Source code for dioptra_builtins.artifacts.mlflow

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"""A task plugin module for MLFlow artifacts management.

This module contains a set of task plugins for managing artifacts generated during an
entry point run.

import tarfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
import structlog
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger

from dioptra import pyplugs
from dioptra.sdk.utilities.paths import set_path_ext

from .exceptions import UnsupportedDataFrameFileFormatError

LOGGER: BoundLogger = structlog.stdlib.get_logger()

[docs]@pyplugs.register def download_all_artifacts_in_run( run_id: str, artifact_path: str, destination_path: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Downloads an artifact file or directory from a previous MLFlow run. Args: run_id: The unique identifier of a previous MLFlow run. artifact_path: The relative source path to the desired artifact. destination_path: The relative destination path where the artifacts will be downloaded. If `None`, the artifacts will be downloaded to a new uniquely-named directory on the local filesystem. The default is `None`. Returns: A string pointing to the directory containing the downloaded artifacts. See Also: - :py:meth:`mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient.download_artifacts` """ download_path: str = MlflowClient().download_artifacts( run_id=run_id, path=artifact_path, dst_path=destination_path ) "Artifacts downloaded from MLFlow run", run_id=run_id, artifact_path=artifact_path, destination_path=download_path, ) return download_path
[docs]@pyplugs.register def upload_data_frame_artifact( data_frame: pd.DataFrame, file_name: str, file_format: str, file_format_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: """Uploads a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` as an artifact of the active MLFlow run. The `file_format` argument selects the :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` serializer, which are all handled using the object's `DataFrame.to_{format}` methods. The string passed to `file_format` must match one of the following, - `csv[.bz2|.gz|.xz]` - A comma-separated values plain text file with optional compression. - `feather` - A binary feather file. - `json` - A plain text JSON file. - `pickle` - A binary pickle file. Args: data_frame: A :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to be uploaded. file_name: The filename to use for the serialized :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. file_format: The :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` file serialization format. file_format_kwargs: A dictionary of additional keyword arguments to pass to the serializer. If `None`, then no additional keyword arguments are passed. The default is `None`. working_dir: The location where the file should be saved. If `None`, then the current working directory is used. The default is `None`. Notes: The :py:mod:`pyarrow` package must be installed in order to serialize to the feather format. See Also: - :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` - :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_feather` - :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_json` - :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_pickle` """ def to_format( data_frame: pd.DataFrame, format: str, output_dir: Union[str, Path] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: filepath: Path = Path(output_dir) / Path(file_name).name format_funcs = { "csv": { "func": data_frame.to_csv, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="csv"), }, "csv.bz2": { "func": data_frame.to_csv, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="csv.bz2"), }, "csv.gz": { "func": data_frame.to_csv, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="csv.gz"), }, "csv.xz": { "func": data_frame.to_csv, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="csv.xz"), }, "feather": { "func": data_frame.to_feather, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="feather"), }, "json": { "func": data_frame.to_json, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="json"), }, "pickle": { "func": data_frame.to_pickle, "filepath": set_path_ext(filepath=filepath, ext="pkl"), }, } func: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = format_funcs.get(format) if func is None: raise UnsupportedDataFrameFileFormatError( f"Serializing data frames to the {file_format} format is not supported" ) return func if file_format_kwargs is None: file_format_kwargs = {} if working_dir is None: working_dir = Path.cwd() working_dir = Path(working_dir) format_dict: Dict[str, Any] = to_format( data_frame=data_frame, format=file_format, output_dir=working_dir ) df_to_format_func: Callable[..., None] = format_dict["func"] df_artifact_path: Path = format_dict["filepath"] df_to_format_func(df_artifact_path, **file_format_kwargs) "Data frame saved to file",, file_format=file_format, ) upload_file_as_artifact(artifact_path=df_artifact_path)
[docs]@pyplugs.register def upload_directory_as_tarball_artifact( source_dir: Union[str, Path], tarball_filename: str, tarball_write_mode: str = "w:gz", working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: """Archives a directory and uploads it as an artifact of the active MLFlow run. Args: source_dir: The directory which should be uploaded. tarball_filename: The filename to use for the archived directory tarball. tarball_write_mode: The write mode for the tarball, see :py:func:`` for the full list of compression options. The default is `"w:gz"` (gzip compression). working_dir: The location where the file should be saved. If `None`, then the current working directory is used. The default is `None`. See Also: - :py:func:`` """ if working_dir is None: working_dir = Path.cwd() source_dir = Path(source_dir) working_dir = Path(working_dir) tarball_path = working_dir / tarball_filename with, tarball_write_mode) as f: f.add(source_dir, "Directory added to tar archive", directory=source_dir, tarball_path=tarball_path, ) upload_file_as_artifact(artifact_path=tarball_path)
[docs]@pyplugs.register def upload_file_as_artifact(artifact_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Uploads a file as an artifact of the active MLFlow run. Args: artifact_path: The location of the file to be uploaded. See Also: - :py:func:`mlflow.log_artifact` """ artifact_path = Path(artifact_path) mlflow.log_artifact(str(artifact_path))"Artifact uploaded for current MLFlow run",