This recommendation provides technical guidelines for the implementation of standards-based, secure, reliable credentials that are issued by federal departments and agencies to individuals who possess and prove control of their valid PIV Card. These credentials can be either public key infrastructure (PKI)-based like the PIV Card or non PKI-based but verified by the individual’s home agency. The scope of this document includes requirements for the initial issuance and maintenance of these credentials, certificate policies as applicable, cryptographic specifications, technical specifications for permitted authenticator types, and the command interfaces for removable implementations of such PKI-based credentials.
authentication; credentials; derived PIV credentials; electronic authentication; electronic credentials; mobile devices; personal identity verification; PIV
This section is informative.
[FIPS 201] specifies a common set of identity credentials to satisfy the requirements of [HSPD-12] in a smart card form factor known as the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card. This publication is a companion document to FIPS 201 that specifies the use of additional common identity credentials, known as derived PIV credentials, issued by a federal department or agency and may be used when using a PIV Card is impractical. Consistent with the goals of HSPD-12, derived PIV credentials are designed to serve as a Federal Government-wide standard for a secure and reliable identity credential that supports interoperability across agencies.
FIPS 201 originally required that the PIV credential and associated keys be stored in a PIV Card. While using the PIV Card for electronic authentication works well with many traditional desktop and laptop computers, it needs to be better suited to other devices, such as mobile devices. In response to the growing use of mobile endpoints within the Federal Government, FIPS 201-2 permitted the issuance of additional PKI-based credentials, referred to as derived PIV credentials, for which the corresponding private key is stored in a cryptographic module within a mobile device, such as a smartphone. PKI-based derived PIV credentials use the Federal Public Key Infrastructure (FPKI) to securely establish the binding between the credential and the PIV identity account. PKI-based derived PIV credentials are typically integrated into user endpoints, such as mobile devices, although they are not limited to use in these devices.
To provide additional flexibility for federal departments and agencies, FIPS 201-3 expands the set of credentials beyond those that are PKI-based and broadens their use to other types of devices in addition to mobile devices. This document — NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-157r1 (Revision 1) — describes the expanded set of derived PIV credentials in a variety of form factors. Non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials are cryptographic authenticators (as defined in [SP800-63B]) that are phishing-resistant. They may be separate from the endpoint being authenticated and, if so, are connected to the endpoint for that purpose. Since there is no PKI infrastructure to validate and supply attributes for non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials, non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials are always used to authenticate to the home agency IdMS of the PIV cardholder from which the cardholder’s PIV identity account is accessed. When access to the PIV identity account is needed outside of the cardholder’s home agency — particularly when a non-PKI-based derived PIV credential is presented in authentication — federation allows for connection across security domains as detailed in [SP800-217]. In the case of non-PKI derived PIV credentials, attributes are obtained from the PIV identity account rather than from the derived PIV credential itself.
Note: The PIV identity account is frequently implemented as multiple linked database records with potentially different access restrictions within the enterprise IDMS, which is the central repository for the cardholder’s digital identities. References to the PIV identity account apply to the relevant linked record, the structure of which is determined by the issuing agency.
Derived PIV credentials leverage the current investment in the PIV infrastructure for electronic authentication and build upon the solid foundation of the well-vetted and trusted identity of the PIV cardholder as represented in the PIV identity account, achieving substantial cost savings by leveraging the identity proofing results that were already performed to issue PIV Cards. This document provides technical guidelines for the implementation of derived PIV credentials.
This document provides guidelines for cases in which PIV Cards are deemed impractical for authentication and specifies the use of authenticators with alternative form factors to the PIV Card that may be inserted into endpoints (e.g., USB authenticators, authenticators that are connected wirelessly to endpoints, and authenticators that are embedded in endpoints). Authenticators used as derived PIV credentials must meet the requirements for cryptographic authenticators and must be phishing-resistant. Examples of suitable authentication processes include client-authenticated TLS and WebAuthn [WebAuthn]. Using alternative form factors greatly improves the usability of electronic authentication to remote IT resources while simultaneously maintaining the goals of HSPD-12 for common identification that is secure, reliable, and has government-wide interoperability.
The purpose of the derived PIV credential is to provide PIV-enabled authentication services on alternative endpoints to authenticate the credential holder to remote systems. As described in Appendix D, derived PIV credentials can also be used for physical access.
To achieve interoperability with the PIV infrastructure and its applications, two approaches to derived PIV credentials have been selected:
Use of public key infrastructure (PKI) technology. PKI-based derived PIV credentials rely on the same infrastructure used for authentication with a PIV Card. Cross-domain use of PKI-based derived PIV credentials is supported in the same manner as for PIV Cards.
Use of non-PKI-based authenticators. Non-PKI authenticators rely on IdAM infrastructure to allow for direct authentication by the home agency. Cross-domain use of non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials is supported through federation protocols, as specified in [SP800-217].
The derived PIV credentials specified in this document are issued at authentication assurance level (AAL) 2 or 3. Derived PIV credentials are issued at identity assurance level (IAL) 3, which is the identity proofing and issuance level associated with the PIV Card and bound to the PIV identity account, as per [FIPS201].
Derived PIV credentials are based on the general concept of post-enrollment authenticator binding in [SP800-63B], which leverages identity proofing and vetting associated with an existing subscriber account using current and valid authenticators to bind additional authenticators to that account. Identity proofing and vetting processes do not have to be repeated to issue a derived PIV credential. Instead, the user proves possession and control of a valid PIV Card to bind a derived PIV credential to their PIV identity account. The PIV Card may be used as the basis for issuing other types of derived credentials, but those credentials would not be bound to the PIV identity account and are therefore outside of this document’s scope.
While non-PKI derived PIV credentials are different in nature from PIV Cards and PKI-based derived PIV credentials, they are nevertheless considered to be derived PIV credentials due to their binding to the cardholder’s PIV identity account. Other authenticator requirements such as strength (AAL) and phishing resistance are additionally required for suitability as derived PIV credentials.
Derived PIV credentials are:
This document provides technical guidelines on:
This publication includes an informative appendix that provides recommendations for including digital signature and key management keys on devices that host a derived PIV credential. It also includes an annex with guidelines for the issuance and use of derived PIV credentials for facility access.
This document is intended for stakeholders who are responsible for procuring, designing, implementing, and managing deployments of derived PIV credentials for mobile devices and other endpoints.
This standard uses the following typographical conventions in text:
This document is organized as follows. Each section is labeled as either normative (i.e., mandatory for compliance) or informative (i.e., not mandatory).
Certain key PIV terms have assigned meanings within the context of this document. The term PIV cardholder refers to a person who possesses a valid PIV Card, regardless of whether they have been issued a derived PIV credential. The term applicant refers to a PIV cardholder who has applied for but has yet to be issued a derived PIV credential, and the term subscriber refers to a PIV cardholder to whom a derived PIV credential has been issued.
This section is normative.
The life cycle activities for a derived PIV credential are initial issuance, maintenance, and termination. At a more detailed level, the life cycle activities for PKI-based and non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials differ considerably. This section describes these life cycle activities and provides requirements and recommendations as appropriate.
Issuers of derived PIV credentials SHALL document the process for each life cycle activity described below. In accordance with [HSPD-12], the reliability of the derived PIV credential issuer SHALL be established through an official accreditation process, as described in [SP800-79].
The derived PIV credential life cycle consists of the activities described above: initial issuance, maintenance, and termination. The activities at the manufacturer during fabrication and pre-personalization of the authenticator (as applicable) are not considered part of this life cycle model. Figure 1 presents the PKI-based derived PIV credential life cycle activities alongside the PIV Card life cycle activities. Figure 2 presents the corresponding life cycle activities for non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials.
Figure 1. PKI-based derived PIV credential life cycle activities
Figure 2. Non-PKI-based derived PIV credential life cycle activities
The life cycle of a derived PIV credential begins with issuance on an approved device or authenticator associated with the applicant. This may be part of issuing a PIV Card or a subsequent process. Mobile devices with derived PIV credentials are managed, as described in [SP800-124].
The maintenance activities for a PKI-based derived PIV credential are the same as for other X.509 public key certificates. Certificate re-key is typically used to replace a certificate that is nearing expiration. Certificate modification replaces a certificate if information about the subscriber that appears on the certificate (e.g., their name) needs to be changed.
While non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials are not typically re-keyed and do not contain PII about the subscriber, they may require maintenance, such as replacing the activation secret or biometric factor used to activate the physical authenticator. Instead of re-keying, the current non-PKI-based derived PIV credential SHALL be invalidated and the initial issuance process (except for the device or authenticator approval process) repeated to bind a new derived PIV credential. When a non-PKI-based derived PIV credential is lost, stolen, or damaged, the issuer SHALL invalidate the credential to prevent its further use.
When an authenticator with the private key that corresponds to a PKI-based derived PIV credential is lost, stolen, or damaged, the issuer SHALL prevent further use of the affected credential by either collecting and destroying the associated private key or revoking the associated certificate. These processes are described in Sec. 2.4. If the subscriber becomes ineligible to possess a PIV Card, all derived PIV credentials for that subscriber are revoked or otherwise invalidated.
Issuing a derived PIV credential is an instance of the post-enrollment binding of an authenticator described in [SP800-63B]. Issuance SHALL be performed in accordance with the requirements that apply to cryptographic authenticators and the requirements in this section. The term issuance is used when the device or authenticator is provided to the subscriber and when the device or authenticator is already in the subscriber’s possession. Appendix C provides sample issuance processes for derived PIV credentials.
Derived PIV credentials SHALL only be issued by the home agency of the associated PIV identity account or by a third-party organization or service provider (e.g., USAccess) authorized by the home agency. Derived PIV credentials SHALL only be issued to devices (e.g., mobile devices) or authenticators that are approved by the home agency. Agencies MAY establish blanket approvals for particular device types or MAY individually authorize specific devices or authenticators for issuance and use by a cardholder. Each issuer SHALL document its authorization policies for issuance.
Binding a derived PIV credential to a PIV identity account can be accomplished through a connection to a PIV-authenticated endpoint, a direct connection to the PIV Card, or the use of the external authenticator binding procedure described in [SP800-63B] Sec. Derived PIV credentials MAY be issued remotely or in person. Except for derived PIV credential issuance as described in Sec. 2.2.3, the binding SHALL require the cardholder to authenticate using their PIV Card with the PIV-AUTH authentication mechanism specified in [FIPS201] Sec. In addition to authenticating the cardholder, performing the PKI-AUTH authentication mechanism verifies that the applicant is currently eligible to possess a PIV Card. All derived PIV credentials SHALL be issued in accordance with [SP800-63B] Sec.
Issuing agencies SHALL have a documented policy or process for determining the capabilities and basis for trust of the credentials they issue and the devices on which they will reside. All AAL3 derived PIV credentials SHALL only be issued to devices that the home agency has determined to have been issued to the cardholder.
After the applicant has been authenticated, a derived PIV credential MAY be issued. The newly issued derived PIV credential SHALL be represented in the cardholder’s PIV identity account. This implies that a third-party organization or service provider issuing derived PIV credentials needs to have access to the PIV identity account to meet this requirement.
When a new derived PIV credential is associated with a PIV identity account, the issuer SHALL promptly notify the PIV cardholder. Notification SHALL be to an address associated with the cardholder’s PIV identity account. More than one independent notification method MAY be used to ensure prompt receipt by the cardholder. Examples of these processes are given in Appendix C.
Derived PIV credentials SHALL meet the requirements for authentication assurance level (AAL) 2 or 3 specified in [SP800-63B]. Derived PIV credentials that meet AAL3 requirements also fulfill the requirements of AAL2 and can be used in circumstances that require authentication at AAL2. All derived PIV credentials at both AAL2 and AAL3 SHALL meet the requirements for phishing resistance defined in [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.5.
This guideline does not preclude issuing multiple derived PIV credentials to the same applicant based on the same PIV Card. However, this could increase the risk that one of the derived PIV credentials will be lost/stolen without the loss being reported or that the subscriber will inappropriately provide one to someone else. Accordingly, issuers MAY limit the number of active derived PIV credentials that a subscriber may have.
Issuing a PKI-based derived PIV credential requires the generation of a public/private key pair followed by the creation of a corresponding authentication certificate by the certificate authority (CA). For a derived PIV credential capable of being used at AAL3, all of the following requirements apply:
For a derived PIV credential issued for use only at AAL2, the same procedure MAY be used, or the CA SHALL generate a key pair and corresponding certificate and send the certificate and private key to the device over an authenticated protected channel for installation. Following installation, the CA SHALL promptly and securely delete its copy of the private key.
The private key SHALL be stored on the device in a manner that makes it accessible only upon entry of the correct activation secret or presentation of a biometric factor that matches a stored biometric image or template. This SHALL be accomplished by using strong access controls for the stored private key or through decryption of the private key using an encryption key derived from the activation secret.
The applicant SHALL be provided with or supply an approved physical authenticator for the highest AAL that the derived PIV credential will be used to authenticate. If the issuer does not directly provide the authenticator, the issuer SHALL verify that the authenticator’s characteristics (e.g., single-factor or multi-factor) meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] for the highest authentication assurance level at which it will be used (AAL2 or AAL3), including [FIPS140] requirements.
The issuance process for a multi-factor authenticator SHALL prompt the applicant to establish an activation secret or a biometric activation factor (or both) for the authenticator if not previously established and successfully authenticate using that authenticator. The issuance process with a single-factor authenticator SHALL prompt the applicant to register a password that meets the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.1.1 and will be verified along with the physical authenticator in the authentication process.
Some operational situations may motivate the issuance of a derived PIV credential when a PIV Card is unavailable. For example, it may be desirable to:
In these and similar situations, one or more derived PIV credentials MAY be issued, subject to the following conditions.
The subscriber SHALL be issued a derived PIV credential only after all issuance requirements in [FIPS201] Sec. 2.8 and 2.8.3 have been met (substituting “derived PIV credential” for “PIV Card” in those sections) and the PIV identity account has been established. Issuance SHALL be performed in person or at a supervised remote identity proofing station.
Since only PIV Cards (and not derived PIV credentials) can be used to bind additional derived PIV credentials, all derived PIV credentials expected to be needed SHOULD be issued at the same time. For example, the subscriber may need a mobile device and also a separate hardware token as derived PIV credentials.
Derived PIV credentials issued in this manner MAY also be enabled for physical access, as described in Appendix D.
The maintenance activities required for derived PIV credentials depend on the type of derived PIV credential (PKI-based or non-PKI-based) used. Maintenance activities include rekeying, modifying certificates, and replacing an activation factor (biometric or activation secret) as appropriate.
Derived PIV credentials are unaffected when the subscriber replaces their PIV Card with a new one (reissuance) or when it is lost, stolen, or damaged. The ability for the subscriber to use a derived PIV credential is beneficial while waiting for a new PIV Card to be issued. In such circumstances, the subscriber continues to be able to use the derived PIV credential to gain logical access to remote federally controlled information systems from their endpoint.
Updating the activation factor (biometric or activation secret, such as a PIN) or resetting the activation retry count for a derived PIV credential SHALL be performed in accordance with Sec. 3.1.4 for PKI-based derived PIV credentials or Sec. 3.2.3 for non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials.
PKI-based derived PIV credentials require typical maintenance activities applicable to asymmetric cryptographic credentials, including rekeying and modification. These activities MAY be performed either remotely or in person and SHALL be conducted in accordance with the certificate policy under which the derived PIV authentication certificate is issued. When certificate rekeying or modification is performed remotely for a derived PIV credential, communication between the issuer and the cryptographic module in which the derived PIV authentication private key is stored SHALL only occur over mutually authenticated secure sessions between tested and validated cryptographic modules.
Certain maintenance activities for the subscriber’s PIV Card trigger corresponding maintenance activities for the derived PIV credential. PKI-based derived PIV credentials SHALL be reissued if any information about the subscriber that appears in the credential changes. For example, if the subscriber’s PIV Card is reissued as a result of a change in the subscriber’s name and the subscriber’s name appears in the derived PIV authentication certificate, a new derived PIV authentication certificate with the new name SHALL be issued and the previous certificate invalidated. The subscriber then uses their current PIV authentication certificate to authenticate to the issuer, which then updates the certificate in the derived PIV credential module.
Maintenance activities for non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials are simpler than those for PKI-based derived PIV credentials since the former do not contain information about the cardholder nor carry a specific expiration date. Identity information SHALL be maintained in the PIV identity account and SHALL be updated when needed.
Updating a separate password used with a single-factor authenticator for use at AAL2 SHALL be performed in a mutually authenticated protected session with the home agency IdMS. The update SHALL require the entry of the current password. If resetting the password is required because the subscriber has forgotten the password or has reached the retry limit, it SHALL be done in accordance with Sec. 3.2.3.
When an authenticator associated with a derived PIV credential is compromised (e.g., lost, stolen, or damaged), that derived PIV credential SHALL be invalidated as described below.
All derived PIV credentials associated with a given PIV identity account SHALL be invalidated when that PIV identity account is terminated, typically due to the cardholder’s loss of PIV credential eligibility. Issuers of derived PIV credentials SHALL continuously monitor the associated PIV identity account to determine its termination status. Meeting this requirement is simplified because the subject’s PIV Card, credential eligibility, and all derived PIV credentials are maintained in one account — the PIV identity account — and maintained by the home agency IdMS.
If a PIV Card or derived PIV credential is invalidated due to loss or compromise, the home agency or issuer SHOULD check to see whether any derived PIV credentials have been recently (typically within the past seven days) bound to the PIV identity account and if so, determine whether they were appropriately issued to the subject. Termination of the PIV Card, which may occur due to loss or other compromise, does not usually require the invalidation of associated derived PIV credentials unless it is a result of termination of the associated PIV identity account.
The non-voluntary invalidation of a derived PIV credential SHALL be handled as specified in [CSP].
If the derived PIV authentication private key was created and stored on a hardware module that does not permit private key export and the token is collected and either zeroized or destroyed, then the derived PIV authentication certificate SHOULD be revoked. In all other cases, the derived PIV authentication certificate SHALL be revoked.
Non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials are always directly verified by the home agency IdMS of the associated PIV Card. Therefore, termination of a non-PKI-based derived PIV credential SHALL be accomplished by invalidating the reference to the associated authenticator in the PIV identity account so that the authenticator cannot be used to authenticate to the home agency IdMS. Separate authenticators MAY be collected from the subscriber, but this is not required.
This section is normative.
This section describes technical requirements for PKI-based and non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials and associated authenticators.
While the following sections focus on credential and authenticator requirements, the verifier is required to meet the corresponding verifier requirements in [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.1.
A PKI-based derived PIV credential is a derived PIV authentication certificate, which is an X.509 public key certificate that has been issued in accordance with the requirements of this document and [COMMON]. All derived PIV credentials created under previous revisions of these guidelines are PKI-based and remain valid implementations under this SP 800-157 revision. Appendix B describes additional requirements for removable or wireless PKI-based derived PIV credentials that are used for logical access.
Authentication using PKI-based derived PIV credentials SHALL include a check to determine that the authentication certificate is valid and current (e.g., that the certificate is unexpired and not revoked).
Derived PIV authentication certificates SHALL be issued under either the id-fpki-common-derived-pivAuth-hardware
policy (satisfying [SP800-63B] AAL3) or the id-fpki-common-derived-pivAuth
policy (satisfying AAL2) of [COMMON]. All derived PIV credentials SHALL be deemed to satisfy [SP800-63A] IAL3 since that is the identity proofing and issuance level associated with the PIV Card and bound to the PIV identity account.
Derived PIV authentication certificates SHALL comply with the Derived PIV Authentication Certificate profile in [PROF].
The expiration date of a derived PIV authentication certificate is based on the issuer’s certificate policy and the certificate policy specified above. There is no requirement to align the expiration date of a derived PIV authentication certificate with the expiration date of the PIV authentication certificate or the expiration of the PIV Card. This allows a derived PIV credential to continue to act as an active credential while the cardholder’s PIV Card is being renewed.
The cryptographic algorithm and key size requirements for the derived PIV authentication certificates and private keys are the same as the requirements for the PIV authentication certificate and private key, as specified in [SP800-78].
For derived PIV authentication certificates issued under id-fpki-common-pivAuth-derived-hardware
(AAL3), the derived PIV authentication key pair SHALL be generated within a cryptographic
module that meets the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.3.2, including being validated to [FIPS140] Level 2 or higher with Level 3 physical security to
protect the derived PIV authentication private key while in storage and not permitting export
of the private key.
For derived PIV authentication certificates issued under id-fpki-common-pivAuth-derived
(AAL2), the
derived PIV authentication key pair SHALL be generated within a cryptographic module that has been
validated to [FIPS140] Level 1 or higher. If the key pair is generated outside of the authenticator itself, the private key SHALL be transferred via an authenticated protected channel as defined in [SP800-63B], and the authenticator SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.2.2, including being validated to [FIPS140] Level 1 or higher.
A multi-factor cryptographic authenticator as specified in [SP800-63B] Sec. SHALL be used for PKI-based derived PIV authentication. The authenticator SHALL be phishing-resistant, as described in [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.5. Authenticators used at AAL3 SHALL meet the additional requirements described in [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.3.
Activation of PKI-based derived PIV authenticators using an activation secret SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.10. Activation using a biometric characteristic SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.3.
If the activation secret or the biometric activation factor needs to be changed, entry of the current activation secret SHALL be required to change the value. The authenticator MAY support a PIN unblocking key (PUK) that can be used by the home agency IdMS to unblock or reset the activation secret or biometric activation factor if it has been forgotten or the permitted number of consecutive wrong attempts has been reached. If reset using PUK is unavailable and the authenticator cannot be successfully activated, the authenticator SHALL be invalidated as described in Sec. 2.4. A new derived PIV credential MAY then be issued.
Non-PKI-based credentials SHALL only be used to authenticate to verifiers that are authorized by the home agency of the associated PIV Card. All verifiers of non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials SHALL access the home agency IdMS in order to determine the current validity of the associated PIV identity account. Non-PKI derived PIV credentials can be used elsewhere through federation with an IdP able to access the home agency IdMS, as described in [SP800-217].
Multi-factor or single-factor cryptographic authenticators as specified in [SP800-63B] Sec. and Sec., respectively, SHALL be used for non-PKI-based derived PIV authentication. Cryptographic authenticators SHALL be phishing-resistant as described in [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.5. Examples of suitable authentication processes include client-authenticated TLS and WebAuthn [WebAuthn]. Except for physical access applications specified in Appendix D, all single-factor authenticators SHALL be used in conjunction with a password that meets the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.1.1. Authenticators used at AAL3 SHALL meet the additional requirements described in [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.3.
Authenticators used as non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials SHALL meet the cryptographic requirements specified in [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.1 for the corresponding authenticator type.
Activation of the derived PIV credential using an activation secret SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.10. Activation using a biometric characteristic SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 3.2.3.
If the activation secret or the biometric activation factor needs to be changed, entry of the current activation secret SHALL be required to change the value. If the activation secret has been forgotten or the permitted number of consecutive wrong attempts has been reached, centralized management by the home agency IdMS SHALL be required to reset the activation secret and attempt counter. If centralized reset is unavailable, the authenticator SHALL be reset and will requires re-binding to the PIV identity account, as described in Sec. 2.2.
[COMMON] Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority (2024) X.509 Certificate Policy for the U.S. Federal PKI Common Policy Framework. (Federal CIO Council), Version 2.8 [or as amended]. Available at
[CSP] Rigas MJ (2020) Credentialing Standards Procedures for Issuing Personal Identity Verification Cards under HSPD-12 and New Requirement for Suspension or Revocation of Eligibility for Personal Identity Verification Credentials. (U.S. Offics of Personnel Management, Washington, DC). Available at
[FIPS140] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2019) Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. (U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 140-3 [or as amended].
[FIPS201] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2022) Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors. (U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 201-3 [or as amended].
[HSPD-12] Bush GW (2004) Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors. (The White House, Washington, DC), Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-12. Available at
[ISO7816] International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2004-2020) ISO/IEC 7816 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards. (multiple parts):
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2011) ISO/IEC 7816-1:2011 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 1: Cards with Contacts — Physical characteristics. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2007) ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 2: Cards with contacts — Dimensions and location of the contacts. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2006) ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 3: Cards with contacts — Electrical interface and transmission protocols. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2020) ISO/IEC 7816-4:2020 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2004) ISO/IEC 7816-5:2004 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 5: Registration of application providers. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2016) ISO/IEC 7816-6:2016 — Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 6: Interindustry data elements for interchange. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
[ISO14443] International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (2018) ISO/IEC 14443-1:2018 — Cards and security devices for personal identification — Contactless proximity objects Part 1: Physical characteristics. (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland) [or as amended]. Available at
[PCSC] Personal Computer/Smart Card Workgroup (2020) PC/SC Workgroup Specifications Overview. Available at
[PROF] Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority (2021) X.509 Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profiles. (Federal CIO Council), Version 2.1 [or as amended]. Available at
[SP800-63A] Temoshok D, Abruzzi C, Fenton JL, Galluzzo R, LaSalle C, Lefkovitz N, Regenscheid A (2024) Digital Identity Guidelines: Identity Proofing and Enrollment. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-63A-4 2pd [or as amended].
[SP800-63B] Temoshok D, Fenton JL, Choong YY, Lefkovitz N, Regenscheid A, Richer JP (2024) Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Authenticator Management. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-63B-4 2pd [or as amended].
[SP800-73pt1] Ferraiolo H, Mehta K, Francomacaro S, Chandramouli R, Gupta S (2024) Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification: Part 1 – PIV Card Application Namespace, Data Model, and Representation. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-73pt1-5 [or as amended].
[SP800-73pt2] Ferraiolo H, Mehta K, Francomacaro S, Chandramouli R, Gupta S (2024) Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification: Part 2 – PIV Card Application Card Command Interface. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-73pt2-5 [or as amended].
[SP800-78] Ferraiolo H, Regenscheid A (2024) Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes for Personal Identity Verification. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-78-5 [or as amended].
[SP800-79] Ferraiolo H, Regenscheid A, Gupta S, Ghadiali N (2023) Guidelines for the Authorization of PIV Card and Derived PIV Credential Issuers. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) NIST SP 800-79r3 ipd [or as amended].
[SP800-96] Dray JF, Giles A, Kelley M, Chandramouli R (2006) PIV Card to Reader Interoperability Guidelines. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-96 [or as amended].
[SP800-116] Ferraiolo H, Mehta KL, Ghadiali N, Mohler J, Johnson V, Brady S (2018) A Recommendation for the Use of PIV Credentials in Physical Access Control Systems (PACS). (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-116, Rev. 1 [or as amended].
[SP800-124] Howell G, Franklin JM, Sritapan V, Souppaya MP, Scarfone KA (2023) Guidelines for Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-124r2 [or as amended].
[SP800-166] Cooper D, Ferraiolo H, Chandramouli R, Ghadiali N, Mohler J, Brady S (2016) Derived PIV Application and Data Model Test Guidelines. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-166 [or as amended].
[SP 800-217] Ferraiolo H, Regenscheid A, Richer JP (2024) Guidelines for the Use of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Credentials with Federation (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-217 fpd [or as amended].
[WebAuthn] Hodges J, Jones JC, Jones MB, Kumar A, Lundberg E (2021) Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials - Level 2. (World Wide Web Consortium, Cambridge, MA). Available at
This appendix is informative.
In addition to the PIV authentication keys, [FIPS201] also requires each PIV Card to have a digital signature key and a key management key unless the cardholder does not have a government-issued email account at the time of credential issuance. A subscriber who has been issued a derived PIV credential may also need a digital signature and key management key.
To decrypt data that was previously encrypted using one of the older key management public keys, it would be necessary to store a copy of the PIV Card’s key management private key and certificate in the keystore that hosts the derived PIV credential. Neither [FIPS201] nor [COMMON] precludes a key management private key from being used on more than one device (e.g., the PIV Card and a derived PIV credential keystore) as long as all of the requirements of the policy under which the key management certificate was issued are satisfied. This means that to use a copy of a key management private key in a [FIPS140] Level 1 software cryptographic module, the corresponding certificate would have to be issued under a certificate policy, such as id-fpki-common-policy
, that does not require the use of a [FIPS140] Level 2 hardware cryptographic module. This should be considered when issuing the key management certificate placed on the PIV Card. Key recovery mechanisms are encouraged for key management keys used on derived PIV credential keystores.
As the digital signature key on a PIV Card cannot be copied, a new digital signature private key will need to be generated and a corresponding certificate will need to be issued for the derived PIV credential keystore. The issuance of this private key and certificate is independent of the issuance of the PIV Card. As the certificate policies associated with digital signature certificates in [COMMON] (id-fpki-common-policy
, id-fpki-common-hardware
, and id-fpki-common-High
) are not limited to use with PIV Cards, a digital signature certificate for a derived PIV credential keystore may be issued under one of these policies as long as all of the policy requirements are satisfied.
This appendix is normative.
This appendix provides data model and interface requirements for PKI-based derived PIV applications implemented on removable or wireless cryptographic authenticators. Use of wireless cryptographic authenticators in this appendix is applicable to logical access. Wireless authenticators for physical access (e.g., facility access) are specified in Appendix D.
The data model and representation requirements for derived PIV applications are based on the requirements for PIV Card applications, as described in [SP800-73pt1]. Test requirements and test assertions for testing the derived PIV application and associated derived PIV data objects implemented on removable hardware tokens are specified in [SP800-166], Derived PIV Application and Data Model Test Guidelines. The specifications for the mandatory and optional data objects listed below are the same as the specifications for the corresponding data objects on a PIV Card application, as described in [SP800-73pt1].
The PIV application ID (AID) SHOULD be used to maximize interoperability with PIV Cards. For reference, that application ID is (in hexadecimal):
A0 00 00 03 08 00 00 10 00 01 00
Alternatively, the derived PIV application identifier defined in the previous edition of this guideline MAY be used. This application ID is deprecated and may not be included in future editions of this guideline. That application ID is (in hexadecimal):
A0 00 00 03 08 00 00 20 00 01 00
No other application ID SHALL be used.
The PIV or derived PIV application can be selected as the current application on the removable cryptographic token by providing the full AID listed above or the right-truncated version, as follows (hexadecimal):
A0 00 00 03 08 00 00 x0 00
where ‘x’ is either 1 for the PIV application or 2 for the derived PIV application.
The derived PIV application SHALL contain the following mandatory interoperable data object:
The following data objects MAY also be present:
to indicate that the virtual contact interface (VCI) is not implemented, 0x48
to indicate that a pairing code is required to establish a VCI, or 0x4C
to indicate that no pairing code is required to establish a VCI. This also means that neither the global PIN nor the on-card biometric comparison (OCC) satisfies the access control rules for command execution and data object access within the derived PIV application.0xBB
, SHALL include the derived PIV credential issuer’s certificate.\clearpage
Section 3.5 of [SP800-73pt1] provides the container IDs and access rules for the mandatory and optional data objects for a derived PIV application with the following mappings:
Table 1. Mapping of Data Objects
Derived PIV Application Data Object | PIV Card Application Data Object |
X.509 Certificate for Derived PIV Authentication | X.509 Certificate for PIV Authentication |
Security Object | Security Object |
X.509 Certificate for Digital Signature | X.509 Certificate for Digital Signature |
X.509 Certificate for Key Management | X.509 Certificate for Key Management |
Discovery Object | Discovery Object |
Key History Object | Key History Object |
Retired X.509 Certificate for Key Management [1:20] | Retired X.509 Certificate for Key Management [1:20] |
Secure Messaging Certificate Signer | Secure Messaging Certificate Signer |
Pairing Code Reference Data Container | Pairing Code Reference Data Container |
The detailed data model specifications for each of the data objects of the derived PIV application are the same as the specifications for the corresponding data objects (mapped per Table 1) of the PIV Card application as described in Appendix A of [SP800-73pt1], except for the following:
The security object for the derived PIV application is optional. It is required if the optional discovery object, the optional key history object, or the optional pairing code reference data container is present.
The minimum capacity for the security object container SHALL be 3000 bytes to allow space for the derived PIV credential issuer’s certificate.
The ASN.1 object identifiers (OID) and “basic encoding rules – tag length value” (BER-TLV) tags for the mandatory and optional data objects within the derived PIV application are the same as for the corresponding data objects (mapped per Table 1) of the PIV Card application, as described in Sec. 4 of [SP800-73pt1].
This appendix describes the data types used in the derived PIV application command interface.
Key references are assigned to keys and secrets of the derived PIV application. Table 8 of [SP800-78] and Table 4 of [SP800-73pt1] define the key reference values that SHALL be used on the derived PIV application interfaces with the following mappings:
Derived PIV Key Type | PIV Key Type |
Derived PIV Activation Secret | PIV Card Application PIN |
Activation Secret Unblocking Key | PIN Unblocking Key |
Derived PIV Authentication Key | PIV Authentication Key |
Derived PIV Token Management Key | Card Management Key |
Digital Signature Key | Digital Signature Key |
Key Management Key | Key Management Key |
Retired Key Management Key | Retired Key Management Key |
Derived PIV Secure Messaging Key | PIV Secure Messaging Key |
The key reference specifications in Sec. 5.1 of [SP800-73pt1] apply to the corresponding keys included in the derived PIV application (mapped per Table 2), except for the following:
References to “PIV Card application” are replaced with “derived PIV application.”
References in the “Security Condition for Use” column to “PIN or OCC” are replaced with “derived PIV activation secret.”
The algorithm identifiers for the cryptographic algorithms that MAY be recognized on the derived PIV application interfaces are the symmetric and asymmetric identifiers specified in Table 9 and Table 10 of [SP800-78]. The cryptographic mechanism identifiers that MAY be recognized on the derived PIV application interfaces are those specified in Table 5 of [SP800-73pt1].
The status words that MAY be returned on the derived PIV application command interface are as specified in Sec. 5.6 of [SP800-73pt1].
The derived PIV application supports the following validation steps:
Credential validation (CredV) is established by verifying the certificates retrieved from the derived PIV application and checking the validity and revocation status of these certificates.
Derived PIV application holder validation (HolderV) is established when the authenticator holder proves knowledge of the derived PIV activation secret associated with the derived PIV credential that contains valid and unrevoked certificates.
The derived PIV application facilitates a single authentication mechanism, which is a cryptographic challenge and response authentication protocol that uses the derived PIV authentication private key as described in Appendix B.1.2 of [SP800-73pt1] with the following translations:
Authentication can also be performed wirelessly over a virtual contact interface (VCI) if a VCI has been established with the derived PIV application.
This appendix contains the technical specifications for the command interface to the derived PIV application surfaced by the card edge of the integrated circuit card (ICC) that represents the removable cryptographic authenticator. The command interface for the derived PIV application SHALL implement all of the card commands supported by the PIV Card application as described in [SP800-73pt2], which include:
The specifications for the token command interface SHALL be the same as the specifications for the corresponding card edge commands for a PIV Card as described in [SP800-73pt2], except for the following deviations:
The token platform SHALL support a default selected application, which is the application chosen following a cold or warm reset. This default application may be the derived PIV application or another application.
Knowledge of a secret (specifically the derived PIV activation secret) is how an individual can be authenticated to the derived PIV application.
The derived PIV activation secret SHALL be between 6 and 8 bytes in length. If the actual length of the derived PIV activation secret is less than 8 bytes, it SHALL be padded to 8 bytes with 0xFF
when presented to the token command interface. The 0xFF
padding bytes SHALL be appended to the actual value of the secret. The bytes that comprise the derived PIV activation secret SHALL be limited to values 0x30
– 0x39
, 0x41
– 0x5A
, and 0x61
– 0x7A
: the ASCII values for the decimal digits ‘0’ – ‘9’; upper case characters ‘A’ – ‘Z’; and lower case characters ‘a’ – ‘z’. For example,
50 61 72 74 32 31
50 61 72 74 32 31 FF FF
The derived PIV application SHALL enforce the minimum length requirement of 6 bytes for the derived PIV activation secret (i.e., SHALL verify that at least the first 6 bytes of the value presented to the card command interface are in the range 0x30
– 0x39
, 0x41
– 0x5A
, or 0x61
– 0x7A
) as well as the other formatting requirements specified in this section.
This appendix is informative.
The issuance process for a derived PIV credential varies depending on whether it is being issued for use at AAL2 or AAL3. Section 2.2 specifies the requirements for initial issuance. This appendix provides example issuance processes that satisfy those requirements at AAL2 and at AAL3. These examples assume the PKI-AUTH authentication mechanism will be used with a valid PIV Card to enable the issuance process.
An employee requires a derived PIV credential to access a relying party application that requires authentication at AAL3. Their endpoint does not easily accommodate their PIV Card, and the application resides at a different agency that does not support federation, so a PKI-based credential is needed. A request to issue a derived PIV credential is submitted to the agency’s approval authority and is approved.
The employee visits their security office or other issuing authority. If the issuance of a derived PIV credential has been approved, they are provided with a USB authenticator capable of supporting the derived PIV application and meeting AAL3 requirements. After authenticating with their PIV Card using the PKI-AUTH authentication mechanism, the USB authenticator is provisioned, which involves the generation of a key pair for the derived PIV authentication certificate within the device’s cryptographic module and export of the public key to the IDMS, which generates the certificate and loads it onto the authenticator. The employee is also prompted to establish an activation secret for the credential. The issuer enters information about the new derived PIV credential into the subscriber’s PIV identity account. The employee is notified of the binding of the new derived PIV credential by email or postal notification to their address in the PIV identity account.
Additional data elements described in Appendix B.1.2 may also be provisioned on the device.
An employee requires a mobile device for work. The mobile device is ordered, and a request to issue a derived PIV credential is submitted to the agency’s approval authority.
Following receipt of the device and approval, the employee starts the binding process remotely — such as from their home — by visiting a derived PIV credential website operated by or on behalf of their PIV Card’s home agency IDMS. The website requires TLS client authentication using the PKI-AUTH authentication method with the employee’s PIV Card. The employee performs this step from a desktop computer since they cannot use their PIV Card on a mobile device. Having authenticated the employee, the server verifies PIV credential eligibility in the employee’s PIV identity account. Once the employee has successfully authenticated to the server, the issuer generates and displays a binding secret to the employee.
The employee then runs a provisioning application on the mobile device. The application asks the employee to identify themselves and enter the binding secret previously provided from the desktop website to create an activation secret, which will subsequently be used to authenticate to the cryptographic module. The application generates a key pair within the device’s cryptographic module and submits the binding secret and newly generated public key to the PIV issuer as part of a certificate request. The PIV issuer authenticates the employee by verifying that the certificate request’s binding secret matches the one it previously issued and forwards the public key to the CA, which signs and issues the derived PIV credential (i.e., the derived PIV authentication certificate). The provisioning application loads the derived PIV authentication certificate on the mobile device. The PIV Card issuer enters information about the new derived PIV credential into the subscriber’s PIV identity account. The cardholder is notified of the binding of the new derived PIV credential by email or postal notification to their address in the PIV identity account.
Normative requirements for this process are given in [SP800-63B] Sec. and in Sec. 2.2 of this document.
An employee requires a derived PIV credential to access a relying party using one or more endpoints that do not accommodate the direct use of a PIV Card. The employee requests a non-PKI-based authenticator capable of authentication at AAL3 and approval to use that authenticator as a derived PIV credential. The agency’s approval authority approves the request.
After receiving the approval and authenticator, the employee starts the binding process by authenticating with their PIV Card using PKI-AUTH at a derived PIV credential website operated by or on behalf of the employee’s home agency IdMS. The website requires TLS client authentication with the PKI-AUTH authentication method using the employee’s PIV Card. Having authenticated the employee, the server verifies eligibility to possess a PIV Card. The employee then inserts (connects) the authenticator to be used as a derived PIV credential and registers (binds) that credential, including establishing a second authentication factor (activation secret or biometric characteristic) if that has not already been done. The website determines whether the authenticator meets AAL3 requirements. Upon successful registration, the home agency’s endpoint stores the subscriber’s key and appropriate metadata for non-PKI-based PIV authentication. The PIV Card issuer enters information about the new derived PIV credential into the subscriber’s PIV identity account. The employee is notified of the binding of the new derived PIV credential by email or postal notification to their address in the PIV identity account.
If the authenticator uses verifier name binding as described in [SP800-63B] Sec., the website used to register the authenticator has to share the same domain name as will be used by the home agency IdMS to authenticate the subscriber so that the same keys are used for registration and authentication.
The binding of a non-PKI-based derived PIV credential at AAL2 is identical to that at AAL3, except that the authenticator needs only to meet the requirements of AAL2.
To enable a derived PIV credential to be used for physical access as described in Appendix D, the applicant first authenticates using their PIV Card and the PKI-AUTH authentication method. Having authenticated the employee, the server verifies PIV credential eligibility in the applicant’s PIV identity account. The issuer generates a new CHUID data object, derived card authentication key, and derived card authentication certificate. If the SM-AUTH authentication method is supported, a key pair is generated. The issuer creates a corresponding derived card verifiable certificate and secure messaging certificate signer object. The issuer transfers the created objects to the derived PIV credential module using a TLS or similar authenticated protected channel. Because the PACS credential is a single authentication factor, it is not necessary to establish an activation factor.
The PIV Card issuer enters information about the new derived PIV credential into the subscriber’s PIV identity account. The cardholder is notified of the binding of the new derived PIV credential.
This appendix is normative.
Credentials on PIV cards are commonly used to identify and authenticate individuals accessing government facilities. Agencies MAY issue derived PIV credentials for use with physical access control systems. This appendix provides data model and interface requirements for derived PIV applications for physical access. To facilitate compatibility with PIV readers, these requirements reference the requirements for the PIV card and PIV card application specified in [SP800-73pt2].
Authentication to physical access control systems (PACS) using derived PIV credentials MAY use the PKI-CAK or SM-AUTH authentication mechanisms described in [SP800-73pt2] and [SP800-116]. Derived PIV credential modules that support PACS SHALL support the PKI-CAK authentication mechanism. Physical access SHALL be supported by contactless readers that conform to [ISO14443] for the card-to-reader interface and conform to [ISO7816] for data transmitted over the [ISO14443] link. If readers are connected to general-purpose desktop computing systems, they SHALL conform to [PCSC] for the reader-to-host system interface and the requirements specified in [SP800-96]. This standard does not specify the reader-to-host system interface in systems where the readers are not connected to general-purpose desktop computing systems.
Since the PKI-CAK and SM-AUTH authentication mechanisms are single-factor, there is no need to establish an activation factor for these physical access methods.
Issuance of derived PIV credentials that support PACS SHALL be done in accordance with the post-enrollment binding described in Sec. 2.2 and the PKI-based PIV credential issuance procedures described in Sec. 2.2.1. Issuance of derived PIV credentials in support of PACS without a PIV card SHALL follow Sec. 2.2.3.
The data model and representation requirements for the derived PIV application are based on the requirements for the PIV Card application, as described in [SP800-73pt1]. Test requirements and test assertions for testing the derived PIV application and associated derived PIV data objects implemented on removable hardware tokens are specified in [SP800-166], Derived PIV Application and Data Model Test Guidelines. The specifications for the mandatory and optional data objects listed below are the same as the specifications for the corresponding data objects on a PIV Card application, as described in [SP800-73pt1], with exceptions as noted.
Either the PIV card application identifier (AID) defined in Sec. 2.2 of [SP800-73pt1] or the derived PIV application AID, defined in Appendix B, SHALL be used. To maximize compatibility with existing PACS readers, the AID of the PIV card application SHOULD be used unless the use of the derived PIV AID for logical access makes this infeasible.
For reference, the AID of the PIV card application is (in hexadecimal):
A0 00 00 03 08 00 00 10 00 01 00
The AID of the derived PIV application is (in hexadecimal):
A0 00 00 03 08 00 00 20 00 01 00
The desired application can be selected by providing the full AID listed above or a truncated version that omits the last two bytes ‘01 00’.
The derived PIV application SHALL contain the following data objects when used for PACS:
The FASC-N, card UUID, expiration date, and, if present, cardholder UUID SHALL NOT be modified post-issuance.
The expiration date included in the derived CHUID data object SHALL be the same as the expiration date of the derived card authentication certificate. It SHALL be no later than the expiration date of the content signing certificate. There is no requirement to align the expiration date included in the derived CHUID data object with the expiration date of the CHUID data object on the cardholder’s PIV Card or with other certificates on the derived PIV credential.
The derived PIV application MAY contain the following data objects:
Section 3.5 of [SP800-73pt1] provides the container IDs and access rules for the PACS data objects for a derived PIV application with the mappings in Table 3.
Table 3. Mapping of PACS data objects
Derived PIV Application Data Object | PIV Card Application Data Object | Specification |
X.509 Certificate for Derived Card Authentication | X.509 Certificate for Card Authentication | [SP800-73pt1] Appendix A Table 18 |
Derived CHUID Data Object | CHUID Data Object | [SP800-73pt1] Appendix A Table 10 |
Derived Card Verifiable Certificate | Card Verifiable Certificate | [SP800-73pt2] Sec. 4.1.5 |
Secure Messaging Certificate Signer | Secure Messaging Certificate Signer | [SP800-73pt1] Appendix A Table 43 |
The detailed data model specifications for each of the PACS data objects are the same as the specifications for the corresponding data objects of the PIV Card application cited in Table 3 above with the exception that, as specified in Sec. D.1.2, they are accessible only over the contactless interface, except for the Secure Messaging Certificate Signer.
Derived card authentication certificates SHALL be issued under the id-fpki-common-devices
or the id-fpki-common-devicesHardware
policy of [COMMON]. The certificate SHALL also include an extended key usage (extKeyUsage) extension asserting id-PIV-cardAuth
. Derived card authentication certificates SHALL comply with the Alternative PACS Authenticator Certificate profile in [PROF].
The expiration date of a derived card authentication certificate is based on the issuer’s certificate policy and the certificate policy specified above. There is no requirement to align the expiration date of a derived card authentication certificate with the expiration date of the card authentication certificate or the expiration of the PIV Card. This allows a derived PIV credential to continue to act as an active credential while the cardholder’s PIV Card is being renewed.
For derived card authentication certificates issued under id-fpki-common-devices
, the derived card authentication key pair SHALL be generated within a cryptographic module that has been validated to [FIPS140] Level 1 or higher. If the key pair is generated outside of the authenticator itself, the private key SHALL be transferred via an authenticated protected channel as defined in [SP800-63B], and the authenticator SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.2.2, including being validated to [FIPS140] Level 1 or higher.
For derived card authentication certificates issued under id-fpki-common-devicesHardware
, the derived card authentication key pair SHALL be generated within a cryptographic module that has been validated to [FIPS140] Level 2 or higher. If the key pair is generated outside of the authenticator itself, the private key SHALL be transferred via an authenticated protected channel as defined in [SP800-63B], and the authenticator SHALL meet the requirements of [SP800-63B] Sec. 2.3.2, including being validated to [FIPS140] Level 2 or higher.
If present, the derived PIV secure messaging key pair SHALL be generated on the authenticator itself. Its private key SHALL NOT be exportable. The authenticator SHALL be validated to [FIPS140] Level 1 or higher.
The issuer SHALL generate the derived PIV card verifiable certificate, the derived CHUID data object, and the secure messaging certificate signer object (if required) and transfer them to the authenticator.
The ASN.1 object identifiers (OID) and basic encoding rules – tag length value (BER-TLV) tags for the PACS data objects within the derived PIV application are the same as for the corresponding data objects of the PIV Card application (mapped per Table 3), as described in Sec. 4 of [SP800-73pt1].
This section describes the data types used in the derived PIV application PACS command interface.
Key references are assigned to keys and secrets of the derived PIV application. Table 8 of [SP800-78] and Table 4 of [SP800-73pt1] define the key reference values that SHALL be used on the derived PIV application interfaces with the mappings in Table 4.
Table 4. Mapping of PACS key types
Derived PIV PACS Key Type | PIV Key Type |
Derived Card Authentication Key | Card Authentication Key |
Derived PIV Secure Messaging Key | PIV Secure Messaging Key |
The key reference specifications in Sec. 5.1 of [SP800-73pt1] apply to the corresponding keys included in the derived PIV application (mapped per Table 4) except that references to “PIV Card application” are replaced with “derived PIV application.”
The algorithm identifiers for the cryptographic algorithms that MAY be recognized for PACS use on the derived PIV application interfaces are the asymmetric identifiers specified in Table 9 and Table 10 of [SP800-78]. The cryptographic mechanism identifiers that MAY be recognized on the derived PIV application interfaces are those specified in Table 5 of [SP800-73pt1].
The status words that MAY be returned for PACS use on the derived PIV application command interface are as specified in Sec. 5.6 of [SP800-73pt1].
The derived PIV application supports the following validation steps for PACS use:
Credential validation (CredV) is established by verifying the certificates retrieved from the derived PIV application and checking the validity and revocation status of these certificates.
As with the PKI-CAK and SM-AUTH authentication mechanisms for the PIV card, derived PIV holder validation (HolderV) for PACS is only established by possession of the derived PIV credential (i.e., these are single-factor authentication mechanisms).
Derived PIV applications that support PACS SHALL support PKI-CAK, a cryptographic challenge and response authentication protocol that uses the derived card authentication key as described in Appendix B.1.3 of [SP800-73pt1]. Derived PIV applications MAY also support SM-AUTH — a key establishment protocol that uses the derived PIV secure messaging key, as described in Appendix B.1.7 of [SP800-73pt1]. The following translations apply to the use of these protocols by a derived PIV credential:
This appendix contains the technical specifications for the command interface to the derived PIV application surfaced by the wireless interface to the derived PIV credential for PACS. The command interface for the derived PIV application SHALL implement a subset of the card commands supported by the PIV Card application, as described in [SP800-73pt2], which include:
The specifications for the token command interface SHALL be the same as the specifications for the corresponding card edge commands for a PIV Card, as described in [SP800-73pt2], except for the following deviations:
The token platform SHALL support a default selected application, which is the application chosen immediately following a cold or warm reset. This default application MAY be the derived PIV application or another application.
The two authentication mechanisms for PACS are PKI-CAK and SM-AUTH, which rely only on possession of the derived PIV credential for holder validation (HolderV). Therefore, an activation secret is not used for enhanced holder validation.
A derived PIV credential that is used for physical access SHALL be invalidated when the associated PIV identity account is terminated or when the PACS credential or the device on which it resides has been lost or compromised. The IdMS SHALL revoke the card authentication certificate associated with the lost or compromised device or all such certificates associated with the terminated PIV identity account. The home agency IdMS SHOULD direct all physical access control systems known to use the credential to remove it from their access control lists.
This will generally require multiple entries for the cardholder on the access control list — one for each of their derived PIV credential modules and the PIV card. ↩
This appendix is informative.
Selected terms used in this guideline are defined below. All other significant technical terms used within this document are defined in other key documents, including [FIPS201], [SP800-63A], [SP800-63B], [SP800-73pt1], and [SP800-73pt2].
This appendix is informative.
Selected abbreviations used in this guideline are defined below.
This appendix is informative. It provides an overview of the changes to SP 800-157 since its initial release.