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OSCAL Painter

Try out your own CSS formatting on your own OSCAL.

Load your OSCAL data and style it dynamically, with typography, layout, font settings and colors provided by your own CSS. No data is sent to any server.

About the Painter

Based on the OSCAL Styler, the OSCAL Painter offers a play set of tools for users to explore the OSCAL data model and how it can be handled in a browser via an HTML surrogate. This HTML is produced by application of a generalized stylesheet, which casts OSCAL data into an isomorphic, equivalent and traceable form of HTML. To see the HTML model, load OSCAL XML and use your web developer tools to examine the result of this transformation as it populates the page. With CSS styling applied to the HTML, a web designer can provide the view with sophisticated styling, providing a customized or branded look and feel.

If the mapping from OSCAL into an HTML surrogate must be adapted, an application like one demonstrated by the OSCAL Styler comes into play. Pro tip: CSS can be applied directly to XML in your browser even without an intervening HTML conversion, or this page.

Feedback on this demonstration is welcome on the public Github Issues board. Or contribute to community discussions in public OSCAL channels.

Load and edit styles


Who is this for

Once you have this working take a look at the OSCAL Styler application, in which you create and style your own HTML DOM.

This viewer application is maintained on Github, with documentation.

Is this site a demonstration, a service or both?

This application is provided by NIST as an educational demonstration of how a service can be created, not as a fully operational service.

No guarantees or warranties are provided by NIST that the demo service will be maintained, updated, upgraded, or always available. While NIST intends to keep the demonstration running (with project source code available), NIST also reserves the right to stop supporting it, or to remove or rework it, without any prior warning.

The best way to ensure access to the application over the long term is to replicate it. See the project wiki page on Maintenance and Support for more details on how these projects are designed to be standards-based, accessible, portable, adaptable over time and unhindered by practical impediments to wide deployment, either technical or legal.