Class CompiledXPath<T,​U extends XPathFactory>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompiledXPath

        public CompiledXPath​(U xpathFactory,
                             String query,
                             org.jdom2.filter.Filter<T> filter,
                             Map<String,​Object> variables,
                             org.jdom2.Namespace[] namespaces)
        Constructs a compiled XPath expression.
        xpathFactory - the XPath factory to use to compile the XPath
        query - the XPath query string
        filter - a filter to determine the type of elements to be returned
        variables - a mapping of variables used in the XPath
        namespaces - the namespaces that are used in the XPath
    • Method Detail

      • getXPathFactory

        protected U getXPathFactory()
      • evaluateRawAll

        protected List<?> evaluateRawAll​(Object context)
        Specified by:
        evaluateRawAll in class org.jdom2.xpath.util.AbstractXPathCompiled<T>
      • evaluateRawFirst

        protected Object evaluateRawFirst​(Object context)
        Specified by:
        evaluateRawFirst in class org.jdom2.xpath.util.AbstractXPathCompiled<T>