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STS Checker

Load your STS XML document for an analytic summary report of findings and potential issues, produced in your browser. Subject to its limitations, the application will also work on other JATS-based formats such as JATS and BITS.

A Generic STS Preview utility is also available on this site.

Feel free to offer ideas for further development on the public Github Issues board.

About the Checker

See the STS Viewer for a reading (preview) display for STS XML.

This application produces several analytic views of a NISO STS document (an XML document nominally valid and conformant to NISO STS tagging standards). These analytic views are provided in support of data and encoding quality assessment, especially analysis and assessments that can be aided, but not performed, under automation.

This checker comes without warranty or guarantee, but may prove useful to the extent its findings are meaningful and accurate. Everything proposed by the checker should be considered unconfirmed until checked against. In particular, the 'checking' (representation) provided by this application is unrelated to the nominal validation of any instance against any schema, whether provided, directed or implied. It provides checking against its own criteria, as documented.

NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, is a nonprofit membership organization that publishes technical standards related to information management, processing, and exchange. NISO has no affiliation with NIST, the National Institute for Standards and Technology, a Bureau of the US Department of Commerce. This project is developed at NIST in support of public use of a non-proprietary encoding technology illustrating the power of external specification in combination with declarative design principles.

This viewer application is maintained on Github, with documentation.

Is this site a demonstration, a service or both?

This application is provided by NIST as an educational demonstration of how a service can be created, not as a fully operational service.

No guarantees or warranties are provided by NIST that the demo service will be maintained, updated, upgraded, or always available. While NIST intends to keep the demonstration running (with project source code available), NIST also reserves the right to stop supporting it, or to remove or rework it, without any prior warning.

The best way to ensure access to the application over the long term is to replicate it. See the project wiki page on Maintenance and Support for more details on how these projects are designed to be standards-based, accessible, portable, adaptable over time and unhindered by practical impediments to wide deployment, either technical or legal.