8. Bus Class

The bus class encapsulates all the modules that make up a single bus (node) of the power system. When a bus class is created, one of each event, transformer, sensor, network, and status module is spawned. Multiple Bus instances can coexist. The bus class instances are kept in an array of bus instances in a functional global available to the framework.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Internal to the software, the following terms are synonomous:



Figure 20: Bus Class UML

Figure 19 shows the properties and public methods of the bus class. Each bus has an index number and an ID number for each of the modules in the bus. Since only one App and OutputToFile module exists for all buses, their numbers are duplicated in each instance of the Bus Class that is created.

8.1. Scripted State Machine (SSM)

Module initialization and update is managed by construct called a “scripted state machine” (SSM). The state machine accepts an array command strings which forms a sequence of calls to one or more states. The sequence of commands MUST end with “Stop” command. If this is not included in the script, a timeout will produce an error message.

Inputs to the SSM are an array of command strings and a variant that can carry any data type that the commands can recognize. When the Data variant input is used, any command state that uses the input will need to use an “Unflatten to Data vi with the appropriate data typedef wired to it. If the typedef does not match the variant type then an error will be thrown. Usually the data type input to the SSM is the clBusData.ctl typedef, this data type can contain the config and parameter data of the modules of a single bus as well as the outputs from those modules.

Figure 21: Project showing the Bus Class and the Scripted State Machine (highlighted)

8.1.1. Script

An array of strings which will be the commands for the SSM. The script MUST end with a STOP command. The plugin “.ini” files contain “scriptlets” which are snippets of a script with no “Stop” command. When a test is run, the scriptlets in the Application plugin’s .ini file is concatenated with the scriptlet from the OutputToFile plugin’s .ini file, a Stop command is appended then run by the SSM. A similar occurrence happens for the modules in each bus, except those are run in the Bus Controller. See section 4.2 for detailed information about the bus controller.

8.1.2. SSM Parameters in

The Data In input is a variant type. A particular typedef will be expected for each state. In many cases, this type will be a clBusData.ctl typedef which holds most of the configurations and parameters for all modules in the bus on which the state machine is acting.

8.1.3. SSM Data Out

The Data Out is a variant type. The default “Stop” command places the SSM’s internal clBusData onto the data output, however other custom commands could be added which stop the SSM and place other data read from the modules onto the Data Out.

8.1.4. clBusData

When called, the SSM will create an empty clBusData cluster. The cluster will be populated by calls to the various Read or Get states listed below. A standard Stop call will place the populated cluster on the Data Out variant. Note that only data that was populated by Read or Get calls will be present. The data is not stored from one SSM call to the next.

BusNumber Since the Bus is an object, and multiple instance can run in parallel, each bus is given a number beginning at 1. No bus should ever be given number 0 or an error will occur.
EvtPluginINIFilePath Path to the .INI file for the plugin used by this bus’s event
EvtParams A table containing a 2D array of doubles and row and column headers depending on this bus’s event plugin
EvtConfig Configuration cluster with data elements as follows
EvtConfig.UTC Time 0 The UTC time offset to be assigned to the timearray time 0. The time array may start at a negative number
EvtConfig.Nominal Frequency 50 or 60 Hz (F0)
EvtConfig.Reporting Rate Depends on the Nominal Frequency 10 FPS through to the Nominal Frequency (Fs)
EvtConfig.FSamp The internal sampling rate to be used to create Event Signals and PMU Impairments
Start Time The time of the first report from the PMU less the UTC Time 0. This may be 0, or a negative or positive number
End Time The time of the last report from the PMU
PmuImpairPluginINIFile Path to the .INI file for the plugin used by this bus’s PMU Impairment module
PmuImpairParams A table containing a 2D array of doubles and the row headers depending on this bus’s PMU Impairment plugin
PmuImpairconfig Configuration cluster with data elements as follows:
FilterType Enumerated list of possible PMU filter window types. (e.g. Blackman, hamming, Hann, etc.)
bPosSeq Boolean value deytermines if a positive sequence phasor will be created or not.
NetImpairPluginINIFile Path to the .INI file for the plugin used by this bus’s network Impairment module
NetImpairParams A table containing a 2D array of doubles and the row and column headers depending on this bus’s Network Impairment plugin
FlagImpairPluginINIFile Path to the .INI file for the plugin used by this bus’s Flag Impairment module
FlagImpairParams A table containing a 2D array of doubles and the row and column headers depending on this bus’s Flag Impairment plugin
AppPluginINIFile Path to the .INI file for the plugin used by this bus’s Application module
AppConfig A Variant data type which contains the application plugin’s configuration data in XML form. Because different applications can have very different configuration data, XML is used as a common data format and each App plugin parses or unparsed the XML data as appropriate.
AppOutput A variant data type. Different apps will have different data typedefs so any software receiving this data will need to be able to unflatten from variant into the appropriate data type.

8.1.5. Scripted State Machine Command Reference

Initialize none n/a Called initially when the state machine starts, this enqueues the script presented to the state machine at the script input. Users should not call this state in their scripts.
LoadEvtPlugin clBusData .EvtPluginIniFilePath none The plugin called out in the selected Event plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the event module for this bus
ReadEvtPluginPath none clBusData .EvtPluginIniFilePath Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the module.
LoadPmuImpairPlugin clBusData .PmuPluginIniFilePath none The plugin called out in the selected plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the module for this bus
ReadPmuImpairPluginPath none clBusData .PmuPluginIniFilePath Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the module.
LoadNetImpairPlugin none none The plugin called out in the selected plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the module for this bus
ReadNetImpairPluginPath none none Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the module.
LoadFlagImpairPlugin none clBusData The plugin called out in the selected plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the module for this bus
ReadFlagImpairPluginPath none none Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the module.
LoadAppPlugin none clBusData The plugin called out in the selected plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the application module
ReadAppPluginPath none none Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the app module.
LoadOutToFilePlugin none clBusData The plugin called out in the selected plugin’s .ini file will be loaded into the application module
ReadOutToFilePluginPath none none Reads the path to the plugin’s INI file from the app module.
PopulateEvtFrontPanel none clFrontPanel- ControlRefs For the selected bus, reads the Event module’s config and parameter information and populates the Event front panel controls
PopulatePmuImpairFrontPanel none clFrontPanel- ControlRefs For the selected bus, reads the PMU Impairment module’s config and parameter information and populates the Sensor front panel controls
PopulateNetImpairFrontPanel none clFrontPanel- ControlRefs For the selected bus, reads the Network Impairment module’s config and parameter information and populates the Network Impairment front panel controls
PopulateFlagImpairFrontPanel none clFrontPanel- ControlRefs For the selected bus, reads the Network Impairment module’s config and parameter information and populates the Network Impairment front panel controls
StripIniPaths none none The paths to the .ini files in the modules are absolute paths. When the paths have been read by the SSM, this command strips the paths down to relative paths for use in front panel controls or files storage.
Aggregate none none When a test is being run, Sends a request to the App module to begin aggregating all the data queued by the running Bus Controllers. when aggregation is complete, the App module broadcasts a status messege. this command blocks all other commands until either the app status messege is received or a 10 second timeout has occured.
GetAppOutput none clBusData| .AppOutput Sends a request to get output from the application module, receives the output and places it into the AppOutput variant in the clBusData
ReadAppInputData none clBusdata .ImpairReportArray Sends a request to read the aggregated input data from the Application module and places that data into the ImpairReportArray
WriteAppConfig clBusData .AppConfig none Sends the clBusData.AppConfig (XML) to the application module
ReadAppConfig none clBusData .AppConfig Sends a request to the App module to read the App Config XML data.
WriteOutputFilePath clBusData .OutFilePath none Sends the OutputFilePath to the OutputToFile Module
ReadOutputFilePath none clBusData .OutFilePath Sends the OutputFilePath to the OutToFile Module
ReadOutToFileConfig none clBusData .clConfigOptions Sends a request to read this bus’s OutToFile module’s config cluster and places that data into the clBusData.clConfigOptions
WriteEvtBusNumber clBusData .BusNumber none Sends the Bus Number to this bus’s Event Module
WriteEvtParams clBusData .EvtParams none Writes the parameters to this bus’s Event Module
ReadEvtParams none clBusData .EvtParams Sends a request to read this bus’s Event module’s parameters and places that data into the clBusData.EvtParams
WriteEvtConfig clBusData .EvtConfig none Writes the event config cluster to this bus’s Event Module
ReadEvtConfig none clBusData .EvtConfig Sends a request to read this bus’s Event module’s config cluster and places that data into the clBusData.EvtConfig
WriteEvtRptTimeArray clBusData .Start Time, .End Time and .EvtConfig.Reporting Rate none Uses the clbusData Start Time, End time, and Reporting Rate to create an time vector array thern sends it to the event module. The Event Report time array is used for generating the event’s theoretical reports. Events only keep one time array which is used both for generating theoretical reports and for signals so this must be called immediately before requesting event reports to ensure that the time array is not holding a signal time array (see WriteEvtSigTimeArray)
ReadEvtTime none clBusData .Start Time, .End Time and .EvtConfig.Reporting Rate  
GetEvtReports none clBusData .EvtReportArray Sends a command to this bus’s Event Module to generate a set of Event Synchrophasor reports and places them into the clBusData.EvtReportArray
GetEvtSignal none clBusData .EvtSignalArray Enqueues up a series of SSM commands wich lead to requesting this bus’s Event Module to send the Event Signal. The commands that the SSM will run are in the following order: ReadEvtConfig, ReadPMUImpairPArams,ReadEvtTime, WriteEvtSigTimeArray, AquireEvtSignal, TransferEvtTimeArrayToEvt.
WriteEvtSigTimeArray clBusData .Start Time, .End Time and .EvtConfig.Reporting Rate none The Event Report time array is used for generating the event’s signal. The signal time is the event time extended by two impairment filter periods at both the beginning and end of the time array. Events only keep one time array which is used both for generating theoretical reports and for signals so this must be called immediately before requesting the event signal to ensure that the time array is not holding a report time array (see WriteEvtRptTimeArray)
TransferEvtTimeArrayToEvt none none This has no input parameters because it uses the Start Time, End Time, and Reporting Rate stored in the SSM’s internal clBusData cluster. This is used durint the GetEvtSignal command to restore the report time array since the time array must be extended by the size of the PMUImpairment window on both sides of the time array.
AquireEvtSignal none clBusData .EvtSignalArray DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. The event must first be set up. Call GetEvtSignal to set up and get the Event Signal.
WritePmuImpairBusNumber clBusData .BusNumber none Sends the bus number to this bus’s Sensor module
WritePMUImpairParams clBusData .PmuImpairParams none Writes the impairment parameters to the sensor impairment module.
ReadPMUImpairParams none clBusData .PmuImpairParams Reads the impairment parameters from the sensor impairment module.
WritePmuImpairConfig clBusData .PmuImpairConfig none Writes the impairment configuration cluster to the sensor impairment module.
ReadPmuImpairConfig none clBusData .PmuImpairConfig Reads the impairment configuration cluster from the sensor impairment module.
WritePmuImpairEvtConfig clBusData .EventConfig none Writed the Event configuration data to the sensor module.
TransferEvtReportsToPmuImpair none none Event reports that were read by GetEvtReports are written to the Sensor module
TransferEvtReportsToOutputToFile none none Event reports that were read by GetEvtReports are written to the output to file module
TransferPMUImpairReportsToApp none none Sensor impairment reports that were read by GetPmuImpairReports are written to the Application module
TransferFlagsToOutputToFile none none  
TransferPktDlyToOutputToFile none none  
TransferPktLossToOutputToFile none none  
TransferEvtConfigToApp none none  
Abort none none DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. Clears the SSM command queue and exits the SSM in response to user “Abort” response to error dialog.
Stop     Must be called at the end of every script.
Error     DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. SSM error handler state displays errors and reacts to user input to the error dialog.
Default     DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. Throws an error if an unrecodnized command is received.