Modeled Integrated Scatter Tool (MIST)

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6. Polarization

All of the BRDF models provided by the SCATMECH library return a Mueller matrix BRDF, ${\bf f}_{\rm r}$, relating the scattered Stokes vector ${\rm d}{\bf \Phi}_{\rm s}$ to the incident Stokes vector power ${\bf \Phi}_{\rm i}$: \begin{equation} {\rm d}{\bf \Phi}_{\rm s}={\bf f}_{\rm r}\cdot{\bf \Phi}_{\rm i}\cos\theta_{\rm s}\;{\rm d}\Omega \end{equation} To obtain reflectance values, the incident Stokes powers should be normalized to unity. The following table describes some suitable incident polarizations:

Incident polarization Interpretation
(1,0,0,0) unpolarized incident light
(1,1,0,0) s-polarized incident light, electric field perpendicular to the plane of incidence
(1,-1,0,0) p-polarized incident light, electric field parallel to the plane of incidence
(1,0,1,0) 45° polarized incident light
(1,0,0,1) left-circularly polarized incident light
(1,0,0,-1) right-circularly polarized incident light
(1,cosd(2*inpol),sind(2*inpol),0) linearly polarized incident light at an angle inpol from s-polarized

To obtain the measured scattered power or the effective BRDF, the reflected Stokes vector is multiplied by a Stokes sensitivity vector ${\bf S}$: \begin{equation} \Phi_{\rm r}={\bf S}\cdot{\bf \Phi}_{\rm r} \end{equation} The Stokes sensitivity must reflect the loss that would be exhibited by a polarizer having the specific sensitivity. That is, a fully polarization sensitive detector will detect only half of unpolarized light incident upon it. Thus, the following table represents polarization sensitivities appropriate for use in MIST:

Polarization Sensitivity Interpretation
(1,0,0,0) insensitive to polarization
(0.5,0.5,0,0) sensitive to only s-polarized light
(0.5,-0.5,0,0) sensitive to only p-polarized light
(0.5,0,0.5,0) sensitive to only 45° polarized light
(0.5,0,0,0.5) sensitive to only left-circularly polarized light
(0.5,0,0,-0.5) sensitive to only right-circularly polarized light
(1/2,cosd(2*inpol)/2,sind(2*inpol)/2,0) sensitive to linearly polarized light at an angle inpol from s-polarized

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Latest MIST Version: 4.10 (October 2017)