Modeled Integrated Scatter Tool (MIST)

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5.6.3 ANNULUS Integral

An ANNULUS integral calculates the reflectance over an annular aperture. The dialog box that opens when the user selects an ANNULUS integral is shown below:

The user selects a name for the integral, an incident polarization, a polarization sensitivity, polar and azimuthal angles for both the inner and outer circles, and the half angles for each of the circles. Notice that, by default, the variable incidentpol is used as the incident polarization. Any Stokes vector may be substituted for incidentpol. The polarization sensitivity should be set to a four-element Stokes vector.

The following shows the integration area for an ANNULUS integral, where the outer circle has a polar angle of 0°, an azimuthal angle of 0°, and a half-angle of 60°, while the inner circle has a polar angle of 45°, an azimuthal angle of 0°, and a half angle of 10°:

If the inner circle is not entirely contained in the outer circle, the resulting shape will not represent an annulus.

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Latest MIST Version: 4.10 (October 2017)