Nail to Nail Fingerprint Capture Challenge
API for participant-specific one-to-many template generation and template matching.
Typedefs | Enumerations
BiometricEvaluation::Finger Namespace Reference

Biometric information relating to finger images and derived information. More...


using PositionSet = std::vector< Position >
using PositionDescriptors = std::map< Position, FingerImageCode >


enum class  PatternClassification {
  PlainArch = 0 , TentedArch , RadialLoop , UlnarLoop ,
  PlainWhorl , CentralPocketLoop , DoubleLoop , AccidentalWhorl ,
  Whorl , RightSlantLoop , LeftSlantLoop , Scar ,
  Amputation , Unknown
 Pattern classification codes.
enum class  Position {
  Unknown = 0 , RightThumb = 1 , RightIndex = 2 , RightMiddle = 3 ,
  RightRing = 4 , RightLittle = 5 , LeftThumb = 6 , LeftIndex = 7 ,
  LeftMiddle = 8 , LeftRing = 9 , LeftLittle = 10 , PlainRightThumb = 11 ,
  PlainLeftThumb = 12 , PlainRightFourFingers = 13 , PlainLeftFourFingers = 14 , LeftRightThumbs = 15 ,
  RightExtraDigit = 16 , LeftExtraDigit = 17 , UnknownFrictionRidge = 18 , EJI = 19 ,
  RightIndexMiddle = 40 , RightMiddleRing = 41 , RightRingLittle = 42 , LeftIndexMiddle = 43 ,
  LeftMiddleRing = 44 , LeftRingLittle = 45 , RightIndexLeftIndex = 46 , RightIndexMiddleRing = 47 ,
  RightMiddleRingLittle = 48 , LeftIndexMiddleRing = 49 , LeftMiddleRingLittle = 50 , PlainRightFourTips = 51 ,
  PlainLeftFourTips = 52 , PlainRightFiveTips = 53 , PlainLeftFiveTips = 54
 Finger position codes. More...
enum class  Impression {
  PlainContact = 0 , LiveScanPlain = 0 , RolledContact = 1 , LiveScanRolled = 1 ,
  NonLiveScanPlain = 2 , NonLiveScanRolled = 3 , LatentImage = 4 , LatentImpression = 4 ,
  LatentTracing = 5 , LatentPhoto = 6 , LatentLift = 7 , LiveScanSwipe = 8 ,
  LiveScanVerticalSwipe = 8 , LiveScanPalm = 10 , NonLiveScanPalm = 11 , LatentPalmImpression = 12 ,
  LatentPalmTracing = 13 , LatentPalmPhoto = 14 , LatentPalmLift = 15 , LiveScanOpticalContactPlain = 20 ,
  LiveScanOpticalContactRolled = 21 , LiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain = 22 , LiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled = 23 , ContactlessPlainStationarySubject = 24 ,
  LiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain = 24 , ContactlessRolledStationarySubject = 25 , LiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled = 25 , LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain = 26 ,
  LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled = 27 , Other = 28 , Unknown = 29 , ContactlessRolledMovingSubject = 41 ,
  ContactlessPlainMovingSubject = 42
 Finger, palm, and latent impression types.
enum class  FingerImageCode {
  EJI = 0 , RolledTip , FullFingerRolled , FullFingerPlainLeft ,
  FullFingerPlainCenter , FullFingerPlainRight , ProximalSegment , DistalSegment ,
  MedialSegment , NA
 Joint and tip codes.
enum class  CaptureTechnology {
  Unknown = 0 , Other = 1 , ScannedInkOnPaper = 2 , OpticalTIRBright = 3 ,
  OpticalTIRDark = 4 , OpticalDINative = 5 , OpticalDILowFrequenceyUnwrapped = 6 , ThreeDimensionalHighFrequencyUnwrapped = 7 ,
  Capacitive = 9 , CapacitiveRF = 10 , Electroluminescent = 11 , ReflectedUltrasonic = 12 ,
  UltrasonicImpediography = 13 , Thermal = 14 , DirectPressureSensitive = 15 , IndirectPressure = 16 ,
  LiveTape = 17 , LatentImpression = 18 , LatentPhoto = 19 , LatentMold = 20 ,
  LatentTracing = 21 , LatentLift = 22
 Friction Ridge Capture Technology codes.

Detailed Description

Biometric information relating to finger images and derived information.

The Finger package gathers all finger related matters, including classes to represent finger minutiae and helper functions for conversion between biometric representations. Contained within this namespace are classes to represent specific record formats, such as ANSI/NIST finger image records.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Position

Finger position codes.

These codes match those in ANSI/NIST. Other minutiae formats may have to map codes into this set.