8 DoD-Provided Dataset #1

The results of Section 8 are based on searches of the sequestered dataset DoD-Provided Dataset #1. This dataset consists of 5 259 probes collected operationally by the United States Department of Defense. All probes searched were a single sample depicting a region from a distal phalanx. No EFS data was provided. Only Subject-level ground truth information was provided.

8.1 Failures

Table 8.1 shows the number of failures to create templates. Table 8.2 shows the number of failures to produce a candidate list.

Table 8.1: Number of failures to create templates.
Image Type Content Failures Attempts
Exemplar Image 0 5 289
Probe Image 0 5 259
Table 8.2: Number of failures to produce a candidate list. This number includes any failures to create a probe template from Table 8.1.
Probe Content Failures Attempts
Image 0 5 259

8.2 CMC

8.2.1 Plots

The CMC plots in Figure 8.1 show the FNIR of idemia+0007 when searching DoD-Provided Dataset #1 against enrollment database where a single mated identity for each search probe was present. Tabular versions of FNIR at select ranks can be viewed in Table 8.3.

CMC when searching DoD-Provided Dataset \#1 probes, faceted by whether probe EFS data was provided.

Figure 8.1: CMC when searching DoD-Provided Dataset #1 probes, faceted by whether probe EFS data was provided.

8.2.2 FNIR at Select Rank

The values in Table 8.3 correspond to Figure 8.1.

Table 8.3: Region FNIR values from CMC plotted in Figure 8.1.
Probe Content Rank 1 Rank  ≤ 2 Rank  ≤ 5 Rank  ≤ 10 Rank  ≤ 50 Rank  ≤ 100
Image 0.0384 0.0335 0.0308 0.0293 0.0261 0.0251

8.3 DET

8.3.1 Plots

The DET plots in Figure 8.2 show the false positive and false negative identification rate tradeoffs of idemia+0007 when searching DoD-Provided Dataset #1 against enrollment database where a single mated identity for each search probe was present. Tabular versions of FNIR at select FPIR can be viewed in Table 8.4. Annotated values indicate similarity scores from the Subject line, which are tabulated in Table 8.5.

DET when searching DoD-Provided Dataset \#1 probes. Annotated values indicate similarity scores from the Subject line.

Figure 8.2: DET when searching DoD-Provided Dataset #1 probes. Annotated values indicate similarity scores from the Subject line.

8.3.2 FNIR at Select FPIR

The values in Table 8.4 correspond to Figure 8.2.

Table 8.4: Subject FNIR values corresponding to FPIR plotted in Figure 8.2.
Probe Content FPIR = 0.01 FPIR = 0.02 FPIR = 0.1
Image 0.0624 0.0599 0.0432

8.3.3 Similarity Score Thresholds at Select FPIR

The values in Table 8.5 correspond to similarity score thresholds observed at the select FPIR values from Table 8.4.

Table 8.5: Similarity score thresholds corresponding to select FPIR values from Table 8.4.
Probe Content FPIR = 0.01 FPIR = 0.02 FPIR = 0.1
Image 3 439.37 3 340.05 3 065.85