SCATMECH > Classes and Functions >
Surface Scattering Models
> Polydisperse_Sphere_BRDF_Model
class Polydisperse_Sphere_BRDF_Model
The class Polydisperse_Sphere_BRDF_Model is a
BRDF_Model that uses the
and with a diameter distribution given by
SurfaceParticleSizeDistribution. This model is useful for estimating scatter from contaminated surfaces.
This model evaluates the Mueller matrix BRDF ${\bf f}_{\rm r}$ by integrating over the particle size distribution $N(D)$,
{\bf f}_{\rm r} = \int_{D_{\rm start}}^{D_{\rm end}} {\bf f}_{\rm r}^{\rm sphere}[D,N(D)]\; {\rm d}D.
where ${\bf f}_{\rm r}^{\rm sphere}[D,N(D)]$ is the Mueller matrix BRDF for spheres of diameter $D$ and surface particle density $N(D)$. Double_Interaction_BRDF_Model
with MieScatterer is used to evaluate ${\bf f}_{\rm r}^{\rm sphere}[D,N(D)]$. A change of
variables can be made in Eq. $(\ref{EqA})$, so that it can be written as
{\bf f}_{\rm r} = \int_{\log D_{\rm start}}^{\log D_{\rm end}} {\bf f}_{\rm r}^{\rm sphere}[D,N(D)]\; D \; {\rm d}(\log D).
Finally, Eq. $(\ref{EqB})$ is approximated by the sum
{\bf f}_{\rm r} = \sum_{i=0}^n {\bf f}_{\rm r}^{\rm sphere}[D_i,N(D_i)]\;D_i \; s.
where $D_i=(1+s)^i D_{\rm start}$ and $n={\rm floor}[\log(D_{\rm end}/D_{\rm start})/\log(1+s)]$.
The user chooses $D_{\rm start}$, $D_{\rm end}$, and $s\ll 1$ and should check that the result has converged.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Default |
lambda |
double |
Wavelength of the light
in vacuum [µm].
(Inherited from BRDF_Model.) |
0.532 |
type |
int |
Indicates whether the light is incident from above the
substrate or from within the substrate and whether the
scattering is evaluated in reflection or transmission.
The choices are:
0 : Light is incident from the above the substrate, and scattering is evaluated in reflection.
1 : Light is incident from the above the substrate, and scattering is evaluated in transmission.
2 : Light is incident from the within the substrate, and scattering is evaluated in reflection.
3 : Light is incident from the within the substrate, and scattering is evaluated in transmission.
For 1, 2, and 3, the substrate must be non-absorbing.
(Inherited from BRDF_Model). |
0 |
substrate |
dielectric_function |
optical constants of the substrate, expressed as a
complex number (n,k) or, optionally, as a function of
(Inherited from BRDF_Model.) |
(4.05,0.05) |
distribution |
SurfaceParticleSizeDistribution |
The distribution of sphere diameters and the total number of spheres per unit area .
SurfaceParticleSizeDistribution |
stack |
StackModel_Ptr |
Description of any stack of films deposited on the substrate. |
No_StackModel |
particle |
dielectric_function |
optical constants of the spheres, expressed as a
complex number (n,k) or, optionally, as a function of
(1.5,0.0) |
Dstart |
double |
The starting diameter [$D_{\rm start}$ in Eq. $(\ref{EqA})$] for the integration [µm]. This parameter
should be at least as small as the smallest diameter in the distribution that will contribute significantly to the BRDF. |
0.1 |
Dend |
double |
The ending diameter [$D_{\rm end}$ in Eq. $(\ref{EqA})$] for the integration [µm]. This parameter
should be at least as large as the largest diameter in the distribution that will contribute significantly to the BRDF. |
100 |
Dstep |
double |
The fractional step size [$s$ in Eq. $(\ref{EqC})$] for the integration. This parameter should be
much less than 1. |
0.01 |
fractional_coverage |
double |
If fractional_coverage is non-zero, then the model will scale the distribution so that the fractional area
coverage of the spheres on the surface is fractional_coverage. The fractional area coverage $f_A$ of the distribution
is determined by integrating
f_A = \int_{D_{\rm start}}^{D_{\rm end}} N(D)\; \pi (D/2)^2\; {\rm d}D \approx \sum_{i=0}^n N(D_i) \;\pi (D_i/2)^2 \; D_i \;s.
If fractional_coverage is zero, then the model will assume that the distribution is appropriately normalized to give the
fractional area coverage.
0 |
antirainbow |
double |
Non-absorbing spheres usually exhibit rainbows. This parameter adds a small amount of absorption to the spheres. The minimum extinction coefficient
is determined to be $k=a\lambda/(4D\pi)$, where $a$ is the antirainbow parameter, $\lambda$ is the wavelength, and $D$ is the diameter. That is, if $a=1$, the
particles will have an absorption coefficient given by $1/D$. To eliminate rainbows, a value of $a=10$ is usually sufficient. |
0 |
See also:
K. B. Nahm and W. L. Wolfe, "Light-scattering models for
spheres on a conducting plane: comparison with experiment,"
Appl. Opt. 26, 2995-2999 (1987).
R.V. Peterson, P.G. Magallanes, and D.F. Rock, "Tailored particle distributions derived from MIL-STD-1246,"
Proc. SPIE 4774, 79-98 (2002).
M. G. Dittman, "Contamination scatter functions for stray-light analysis," Proc. SPIE 4774, 99-110 (2002).
J. Fleming, B. Matheson, M.G. Dittman, F. Grochocki, and B. Firth, "Modeling particle distributions for stray light analysis,"
Proc. SPIE 6291, 62910T (2006).
K. Balasubramanian, S. Shaklan, and A. Give'on, "Stellar coronagraph performance impact due to particulate contamination and scatter,"
Proc. SPIE 7440, 74400T (2009).
Include file:
#include "polydisperse.h"
Source code:
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Current SCATMECH version: 7.22 (April 2021)