Overview - Tip-of-the-Tongue 2023¶
| Data
| Results
| Runs
| Participants
The Tip-of-the-Tongue (ToT) Track focuses on the known-item identification task where the searcher has previously experienced or consumed the item (e.g., a movie) but cannot recall a reliable identifier (i.e., It's on the tip of my tongue...). Unlike traditional ad-hoc keyword-based search, these information requests tend to be natural-language, verbose, and complex containing a wide variety of search strategies such as multi-hop reasoning, and frequently express uncertainty and suffer from false memories.
Track coordinator(s):
- Jaime Arguello, University of North Carolina
- Samarth Bhargav, University of Amsterdam
- Bhaskar Mitra, Microsoft Research
- Fernando Diaz, Google
- Evangelos Kanoulas, University of Amsterdam
Track Web Page: https://trec-tot.github.io/