Developer guidelines
Developers and contributors of FEASST may consider the following guidelines in order to simplify collaboration.
Branch policies
Branches in Git are extremely useful for working on different features within the same code base and then merging them into a final product or release.
Using and naming branches in a way that is consistent may simplify this process.
Main branch
This is the release branch. This branch may only merge with develop and hotfix branches.
GTEST: Unittest C++ and all tests pass
GCOV and LCOV: Test coverage which must be >85%
SWIG and Python unittested
Document new features
git tag -a <version number>
andgit push --tags
Develop branch
This is the development branch.
Tested and complete implementation of new features are added here.
Code must compile and gtests pass successfully
Consider feature compatibility with swig python interface
When merging into this branch, use –squash to add the entire feature with a single commit. Alternatively, you could also rebase your private branch.
Hotfix branch
The hotfix branch is for implementation of bug fixes to the main branch. After merging with main and develop, they are deleted.
Feature branches
These branches are for the development of new features. These branch names must begin with characters which identify the main developer of the feature (e..g, username/feature) The main developer sets the branch policy.
Dead (dead_*) branches
These branches may record an incomplete attempt of a feature that may be relevant in the future. These branch names must begin with the characters “dead”.
No rules. Code may not compile. HINT: rename branches with “git branch -m <newname>”
Pull requests
To create a pull request:
fork the usnistgov repo
create a new feature branch “user/feature” to implement your changes (git checkout develop; git checkout -b user/feature)
make as many commits as you want for yourself, which will be squashed into one commit when you’re finished as follows
when your feature is ready and well tested and you’re ready to submit a pull request, first you can check if any more changes were made to develop (git checkout develop; git pull usnistgov develop; git checkout user/feature; git merge develop)
squash your commits into a new branch “testmerge” off develop (git checkout develop; git checkout -b testmerge; git merge –squash user/feature)
submit the “testmerge” branch in the pull request.
You can keep your “user/feature” branch with more fine-grain commits for your own purposes or later testing if an issue is discovered. I often rename these “complete_feature_[commit]” after merging to develop where the commit is 6-10 of the first characters of the squash merge commit (for later record).
Try to copy the style of existing commits in the main branch. This means reducing the number of commits in a pull request (e.g., consider a git merge), and to keep the commit descriptions in a similar style as existing commits. For example, the description should be a single sentence that is general and not redundant information from what you see when you click on the details of the commit. Basically, the commit description should be a single line and very succinct (e.g., the classes or plugins changed).
For lead developers to incorporate the pull request into feasst - git fetch usnistgov pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME - git checkout BRANCHNAME - [make local changes. Can “git commit –amend”] - If authorship is missing after a squash merge, use git commit –amend –author=”My Nick” - git push usnistgov BRANCHNAME
GTEST: Unittest C++
The main branch requires GTEST coverage for all cpp plugins in plugin/name/test.
cmake -DUSE_GTEST=ON ..
make unittest -j12
to run specific testsuse
./bin/unittest |& more
to pipe stderr to stdout.use
to randomize the order of the testsuse
to reproduce an specific order.
GDB or LLDB: Debugging
gdb (or lldb on macOS) is especially useful for identifying segfaults via backtraces. The -g flag in compilation pulls the symbols so that you can get correct line numbers in the gdb output. Often, the optimization flags (e.g., -O3) can obfuscate the backtrace. If that is the case, recompile without optimization (using cmake).
In bash
gdb [program executable name]
r [flags]
gdb --batch --command=../dev/test.gdb ./bin/unittest
gdb can also be used with python as
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/feasst/build/
gdb python
r [python script] [optional flags]
use ‘gdb catch throw’ or ‘lldb break set -E C++’ to backtrace exceptions
use gdb as a profiler by ctrl c in the middle and backtrace:
use gdb as a parallel profiler:
Valgrind: Find memory leaks
Valgrind helps to detect memory management bugs.
For example, to run Valgrind on a particular test and output to text file
valgrind ./unittest --gtest_filter=MC.* > out.txt 2>&1
For uninitialized value errors, try –track-origins=yes
For leaks, try –leak-check=full –show-leak-kinds=all
Don’t use profiler for leak checks. OMP causes “leaks” O.K.
For suppress false-positives (e.g., gomp or gsl), use –gen-suppressions=all to generate suppression files
GCOV and LCOV: Test coverage
GCC compilers allow testing of coverage with gcov and lcov for visualization.
Code: currently implemented with Travis CI and CodeCov and available online. See .travis.yml for example of how to use lcov
Use GCOV with CMake: cmake -DUSE_GCOV . Note: this disables optimization, so don’t use it for production simulations.
make coverage
Open coverage/index.html in your browser.
Go into “src” and ignore the external library coverage.
CCACHE: Speed up compilation time
Something as trivial as changing a comment in a header file can lead to a massive recompile of the entire source. Your previous compile is remembered by ccache, leading to near instant recompilation in the above example.
cpplint and pylint: Clean up styling
sudo apt install doxygen pandoc pip install sphinx breathe pandoc doxygen with GENERATE_XML run sphinx-quickstart, enable autodoc add something like the following to your sphinx index.rst:
.. doxygenclass:: Nutshell
:project: nutshell
- add the following to your sphinx
extensions = [ “breathe”, “nbsphinx” ] breathe_projects = {“FEASST”:”../xml”} breathe_domain_by_extension = {“h” : “cc”}
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme nbsphinx
run sphinx: make html
apt install graphviz graphviz-dev pandoc
pip install pygraphviz breathe pandoc
Sphinx/Breathe/Doxygen notes
Link from rst file to C++ function:
:cpp:func:`link <feasst::className::function()>`
Link from rst file to C++ class:
:cpp:class:`link <feasst::className>`
Link from rst file to fst file:
[note, / references root]Link from rst file to ipynb file :
`Tutorial <tutorial/tutorial.html>`_
Link from C++ to C++:
Link from C++ source to rst file:
<a href="tutorial/asdf.html">test</a>
For math in C++ comments:
\f$ latex code here \f$
For tables, see monte_carlo/include/trial_compute_add.h
For Ubuntu 22, I had to comment out lines 713-714 of ~/.pyenv/feasst/lib/python3.10/site-packages/breathe/renderer/
#assert isinstance(n, addnodes.desc_annotation) #assert n.astext()[-1] == “ “
Sphinx bibtex
Add references in header file documentation as rstendrst and update the bibtex in /feasst/dev/sphinx/refs.bib
Pip notes
Reference guides for C++
ClassNames are mixed case with starting upper case letter
member_names are lower case with underscores
private_member_names_ end with an underscore
function_names are also lower case with underscores
bools syntax: is_[accepted.., etc]
MACROS and CONSTANTS are all upper case.
use “and”, “or” instead of “&&”, “||” (HWH: change this to follow Google?)
Use return values. Argument ordering: input (value or constant reference), then output (pointer only)
Overloaded functions -> can you document all in a single comment? good
No Default parameters on virtual functions
Nearly all data members should be private. Limit protected members
member_name() returns const member
set_member_name(member_name) sets member
For setters with multiple arguments, the first are vector indices as in order x[0] = 3…
getptr_member_name returns constant pointer (optimization only)
Loops and if
use of “for (auto element : container) { … }” is dangerous
for simple loops over containers, use “for (element : container)”
for loops where you need the index, use: for (int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>(container.size()); ++index)
only use auto when the type is clear such as auto var = std::make_shared<..>.
All arguments are provided as strings and converted to the expected type.
Check that all arguments are used (e.g., like implicit none, a typo is caught).
Argument defaults need to be set and clearly commented.
If no default, it is a required argument.
For inheritance hierarchy, a static deserialize_map is used to relate class name to template.
Each object serializes a version that can be used for checks and backwards compatibility.
utils_io.h contains many function templates for serialization.
In particular, feasst_deserialize_fstdr() needs to be fixed.
Don’t forget to serialize (private) member data in new implementations.
To compare differences between two serializations, paste into file and using “s/ /r/g”
File output
comma-separated values (CSV) are the preferred format (e.g., comma deliminter)
For quick reference
line counts [find . -name ‘.cpp’ -o -name ‘.h’ | xargs wc -l | sort -n]
tutorial errors [ find . -name ‘tutorial_failures.txt’ | xargs cat ]
tutorial errors [ for fl in find . -name ‘tutorial_failures.txt’; do echo $fl; cat $fl; done ]
launch errors [ for fl in find . -name ‘launch_failures.txt’; do echo $fl; cat $fl | grep -v “Terminating because Checkpoint”; done ]
clear tutorial errors [ for fl in find . -name ‘tutorial_failures.txt’; do echo $fl; rm $fl; done ]
clean docs before running again [ for dir in ls –color=never -d *; do rm $dir/doc/*rst; done ]
screen html errors [ make html > tt 2&>1; grep -v “WARNING: document i” tt | grep -v “WARNING: Duplicate” | grep -v “Declaration is” > ttt ]
find all headers in the public interface [ find . -name ‘*.h’ | xargs grep “^ /** @name Arguments$” ]
find difference in serialization string: [ diff -u f1 f2 |colordiff | perl /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight | more ]
To Do List
profile: Create benchmarking profile to compare among versions
profile: implement timer for profiles (with hierarchies by class… tried this, but its too slow. Time only infrequently?)
profile: implement a timer to auto-balance trial weights based on cpu time.
debug: Toggle more debug levels, and localized to certain files/plugins, etc
debug: Implement a class-specific debug output setting
compile: fix dependency linkers required by clang/cmake on macOS but not g++ on ubuntu
opt: when selecting from cpdf, use lnp instead of p?
force precompute when reinitializing system, criteria, etc in MonteCarlo
MonteCarlo subclass Simulation
add citations to tutorials (reweighting, etc) and also citation suggestions for MC objects
VisitModels may prefer to update select properties (e.g., cell, eik)
Rename TrialSelect->SelectTrial, TrialCompute->ComputeTrial. Rename Compute->Decide?.
Somehow, trial_growth_expanded.h doesn’t include debug.h but can compile with ASSERT
Speed up RNG by maintaining int_distribution like dis_double
Make a CachedRandom and CachedPotential for prefetch and avoid if statements that could slow down serial simulations.
add orientation argument to shapes with internal coordinate transformation
Sort selection_of_all, or impose sorting in Select::add_particles. Currently, this leads to issues.
Rename xyz files, and/or document more cleary (second line in xyz).
Rename plugin chain->config_bias ?
in optimizing where config only updates when trial finalized, how to build off new perturbed config in CB?
Optimize TrialRemove for new_only by not computing interactions with neighbors
Tunable implementation of configurational bias. When param is 0, rebuilds/renormalizes particles to prevent drift in bond lengths/angles.
(repeat) regrow but within near existing, for ‘free dof, e.g. azimuthal in angle, sphere in bond, etc’
Rename Movie->XYZ
Rename Stepper?
Patch custom model params not present in mc.configuration().model_params (affects FileXYZPatch).
early rejection scheme:
get rid of ‘time’ and ‘default’ values for Random seed argument.
Windows with non-integer macrostates?
For unknown reasons, VisitModelOuterCutoff had energy issues with RPM
Add TrialParticlePivot to TrialGrow (randomly orients particle about site). Or, more generally, say num_steps=-1 combines stages into one.
better support compressed trajectory formats: xtc, dcd, etc
Wrap triclinic particles for Movie. See:
Implement Jeff’s parallel method via CollectionMatrixSplice that allows exchange of window ranges with overlapping simulations
Similarly, implement a non-OMP fh parallelization. Maybe that should be the first example before OMP communication? Only problem, keep windows running until last one converges?
Update Translate tunable maximum when volume changes..?
tutorials which segfault on restart dont report errors in automated tests
Move Trial checks so that they can be applied to GhostTrialGrow
Make Criteria[Updater,Writer] part of FlatHistogram keywords?
Restart Prefetch. Does Run::num_trials work properly?
optimize Ewald::update_wave_vector for NPT (less clear,push_back).
Reduce size of Checkpoint files for cell/neighbor lists (re-compute instead of checkpointing them). Also large tables.
Represent relative rigid bodies as screw motion:
Allow mixing rules input in fstprt files (either as manual input i-j or selection of mixing rules from list, or both).
Depreciate and update AngleSquareWell::min/max to min_degrees/max_degrees
Ewald mod k2max like LAMMPS
Add 1/2 factor in AngleHarmonic
Add precompute for BondFourBody, ThreeBody, etc, to speed up? But different dihedrals have different coefficients.
Add option to not serialize neighbor lists to reduce checkpoint size.
Allow one script to contain multiple MonteCarlo, CollectionMatrixSplice, Prefetch in any order? (checkpointing is difficult)
When trials start, check to see if there is a trial that uses weight_per_number_fraction but there are fixed particles (or, see if there are weight_per_number for all types unless excluded?)
Add a FAQ for sim questions, such as, an overview of various table potential options, etc.
Optimize BondVisitor that uses deserialize_map and strings in inner loop
Add more documentation/examples of analyzing stdev of the mean with block analysis. Output individual block averages for custom analysis? Correlation time? Move Accumulator example to text interface. Expose Accumulator options (stepper takes Accumulator arguments).
In v0.26, Remove ConvertToRefPotential, ProfileTrials, RemoveModify, RemoveAnalyze, RemoveTrial, Run::until_criteria_complete, Criteria/Stepper::iteration
Have the tests override hours checkpoint , etc so that users don’t have bad values
Maybe make some kind of class that factories out the creation of analyze and modify (e.g., all using the same trials_per_iteration, file name prefixes, etc)
Remove CollectionMatrixSplice from tutorials?
Enable DCCB with Gibbs (transfer issue, or all cb ?)- ACtually, it seems to be cell lists that are the problem (the ref potential)
fstprt files use label strings instead of numbers (document this, 0-O, 1-H for spce, etc)
pip install feasst
In class documentation, link to tutorials that use the class
automatically determine, every time trial is added, determine which molecules are excluded from weight_per_num_fraction