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Note to Reviewers

Public draft SP 800-157r1 Guidelines for Derived Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Credentials expands the use of derived PIV credentials beyond mobile devices to include non-PKI-based phishing resistant multi-factor credentials. The draft details the expanded set of derived PIV credentials in a variety of form factors and authenticator types as envisioned in OMB Memoranda M-19-22, M-22-09, and subsequently outlined in FIPS 201-3. The cross-domain and interagency use of these credentials is provided by federation protocols outlined in public draft SP 800-217 Guidelines for PIV Federation. Both documents are closely aligned with draft release SP 800-63-4 Digital Identity Guidelines. NIST hopes that the draft document enables a close alignment with new and emerging digital authentication and federation technologies employed in the federal government, while maintaining a strong security posture.

NIST is specifically interested in comments on and recommendations for the following topics:

  1. Are the new controls for issuance, use, maintenance, and termination of non-PKI-based derived PIV credentials clear and practical to implement?

  2. Are phishing-resistant authenticators available to meet agency use cases as well as the requirements for derived PIV authentication?

  3. Are the new controls sufficient to provide comparable assurance to PIV Cards and other derived PIV credentials?

Reviewers are encouraged to comment on all or part of both SP 800-157r1 and SP 800-217. NIST requests that all comments be submitted by 11:59pm Eastern Time on March 24, 2023. Please submit your comments to NIST will review all comments and make them available at the NIST Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) website. Commenters are encouraged to use the comment template provided on the NIST Computer Security Resource Center website.