Cross Sections

Cross sections are nice tools for examining structures in three dimensions.


  1. Open KLayout

  2. Click the menu Tools > Manage Packages

  3. Double-click “xsection”

  4. Click “Apply”


The xsection script is based on a ruler. Start by drawing a ruler by pressing “R”.

A ruler

Fig. 6 This is a ruler.

Run the xsection script by going to Tools > Xsection Scripts > Xsection: Active Technology (Cmd-X). Xsection needs exactly one ruler present. You can clear all rulers with Cmd-K.

Try it out

OLMAC/xsect/ produces a dummy layout (example.gds) designed to illustrate all aspects of the OLMAC layer stack. Try drawing rulers there. A ruler across the whole thing and its corresponding cross-section look like this.


Fig. 7 Layout example contained in this PDK, designed to show XSection.


Fig. 8 Corresponding cross-section.