Time & frequency scans

Scans over a range of time values or frequency values are common. To simplify the process of writing these types of scans, the scan framework provides three base classes from which a scan may inherit. These base classes are TimeScan, FreqScan, and TimeFreqScan. Additionally, any of these scans can also use auto-tracking or set self._x_offset to offset the scan points. See Relative scan ranges and auto tracking.

Time scans

Time scans create a configurable GUI argument for entering a range of times to scan over. To create a time scan, simply inherit from the TimeScan class and call scan_arguments() in build().

from scan_framework.scans import *

class MyTimeScan(Scan1D, TimeScan, EnvExperiment):

    def build(self):
        # scan_arguments() creates an additional GUI argument for entering a time range
            # the GUI argument can be fully configured via the 'times' argument
                'unit': 'us',
                'scale': us,
                'global_step': 1*us,
                'ndecimals': 0

When creating a time scan it is not necessary to define the get_scan_points() callback method; the framework will automatically scan over the GUI argument named ‘times’.

The scan model that is registered with a time scan can also inherit from the TimeModel class which automatically sets the x_units and x_label attributes of the scan model.

Frequency scans

Frequency scans create a configurable GUI argument for entering a range of frequencies to scan over. To create a frequency scan, simply inherit from the FreqScan class and call scan_arguments() in build().

from scan_framework.scans import *
from scan_framework.models import *

class MyFreqScan(Scan1D, FreqScan, EnvExperiment):

    def build(self):

        # scan_arguments() creates an additional GUI argument for entering a frequency range
        # the range of frequencies is set to the attribute named 'frequencies' (i.e. self.frequencies)
            # the GUI argument can be fully configured via the 'frequencies' argument
                'start': -0.1 * MHz,
                'stop':  0.1 * MHz,
                'npoints': 50,
                'unit': 'MHz',
                'scale': MHz,
                'global_step': 0.1*MHz,
                'ndecimals': 1

    def prepare(self):
        # -- like all scans, frequency scans can also use auto-tracking to center a relative scan
        # range about a fixed frequency

        # Create a default fitted frequency for the first run when no fits have been performed yet
        self.set_dataset('example.defaults.frequency', 1*MHz, broadcast=True)
        model = ScanModel(self,
                          # tell framework to use default value above when no fit exists

        self.register_model(model, auto_track='fit', measurement=True)

When creating a frequency scan it is not necessary to define the get_scan_points() callback method; the framework will automatically scan over the GUI frequencies argument.

The scan model that is registered with a frequency scan can also inherit from the FreqModel class which automatically sets the x_units and x_label attributes of the scan model.

Time/frequency scans

Time/frequency scans are provided for scans that need to scan over either a range of frequencies or a range of times. This is useful for scans of atomic transitions which need to find both the transition frequency and the appropriate pi time for the transition. Creating a TimeFreqScan significantly simplifies these types of scans. Inheriting from TimeFreqScan

  1. Creates two GUI arguments for entering either a range of frequencies or a range of times.

  2. Creates a GUI argument for specifying if the scan should scan over the range of frequencies or times.

  3. Centers the frequency range about the last fitted frequency when auto-tracking is used.

  4. Determines the scan points automatically (get_scan_points() does not need to be implemented).

  5. Uses the last fitted pi time for frequency scans when using auto-tracking.

  6. Uses the last fitted frequency for time scans when using auto-tracking.

  7. Provides a GUI argument to enter the pulse time for frequency scans when auto-tracking is not being used.

  8. Provides a GUI argument to enter the frequency for time scans when auto-tracking is not being used.

  9. Passes both the frequency and time as arguments to the measure() method.

To create a Time/frequency scan, simply inherit from the TimeFreqScan class and call scan_arguments() in build(). If you are also using auto-tracking, register a single auto-tracking scan model and use the type attribute in the scan model to dynamically determine the fit function, main fit, etc based on the type (frequency or time) of scan being performed. For a full example of a TimeFreqScan class that uses auto-tracking, see the example below.


The scan model that is registered for a time/frequency scan can also inherit from the TimeFreqModel class which automatically sets the x_units and x_label attributes of the scan model.


Scan models can also be registered with the bind argument set to True in time/frequency scans. i.e. self.register_model(my_model_instance, bind=True). This will cause the model to be re-bound after its type attribute is set to the current scan type (time or frequency). This is useful if you need to create a dynamic namespace that includes a token for the type of scan. e.g. namespace = 'microwaves.%type'. %type will be replaced by either ‘frequency’ or ‘time’ when the model is registered with bind=True.

from scan_framework.scans import *
from scan_framework.models import *
from scan_framework.analysis.curvefits import AtomLine, Sine
import random

class MicrowaveScan(Scan1D, TimeFreqScan, EnvExperiment):
    """Microwave scan

    Scans frequencies and pulse times of microwave transitions

    def build(self, **kwargs):

        # The atomic transition, identified by an integer to simply logic in
        # the "measure()" method
        self.setattr_argument('transition', EnumerationValue(
            ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'],

        # scan settings, scan ranges, etc.
            # frequency range can be customized
                'start': -0.3*MHz,
                'stop': 0.3*MHz
            # time range can also be customized
                'start': 0*us,
                'stop': 20*us

        # create devices, instantiate libs, etc.

    def prepare(self):
        # convert string transition to integer for the "measure()" method
        self.transition = int(self.transition)

        # create and register the scan model
        self.model = MicrowavesScanModel(self,
             # set the model's transition attribute to the selected transition in the GUI.
             # this allows the %transition token in the model namespace to be replaced
             # by the current transition.
                            # calculate statistics and store all data to the datasets
                            # perform a final fit to the data
                            # points will be offset by this model's last fitted frequency value
                            # (a.k.a. it's main fit)

    def initialize_devices(self):

    def measure(self, time, frequency):

        if self.transition >= 2:
        if self.transition >= 3:
        if self.transition >= 4:
        if self.transition >= 5:

        # pulse dds

        # detect
        counts = self.detection.detect()
        return counts

class MicrowavesScanModel(TimeFreqModel):
    """Microwave scan model

    Processes data from microwave scans

    # %transition will be replaced by the transition selected in the GUI
    namespace = 'microwaves.%transition'
    y_label = 'Counts'

    # scales for formatting fit params printed to the log window
    scales = {
        'f': {
            'scale': MHz,
            'unit': 'MHz'
        'phi': {
            'scale': 3.14159,
            'unit': 'pi'
        'f0': {
            'scale': MHz,
            'unit': 'MHz'
        'Omega0': {
            'scale': MHz,
            'unit': 'MHz'
        'T': {
            'scale': us,
            'unit': 'us'

    def main_fit(self):
        if self.type == 'frequency':
            # save fit param 'f0' to dataset named 'frequency'
            return ['f0', 'frequency']
        if self.type == 'time':
            # save calculated fit param 'pi_time'
            return 'pi_time'

    def before_validate(self, fit):
        # calculate the fit param 'pi_time' from the fit param 'f'
        if self.type == 'time':
            fit.fitresults['pi_time'] = 1/(2*fit.fitresults['f'])

    def fit_function(self):
        if self.type == 'frequency':
            # frequency scans use the AtomLine fit function
            return AtomLine
        elif self.type == 'time':
            # times scans use the Sine fit function
            return Sine
            raise Exception('Unknown scan type {}'.format(self.type))

    def man_scale(self):
        # fit parameter scales, used by analysis.curvefits while fitting
        if self.type == 'frequency':
            return {
                'A': 1,
                'Omega0': 1 / (10 * us),
                'T': 1 * us,
                'f0': 1 * GHz,
                'y0': 1
            return {
                'A': 10,
                'f': 1 / (10 * us),
                'phi': 1,
                'y0': 1

    def guess(self):
        # fit parameter guesses, used by analysis.curvefits while fitting
        if self.type == 'time':
            if self.transition in [1, 3, 5, 6, 7]:
                return {
                    'phi': 0.5*3.14159,
                    'y0': 5,
                    'A': 5,
                return {
                    'phi': 1.5*3.14159,
                    'y0': 5,
                    'A': 5,
            return {
                'T': self.get('pi_time', archive=False)