
class Table

Table values are assumed to be equally spaced and vary from 0 to 1.

Subclassed by feasst::Table1D, feasst::Table2D, feasst::Table3D, feasst::Table4D, feasst::Table5D, feasst::Table6D

class Table1D : public feasst::Table

This is a one-dimensional implementation of a table.

class Table2D : public feasst::Table

This is a two-dimensional implementation of a table.

class Table3D : public feasst::Table

This is a three-dimensional implementation of a table.

class Table4D : public feasst::Table

This is a four-dimensional implementation of a table.

class Table5D : public feasst::Table

This is a five-dimensional implementation of a table.

class Table6D : public feasst::Table

This is a six-dimensional implementation of a table.