class TrialSelectParticle : public feasst::TrialSelect
Select a random particle for trial.
Subclassed by feasst::SelectCrankshaftSmall, feasst::SelectSegment
load_coordinates: load the coordinates into the selection (default: true)
site: site index to select. If all sites, set to -1 (default).
ghost: select ghost particles (default: false).
exclude_perturbed: if true, exclude perturbed particle (default: false)
min_particles: do not select if less than min number of particles. If -1, no constraint (default: -1). Note that this is the number of particles before the Trial.
max_particles: do not select if more than max number of particles. If -1, no constraint (default: -1). Note that this is the number of particles before the Trial.
TrialSelect arguments.