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Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) 2021

Incident Streams

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Runs | Participants

The Incident Streams track is designed to bring together academia and industry to research technologies to automatically process social media streams during emergency situations with the aim of categorizing information and aid requests made on social media for emergency service operators.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Cody Buntain, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Richard McCreadie, University of Glasgow
  • Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Track Web Page:


Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The News track features modern search tasks in the news domain. In partnership with The Washington Post, the track develops test collections that support the search needs of news readers and news writers in the current news environment.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Donna Harman, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Shudong Huang, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Track Web Page:

Fair Ranking

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Runs | Participants

The Fair Ranking track focuses on building two-sided systems that offer fair exposure to ranked content producers while ensuring high results quality for ranking consumers.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Michael Ekstrand, Boise State University
  • Isaac Johnson, Wikimedia
  • Graham McDonald, University of Glasgow
  • Amifa Raj, Boise State University

Track Web Page:

Deep Learning

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The Deep Learning track focuses on IR tasks where a large training set is available, allowing us to compare a variety of retrieval approaches including deep neural networks and strong non-neural approaches, to see what works best in a large-data regime.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Daniel Campos, University of Illinois
  • Nick Craswell, Microsoft
  • Jimmy Lin, Microsoft
  • Bhaskar Mitra, Microsoft
  • Emine Yilmaz, University College London

Track Web Page:

Clinical Trials

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The goal of the new Clinical Trials track is to focus research on the clinical trials matching problem: given a free text summary of a patient health record, find suitable clinical trials for that patient.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Dina Demner-Fushman, U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • William Hersh, Oregon Health and Science University
  • Kirk Roberts, University of Texas Health Science Center
  • Ellen Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Track Web Page:

Conversational Assistance

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The main aim of Conversational Assistance Track (CAsT) is to advance research on conversational search systems. The goal of the track is to create reusable benchmarks for open-domain information centric conversational dialogues.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Jeff Dalton, University of Glasgow
  • Chenyan Xiong, Microsoft Research

Track Web Page:

Health Misinformation

Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The Health Misinformation track aims to (1) provide a venue for research on retrieval methods that promote better decision making with search engines, and (2) develop new online and offline evaluation methods to predict the decision making quality induced by search results. Consumer health information is used as the domain of interest in the track.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Charlie Clarke, University of Waterloo
  • Maria Maistro, University of Copenhagen
  • Mark Smucker, University of Waterloo

Track Web Page:


Overview | Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The aim of the Podcasts track is to develop methods for information retrieval and content understanding from open-domain podcast transcripts and audio.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Ann Clifton, Spotify
  • Ben Carterette, Spotify
  • Maria Eskevich, CLARIN ERIC
  • Gareth Jones, Dublin City University
  • Rosie Jones, Spotify
  • Jussi Karlgren, Spotify
  • Sravana Reddy, Spotify
  • Md Iftekhar Tanveer, Spotify

Track Web Page: