Scenario Object

A scenario describes the conditions surrounding the possible use of a vulnerability. A Vulnerability must have a least one Scenario, with multiple possible Scenarios being common. A single Vulnerability can likely be exploited by many different approaches with possible varying impacts. Multiple Scenarios can be used to describe these variations. For example, a remote exploit could rely on user interaction to be downloaded whilst a local attacker could use the same vulnerability to obtain the same or similar impact.


An scenario has the following properties.


Name id

Cardinality one

Description A globally unique identifier for the scenario.

The action identifier distinguishes the scenario from other scenarios related to the same vulnerability.

This identifier MUST be a version 4 (random) or 5 (SHA-1 based) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) as defined by RFC 4122.


Name hasName

Cardinality zero or one

Description A name or label to assist in identifying a given scenario in the context of the containing vulnerability.

A given scenario name MUST be unique across all sibling scenarios.

The value of hasName MUST be based on the lexical space of a string as defined by ECMA-404 2nd edition, section 9.

Attack Theater

Name requiresAttackTheater

Cardinality one

Description Attack Theater is the area or place from which an attack must occur.

Each separate theater represents varying levels of implied trust and attack surface.

The value of requiresAttackTheater MUST be a value from the theater value list.

Evidence Source

Name evidencedBySource

Cardinality one or many

Description A resource reference that will assist in supporting the existence of a vulnerability scenario.

The value of evidencedBySource MUST be a resource value.

Exploited Weakness

Name hasExploitedWeakness

Cardinality one

Description The weakness causing the vulnerability.

When choosing a value, the most applicable weakness should be selected. (See Exploited Weakness)

The value of hasExploitedWeakness MUST be an exploited weakness value.


A scenario has the following relationships.

Affected Product

Name affectsProduct

Cardinality one

Description Identifies the set of products affected within a scenario.

The object value of the affectsProduct relationship MUST be a product object.

Blocked By Barrier

Name blockedByBarrier

Cardinality zero or many

Description Describes a characteristic inherent in the vulnerability that may increase the difficulty of exploiting a scenario.

The object value of the blockedByBarrier relationship MUST be a barrier object.


Name hasAction

Cardinality one or many

Description Actions will occur within a Scenario

The object value of the hasAction relationship MUST be a action object.


 "hasScenario": [
     "id": "S1",
     "requiresAttackTheatre": "Remote::Internet",
     "hasExploitedWeakness": ["CWE-79"],
     "evidencedBySource": [""],
     "affectsProduct": {
     "blockedByBarrier": [
     "hasAction": [

Graph View

Scenario Graph