
2024.5.0, (2024-6-10)

  • Adds additional optical TF frame for all cameras

  • Fixes criteria for being in a quadrant #347, issue where a part at the edge of a quadrant is identified as flipped

  • Modified values for tape on kit trays to be more gray than black to help with aruco detection

  • Adds option to trial generator GUI to rebuild the ariac_gazebo package after a trial is modified or added.

2024.4.1, (2024-5-8)

  • Fix focal length issue in camera_info topic

2024.4.0, (2024-4-30)

  • Fix QoS of subscriber to in vacuum gripper plugin in order to fix drop part challenge not triggering properly.

2024.3.0, (2024-3-28)

  • Fixed issue #314 with #317

    • Changes gripper_joint in the vacuum_gripper.xacro to be fixed instead of revolute.

    • Removes ceiling_gripper_joint and floor_gripper_joint from MoveItConfig

  • Updates to the Trial Configurator GUI: #320

    • Added random parts for conveyor and bins

    • Clear all bins and conveyor buttons added

    • More warning messages

    • Save button deactivates if there are no orders

    • Restricted available offsets for pump on conveyor belt

    • Fixed image rotation

2024.2.0, (2024-3-14)

  • Added headers to BasicLogicalCameraImage msg and AdvancedLogicalCameraImage msg 313

2024.1.1, (2024-2-1)

  • Fixed issue with GUI #301

2024.1.0, (2024-1-30)

Initial release of the 2024 ARIAC competition.

Updates relevant to competitors:

  • Competition environment moved to ROS Iron on Ubuntu 22.04.

  • Added RGB/RGBD cameras to the robot end effectors #274

  • Removed the ability to use advanced_logical_cameras for the competition. #258

    • Advanced logical cameras can still be used for development using the launch argument dev_mode:=true

  • Updated conveyor belt to continually spawn parts throughout the competition #264

  • Added new challenge where assembly inserts can be rotated on assembly tables #267

  • Fixed issue with part inertias that was affecting part pick up (especially pump) #260

  • Changed initial poses of the robots to be their home pose (from ariac_moveit_config srdf) #271

  • Added feature to clear the AGV of tray and parts after kitting orders are submitted #266

  • Updated task manager scoring of tasks and improved logging display of scoring. Added output of the competitors’s sensor cost and trial score to the ariac_logs directory #296

  • Changed RGB/RGBD cameras to publish a blank image during sensor blackout challenge instead of not publishing #295

  • Fixed issues to make part picking and assembly more reliable #288

  • Removed human challenge for 2024 competition #280

Other Updates

  • Added static controllers to fix issue with new version of ros2_control where the robots drift when no controllers are active. #259

  • Updated ariac_moveit_config to use MoveItConfigsBuilder. #257

  • Moved documentation and automated evaluation to separate repositories #275

  • Moved/renamed test_competitor in separate repository #298

  • General cleanup of packages #261