Welcome to the Vulntology Community
We are excited that you want to contribute to the Vulntology project. We are striving to provide a collaborative environment for professionals and hobbyists alike to contribute to the project’s goals and objectives.
We use GitHub as a collaboration platform for the development of the Vulntology. Within the project’s GitHub repository you will find:
- A set of issues for which we need your help. Feel free to pick from this list, or reach out to us about any other ideas you might have.
- Guidelines on contributing to this project.
- A project board that shows the issues the team is currently working on.
Contact Us
Please email the project team with any questions you have about this project or if you are interested in getting involved.
A Gitter chat room is available for discussions. This is a great place to discuss issues with the NIST developers. This room is also setup with GitHub integration, which provides a good summary of recent project GitHub repository activities within the chat room.