NIST Fingerprint Image Quality 2
Fingerprint image quality assessment tool
NFIQ2::Identifiers::QualityFeatures Namespace Reference

Identifiers of individual quality features and modules. More...


 Measure of the gray levels of the image.
 Frequency of the sinusoid following the ridge-valley structure.
 Measure of the clarity of ridge and valleys.
 Measures relative to minutiae detected within the image using the integrated feature extractor, FingerJet FX OSE.
 Measure of the strength of the energy concentration along the dominant ridge flow orientation.
 Measure of the ridge flow continuity, based on the absolute orientation difference between a block in its 8-neighborhood.
 Measures based on the foreground area of the image.
 Measure of the consistency of ridge and valley widths.

Detailed Description

Identifiers of individual quality features and modules.