This module provides some utility input / output functions for use with the FEASST simulation program.
import os
import time
import sys
import random
import json
#import socket
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
from itertools import repeat
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
def dict_to_argparse(dictionary):
Converts a dictionary to a string that argparse may read from command line
>>> from pyfeasst import fstio
>>> params = {'run_type': 0, 'feasst_install': '/path/to/feasst/', 'queue_flags': ""}
>>> fstio.dict_to_argparse(params)
' --run_type 0 --feasst_install /path/to/feasst/ --queue_flags ""'
rtrn = str()
for label in dictionary:
if dictionary[label] == "":
rtrn += ' --'+label+' ""'
rtrn += ' --'+label+' '+str(dictionary[label])
return rtrn
def vector3d_to_list(vec):
Converts a swig stl vector to python list
>>> from pyfeasst import fstio
>>> fstio.vector3d_to_list([[[[0]]]])
lst = list()
for _, vec1 in enumerate(vec):
lst2 = list()
for _, vec2 in enumerate(vec1):
lst3 = list()
for _, vec3 in enumerate(vec2):
return lst
def read_checkpoint(filename):
Return contents of checkpoint file as a string
>>> from pyfeasst import fstio
>>> table = fstio.read_checkpoint('../../tests/tutorial_0_table.txt')
>>> table[:13]
'6867 11 11 11'
with open (filename, "r") as myfile:
assert(len(checkpoint) == 1) # checkpoint files should have only one line
return checkpoint[0]
def all_sims_complete(filename, num_sims):
Read filename and see if all sim ID's from [0, num_sims-1] are present (e.g., complete).
If no file is present, also consider the simulation incomplete.
>>> from pyfeasst import fstio
>>> all_sims_complete('../../tests/lj_sim_ids.txt', 8)
>>> all_sims_complete('../../tests/lj_sim_ids2.txt', 8)
>>> all_sims_complete('../../tests/not_a_file.txt', 8)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return False
with open(filename, 'r') as file1:
lines = file1.read().splitlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
ids = map(str, list(range(num_sims)))
for line in lines:
ids = [i for i in ids if i not in line]
if len(ids) == 0:
return True
return False
def slurm_single_node(params):
Write slurm script to fill one node.
:param dict params:
Must have the following keys:
procs_per_node: number of processors per node,
procs_per_sim: number of processors per simulation,
minutes: maximum number of minutes for job in queue,
prefix: prefix for all output file names,
script: script file name,
sim_id_file: filename to write simulation id's for later checking of status,
max_restarts: maximum number of restarts,
node: node index.
Optional keys:
scratch: location of local scratch space on HPC node (disabled by default),
scratch_hours_per_sync: hours between synching scratch to destination (default: 5).
This function also adds the key 'queue_command' to the params dictionary,
which is assumed to output the job id.
if not 'max_restarts' in params:
params['max_restarts'] = '0'
params['queue_command'] = "sbatch --array={queue_task}-{max_restarts}%1 {prefix}_slurm.txt".format(**params)
params['command_to_queue_id'] = " | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'"
if params['scratch'] == None or params['scratch'] == 'None':
params['scratch_slurm_preamble'] = ''
params['scratch_slurm_postamble'] = ''
if 'scratch_hours_per_sync' not in params:
params['scratch_seconds_per_sync'] = 5*60*60
params['scratch_seconds_per_sync'] = 60*60*params['scratch_hours_per_sync']
params['scratch_slurm_preamble'] = """original_dir=$PWD; echo $original_dir
scratch={scratch}/$LOGNAME/${{SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}}_${{SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}}/; mkdir -p $scratch; cd $scratch; echo "scratch:$scratch"
rsync -au $original_dir/* .
echo "while [ 1 -le 2 ]; do sleep {scratch_seconds_per_sync}; rsync -au * $original_dir/; done" > {prefix}_sync.sh
chmod a+x {prefix}_sync.sh
./{prefix}_sync.sh &
params['scratch_slurm_postamble'] = 'rsync -au . $original_dir/'
if not 'queue_flags' in params:
params['queue_flags'] = ''
with open(params['prefix'] + '_slurm.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as myfile:
#SBATCH -n {procs_per_node}
#SBATCH -t {minutes}:00
#SBATCH -o {prefix}_slurm_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH -e {prefix}_slurm_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH {queue_flags}
echo "Running ID ${{SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}}_${{SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}} on $(hostname) at $(date) in $PWD"
cd $PWD
export OMP_NUM_THREADS={procs_per_sim}
python {script} --run_type 0 --node {node} --queue_id $SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID --queue_task $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
if [ $? == 0 ] && [ ! -f {sim_id_file} ]; then
echo "Simulation complete. Cancelling restarts."
echo "Job is terminating, to be restarted again"
echo "Time is $(date)"
def server(params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script):
if 'port' not in params:
params['port'] = 54321
if 'buffer_size' not in params:
params['buffer_size'] = 1000
#print('starting server localhost:', params['port'])
params['server_port'] = params['port'] + params['sim']
if write_feasst_script == None:
syscode = subprocess.call(
"""echo "Server port {server_port} buffer_size {buffer_size}" |""".format(**params) + args.feasst_install+'bin/fst > '+params['prefix']+str(params['sim'])+'_run.log',
shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
syscode = seed_param_write_run(params['sim'], params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script)
return syscode
def reseed(params):
#print('reseeding?', 'seed' in params)
if 'seed' in params:
if params['seed'] == -1:
params['seed'] = random.randrange(int(1e9))
#print('reseeding', params['seed'])
def seed_param_write_run(sim, params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script):
if sim_node_dependent_params:
file_name = params['prefix']+str(sim)+'_run'
write_feasst_script(params, script_file=file_name+'.txt')
syscode = subprocess.call(
args.feasst_install+'bin/fst < '+file_name+'.txt > '+file_name+'.log',
shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
return syscode
def run_single(sim, params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script, post_process):
""" Run a single simulation. If all simulations are complete, run PostProcess. """
if args.queue_task == 0:
params['sim'] = sim
syscode = seed_param_write_run(sim, params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script)
else: # if queue_task < 1, restart from checkpoint
syscode = subprocess.call('echo "Restart '+params['prefix']+str(sim)+'_checkpoint.fst" | ' +
args.feasst_install+'bin/fst', shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
if syscode == 0: # if simulation finishes with no errors, write to sim id file
with open(params['sim_id_file'], 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file1:
# if all sims are complete, post process or test once (by removing sim id file)
if all_sims_complete(params['sim_id_file'], params['num_sims']):
removed = False
removed = True
except FileNotFoundError:
if post_process is not None and removed:
return syscode
def split(a, n):
From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2130016/splitting-a-list-into-n-parts-of-approximately-equal-length
>>> from pyfeasst import fstio
>>> list(fstio.split(range(11), 3))
[range(0, 4), range(4, 8), range(8, 11)]
k, m = divmod(len(a), n)
return (a[i*k+min(i, m):(i+1)*k+min(i+1, m)] for i in range(n))
def read_write_params(args, params):
#print('queue id', args.queue_id)
if args.queue_id != -1: # if run from queue
#print('args.queue_task', args.queue_task)
if args.queue_task == 0: # read param file if not checkpoint
with open(params['prefix']+'_params'+str(args.queue_id)+'.json', 'r') as file1:
params = json.load(file1)
#print('params', params)
with open(params['prefix']+'_params.json', 'w') as file1:
file1.write(json.dumps(params, indent=2))
return params
def run_simulations(params, queue_function, args, write_feasst_script=None, client=None, sim_node_dependent_params=None, post_process=None):
Run a simulation either locally in the shell or queue on HPC nodes
:param dict params:
Must have the following keys:
sim_id_file: filename to write simulation id's for later checking of status,
prefix: prefix for all output file names,
max_restarts: maximum number of restarts,
procs_per_node: number of processors per node,
procs_per_sim: number of processors per sim,
num_nodes: number of nodes,
node: node index.
:param function sim_node_dependent_params:
The name of the function that assigns parameters based on the sim and node.
The only argument is the parameters.
:param function write_feasst_script:
The name of the function to write the feasst text interface file,
which has the first argment as the parameters and the second argument as the filename.
:param function client:
If write_feasst_script is None, instead run in server mode with default port 54321 and default buffer_size 1000.
:param function post_process:
The name of the function to post process all simulations once complete,
and has the only argument as the params.
:param function queue_function:
The name of the function to queue one node and has the only argument as the params.
:param namespace args:
Arguments from argparse.
with open(params['sim_id_file'], 'w') as file1:
file1.close() # clear file, then append sim id when complete
if args.run_type == 0: # run directly
#print('getting params')
params = read_write_params(args, params)
#print('have params', params['beta'])
if client is None:
#print('Run text interface')
with Pool(params['procs_per_node']) as pool:
sims = list(split(range(params['num_sims']), params['num_nodes']))[params['node']]
codes = pool.starmap(run_single, zip(sims, repeat(params), repeat(args),
if np.count_nonzero(codes) > 0:
#print('Run in server client mode')
sims = list(split(range(params['num_sims']), params['num_nodes']))[params['node']]
#procs = list()
seed = 0
#print('beta', params['beta'])
if 'seed' in params:
seed = params['seed']
server_procs = list()
client_procs = list()
for s in sims:
params['sim'] = s
#print('s', s)
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=server, args=(params, args, sim_node_dependent_params, write_feasst_script))
time.sleep(1) # wait for servers to start before connecting client
for s in sims:
params['sim'] = s
#print('s', s)
if seed == -1:
params['seed'] = random.randrange(int(1e9))
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=client, args=(params,))
for proc in client_procs:
for proc in server_procs:
if post_process is not None:
elif args.run_type == 1: # queue
queue_id_file = params['prefix']+ '_queue_ids.txt'
with open(queue_id_file, 'w') as file1:
file1.close() # empty file contents
for node in range(params['num_nodes']):
params['node'] = node
subprocess.check_call(params['queue_command'] + params['command_to_queue_id'] + " >> " + queue_id_file, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
with open(queue_id_file, 'r') as file1:
queue_id = file1.read().splitlines()[-1]
with open(params['prefix']+'_params'+queue_id+'.json', 'w') as file1:
file1.write(json.dumps(params, indent=2))
elif args.run_type == 2: # post process
assert False # unrecognized run_type
def combine_tables_two_rigid_body(prefix, suffix, num_procs, num_header_lines=6):
""" Combine table files generated in parallel by TableTwoRigidBody3D."""
lines = list()
for proc in range(num_procs):
filename = prefix + str(proc) + suffix
with open(filename, 'r') as file1:
with open(prefix + suffix, 'w') as file1:
# write header
for line in range(6):
proc = 0
done = 0
line = 6
itr = 0
while done == 0:
if line >= len(lines[proc]):
done = 1
#print('proc', proc, 'line', line)
proc += 1
if proc == num_procs:
proc = 0
line += 1
assert itr < 1e50
#def connect_to_port(params, max_attempts=5):
# """Attempt to connect to port for server-client interface."""
# port = params['port']+params['sim']
# sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# connected = False
# attempts = 0
# max_attempts = 5
# while not connected:
# try:
# sock.connect(("localhost", port))
# connected = True
# except:
# time.sleep(1)
# print('sim', params['sim'], 'failed to connect to port', port)
# attempts += 1
# assert attempts < max_attempts, "Could not connect to port."
# return sock
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest