Modeled Integrated Scatter Tool (MIST)

Begin: Table of Contents
Previous: Viewing the Sampled Points
Next: Integration Method and Accuracy

10. Expressions

All numeric parameters in MIST are treated as expressions which are evaluated each time they are needed. These expressions can use any of the binary arithmetic operators listed below, listed in order of precedence, with each row indicating items having the same precedence:

x^y power
x*y multiplication x/y division
x+y addition x-y subtraction
x>y greater than x<y less than x=y equal to
x&y and x|y or

Parentheses can be used and nested to any degree. The table below lists functions that can be used in the expressions:

exp(x) exponential log(x) natural logarithm
log10(x) base-10 logarithm sqrt(x) square root
sin(x) sine sind(x) sin(x*pi/180)
cos(x) cosine cosd(x) cos(x*pi/180)
tan(x) tangent tand(x) tan(x*pi/180)
asin(x) arcsine asind(x) asin(x)*180/pi
acos(x) arccosine acosd(x) acos(x)*180/pi
atan(x) arctangent atand(x) atan(x)*180/pi
sinh(x) hyperbolic sine cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine
tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent atan2(y,x) polar angle of the point (x,y)
atan2d(y,x) atan2(y,x)*pi/180 abs(x) absolute value
not(x) 1, if x zero, 0 otherwise min(x,y) minimum
max(x,y) maximum or(x,y) x|y
nor(x,y) not or and(x,y) x&y
nand(x,y) not and resqrt(x,y) real part of sqrt(x+i*y)
imsqrt(x,y) imaginary part of sqrt(x+i*y) resqr(x,y) real part of(x+i*y)^2
imsqr(x,y) imaginary part of (x+i*y)^2 gt(x,y) x>y
lt(x,y) x<y ge(x,y) x>=y
eq(x,y) x=y ne(x,y) x!=y
if(x,y,z) if (x) then y, else z

Table lookup can be accomplished using the @filename(x) and @filename(x,i) functions. If the first is called, then the program will assume the first two columns of the file filename contains an interpolation table. If the second is called, the program will use the first and i-th columns for the lookup table.

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Latest MIST Version: 4.10 (October 2017)