_plot(numplots,numcols,gs_kw=gs_kw, xlabel_buffer=xlabel_buffer, ylabel_buffer=ylabel_buffer, ylabel=ylabel,xlabel=xlabel, add_buffer=True, sharex=sharex,sharey=True,) #Ticks pdf_locator = plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=4,prune='both') for ax,group in zip(zscoreax,sets_to_plot): group.plot_zscores(metric,ax,rotation=rotation) ax.text(0.98,1.02,,ha='right',va='bottom',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pdf_locator) if not sharex: ax.set_xticklabels([]) return zscorefig
[docs] def plot_projected_zscores(self,distance_metrics=None,xlabel_buffer=1,rotation=None): """Plots the projected statistical distances annotated with the corresponding laboratory-level Z scores. :key distance_metrics: A list of the distance metrics for which statistical distances will be plotted. If None, plot statistical distances for all metrics in this project :key xlabel_buffer: Space allocated for x-axis labels (in inches) :key rotation: Specifies the orientation of the z-score labels for individual labs :returns: zscorefig, the projected statistical distances plot as a matplotlib figure object """ #Distance metrics that will be used if distance_metrics is None: interlabs = self.interlab_arrays #[print(interlab) for interlab in interlabs] distance_metrics = [interlab for interlab in interlabs] interlabs = [] for metric in distance_metrics: interlabs += [self.interlab_arrays[metric]] #Number of plots, size of figure numplots = len(interlabs) numcols = 1 numrows = int(math.floor((numplots + numcols - 1)/ numcols)) width = 5 height = 1 #Xlabel and ylabel ylabel = r"Projected Statistical Distance, $||T_L||$" xlabel = 'Data set ID' #Collapese ylabel if there aren't many rows if numplots == 2: ylabel = ylabel.replace('l D','l\nD') if numplots < 2: ylabel = ylabel.replace(' ','\n') gs_kw = dict(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.4) #By default, share axes among all plots sharex = True #Check to make sure the outlier masks are the same length for interlab in interlabs: #Check if the lablists are the same length mask_same = interlab.outlier_mask.shape == interlabs[0].outlier_mask.shape if not(mask_same): sharex = False #Can't share axes if different number of labs zscorefig,zscoreax_array = plu.make_grid_plot(numrows,numcols,plotsize=(width,height), xlabel_buffer=xlabel_buffer, ylabel=ylabel,xlabel=xlabel, add_buffer=True, sharex=sharex,sharey=True,gridspec_kw=gs_kw) zscoreax = zscoreax_array.flatten('F') for ax,interlab,metric in zip(zscoreax,interlabs,distance_metrics): interlab.plot_zscores(ax,rotation=rotation) ax.set_title(metric) axis_locator = plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=5,prune='both') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(axis_locator) if not sharex: ax.set_xticklabels([]) return zscorefig
[docs] def plot_zscore_loadings(self,distance_metrics=None,xlabel_buffer=1): """Plots the principal component loadings for the statistical distances :key distance_metrics: A list of the distance metrics for which loadings will be plotted. If None, plot loadings for all metrics in this project :key xlabel_buffer: Space allocated for x-axis labels (in inches) :returns: loadfig, the projected statistical loadings plot as a matplotlib figure object """ #Distance metrics that will be used if distance_metrics is None: interlabs = self.interlab_arrays #[print(interlab) for interlab in interlabs] distance_metrics = [interlab for interlab in interlabs] interlabs = [] for metric in distance_metrics: interlabs += [self.interlab_arrays[metric]] #Number of plots, size of figure numplots = len(interlabs) numcols = 1 numrows = int(math.floor((numplots + numcols - 1)/ numcols)) width = 5 height = 1 ylabel = u"Component Value" xlabel = 'Cluster ID' #if numplots < 2: # ylabel = ylabel.replace(' ','\n') gs_kw = dict(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.4) loadfig,loadax_array = plu.make_grid_plot(numrows,numcols,plotsize=(width,height), xlabel_buffer=xlabel_buffer, ylabel=ylabel,xlabel=xlabel, add_buffer=True, sharex=True,sharey=True,gridspec_kw=gs_kw) loadax = loadax_array.flatten('F') for ax,interlab,metric in zip(loadax,interlabs,distance_metrics): interlab.plot_components(ax) ax.set_title(metric) axis_locator = plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=5,prune='both') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(axis_locator) return loadfig
[docs] def plot_zscore_outliers(self,metric,y_component=1,text=True): """Plots the principal component scores for each lab along with the final distribution used to calculate the outliers :param metric: The metric used to calculate the interspectral distances :key y_component: Which principal component to use on the Y axis, if not the first :key text: Whether to label the plot with the name of the :returns: zscore_outliers_fig, the Z score outlier plot as a matplotlib figure object """ zscore_outliers_fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize = (10,5)) self.interlab_arrays[metric].plot_outliers(ax,y_component=y_component) if text: zscore_outliers_fig.text(0.85,0.8,metric,ha='right',va='top',size=15,transform=ax.transAxes) return zscore_outliers_fig