Hedgehog  3.1.0
A library to generate hybrid pipeline workflow systems
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hh::tool::internals Namespace Reference

Hedgehog tool internals namespace. More...


struct  HasType
 Base definition of HasType testing if a type T is in tuple Tuple. More...
struct  HasType< T, std::tuple< Front, Ts... > >
 Definition of HasType if T is different than the front type of the variadic. More...
struct  HasType< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
 Definition of HasType if T is the same type as the front type of the variadic. More...
struct  HasType< T, std::tuple<> >
 Default definition of HasType if the tuple is empty. More...
struct  Intersect
 Intersect metafunction creating a tuple of types that are in T1 and T2. More...
struct  IntersectImpl
 Base definition of the implementation of the Intersect metafunction. More...
struct  IntersectImpl< T1, T2, Size, Size >
 Definition of the implementation of the Intersect metafunction when arriving at the end of T1. More...
struct  PushFront
 Base definition of PushFront accepting a tuple as template parameter and the element to add. More...
struct  PushFront< std::tuple< Vs... >, T >
 Definition of PushFront accepting a variadic as template parameter and the element to add. More...
struct  SplitInput
 Base definition of SplitInput splitting a tuple of type to get the input types. More...
struct  SplitInput< Types, std::index_sequence< Indices... > >
 Definition of SplitInput splitting a tuple of type to get the input types. More...
struct  SplitOutput
 Base definition of SplitOutput_t splitting a tuple of type to get the output types. More...
struct  SplitOutput< Types, delta, std::index_sequence< Indices... > >
 Base definition of SplitOutput_t splitting a tuple of type to get the output types. More...
struct  Splitter
 Metafunction splitting a variadic to input and output types at a specific delimiter. More...


template<typename Ts , typename T >
using PushFront_t = typename PushFront< Ts, T >::Type
 Helper creating a tuple from a tuple Ts in wish we have added on front the type T.
template<typename Types , typename Indices >
using SplitInput_t = typename SplitInput< Types, Indices >::Type
 Helper getting the input types in a tuple.
template<typename Types , size_t delta, typename Indices >
using SplitOutput_t = typename SplitOutput< Types, delta, Indices >::Type
 Helper to output types of a tuple.

Detailed Description

Hedgehog tool internals namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PushFront_t

template<typename Ts , typename T >
using hh::tool::internals::PushFront_t = typedef typename PushFront<Ts, T>::Type

Helper creating a tuple from a tuple Ts in wish we have added on front the type T.

Definition at line 75 of file meta_functions.h.

◆ SplitInput_t

template<typename Types , typename Indices >
using hh::tool::internals::SplitInput_t = typedef typename SplitInput<Types, Indices>::Type

Helper getting the input types in a tuple.

Definition at line 94 of file meta_functions.h.

◆ SplitOutput_t

template<typename Types , size_t delta, typename Indices >
using hh::tool::internals::SplitOutput_t = typedef typename SplitOutput<Types, delta, Indices>::Type

Helper to output types of a tuple.

Definition at line 115 of file meta_functions.h.