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Runs - News 2019


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: cityuni_1
  • Participant: cityuni
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 34f1032ac6620e58fb6c01f210d0034d
  • Run description: This run is provided based on Stochastic Hill climbing approachthat allows to recommend a set of ~20 background link for each Topic.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: cityuni_ER1
  • Participant: cityuni
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 4ecd5f19786cb8f539b0aa90d12b35bf
  • Run description: This run uses the wikipedia Dump along with optimisation algo to rank the entities


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: cityuni_ER2
  • Participant: cityuni
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: f583a53c0781ffd87347850e72302e58
  • Run description: This run uses the wikipedia Dump along with BM25 to rank the entities


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: clac_100_cos
  • Participant: CLAC_NEWS_2019
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 7fa9f8b7a18e89ee613d96fff159e1f5
  • Run description: cosine similarity on doc2vec with 100 dimensions


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: clac_300_cos
  • Participant: CLAC_NEWS_2019
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 3c956e104a0cef37542e4c58e9e76209
  • Run description: cosine similarity on doc2vec with 300 dimensions


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMU_NS-1-tpb
  • Participant: CMU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/23/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 1ce26390f3a02001ed93e7f1a3bfbe46
  • Run description: LTR pipeline adapted to the entity ranking. Features include TFIDF, BM25 and window operators, over the title first paragraphs and body of the document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMU_NS-2-tp
  • Participant: CMU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/23/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 440b2b47327251379105f78f6027ebb9
  • Run description: LTR pipeline adapted to the entity ranking. Features include TFIDF, BM25 and window operators, over the title, and first paragraphs of the document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: CMU_NS-3-t
  • Participant: CMU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/23/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 4b4f0ecebf6825247a94719e1fbc5058
  • Run description: LTR pipeline adapted to the entity ranking. Features include TFIDF, BM25 and window operators, over the title of the document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ICTNET_estem
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/21/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 636fdfb78a989ae0742910998fe0814b
  • Run description: lower case, remove stop words, stem, top 100 for each wiki entity, top 1000 for each rank score.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ICTNET_stem
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 0dc865096d7b266b14bb11fefdd28743
  • Run description: 'news_stem', lower case, remove stop words, all the words, title boost: 5.5


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OzU_wiki
  • Participant: OzUNLP
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/21/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 490d78220bfec3b2309c708602c2f858
  • Run description: Doc2Vec + Wikipedia


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OzU_wiki_1_ws
  • Participant: OzUNLP
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 96d2258e969ad92efaff04a3271a68a0
  • Run description: Doc2Vec + Wikipedia + Most Similar News Article + Weighted Score


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OzU_wiki_5_ws
  • Participant: OzUNLP
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 6831729dbf80b3e1148758a66e779353
  • Run description: Doc2Vec + Wikipedia + Most Similar 5 News Articles + Weighted Score


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OzU_wiki_top1
  • Participant: OzUNLP
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: f8b5177d0febad4039c6a40020b9235a
  • Run description: Doc2Vec + Wikipedia + Most Similar News Article


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: OzU_wiki_top5
  • Participant: OzUNLP
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: a2a292e8170bd2804331b37cd27d3bac
  • Run description: Doc2Vec + Wikipedia + Most Similar 5 News Articles


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ql
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 6a7d3a88ae580e6d6333b47fe3dafe67
  • Run description: query likelihood with Jelinek Mercer Similarity.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: QU_KCore
  • Participant: QU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 293e78eb9d3fb3df7fdfeb0f94fef9e6
  • Run description: The query article is converted into a graph of words (using a tuned window size). Each node/word is assigned a weight using K-Core graph analysis method. The top K nodes were then selected to form a weighted query that is eventually issued against the given news collection. Returned articles are restricted to precede the query article.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: QU_KCore_F
  • Participant: QU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: ef1ccd5dd976859366b85e97e5e2e77f
  • Run description: The query article is converted into a graph of words (using a tuned window size). Each node/word is assigned a weight using K-Core graph analysis method. The top K nodes were then selected to form a weighted query that is eventually issued against the given news collection. Returned articles are not restricted to precede the query article, i.e., follow up articles can appear in the returned articles.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: QU_KTruss
  • Participant: QU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 9ade5e132ed47dfb99e7f155c1e6c97d
  • Run description: The query article is converted into a graph of words (using a tuned window size). Each node/word is assigned a weight using K-Truss graph analysis method. The top K nodes were then selected to form a weighted query that is eventually issued against the given news collection. Returned articles are restricted to precede the query article.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: QU_KTruss_F
  • Participant: QU
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: da86d7e5ba2811cee2ec1d3268dcd33e
  • Run description: The query article is converted into a graph of words (using a tuned window size). Each node/word is assigned a weight using K-Truss graph analysis method. The top K nodes were then selected to form a weighted query that is eventually issued against the given news collection. Returned articles are not restricted to precede the query article, i.e., follow up articles can appear in the returned articles.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: rm3
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 13dfe60cf0db4346e7005c601fd90490
  • Run description: query likelihood with RM3 relevance model.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: rocchio
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: c8e86533425c63b4cfe12f9a4b283b46
  • Run description: Use bm25 to retrieve candidate documents and rerank them by rocchio algorithm.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-ent-90-10-df
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 9a0d0d6e1d31260d9ed8b217477c21c7
  • Run description: BM25 RM3 ELR Used TAGME API as a external resource:


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-ent-95-05-df
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/19/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 8bb45a40ee9c491bec122a4399abc9a6
  • Run description: BM25 RM3 ELR Used TAGME API as a external resource:


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-invwiki
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/20/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 4d885a9aa4f01def52aaf63ffbcfb7fe
  • Run description: Length of the wikipedia pages of the entities. Python wiki api is used.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-m-order
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/20/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 6f19fb27081c2083dedfe9ca9a757e16
  • Run description: Order in which entities are mentioned in the topic article.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-t-order
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/20/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 73df933c46407ed60598ef1653485eec
  • Run description: topic order


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-tf-invwiki
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/20/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: cb5061213598ff0459f989261f43bab2
  • Run description: Count of entity mentions. Length of the wikipedia pages of the entities. Python wiki api is used.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru-tf-m-ord
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/20/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 84e7dce1fec51a5e97660cca9bc6ce9b
  • Run description: Count of entity mentions. Order in which entities are mentioned in the topic article.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru_bm25_rm3
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 2819b7f46514cd151a64f5896ba84fe4
  • Run description: bm25 rm3


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru_bm25_rm3_fil
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/16/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 0921e54ffba0876884389d8428e1fb74
  • Run description: BM25 RM3 date filter


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: ru_sdm_rm3_fil
  • Participant: RUIR
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 57d7a03ab225ca85511e10fd4939f55c
  • Run description: sdm rm3 datefilter


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: sils_news_run1
  • Participant: UNC_SILS
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: ba86ba975f777db0e0ab812607b933e1
  • Run description: Spacy for NER


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: sils_news_run2
  • Participant: UNC_SILS
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: bb1856f39934f119ed244959ae061c79
  • Run description: Spacy for NER


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: sils_news_run3
  • Participant: UNC_SILS
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 63aed52127750e3be96eaba5f0b74a0a
  • Run description: Spacy for NER


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: sils_news_run4
  • Participant: UNC_SILS
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 0d0d09ac996453bdd78dcf9e8bc586a3
  • Run description: Spacy for NER


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: smith_base
  • Participant: Smith
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/16/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 9f79f42bc87c4e09935f2dceb149f87c
  • Run description: - Language Modeling Classifier -> BM25 Weighted Query - Date Information - Entropy & Clickbait Probabilities (


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: smith_full
  • Participant: Smith
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/16/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 8a759c32ad5fd882816d83e9c6aa17d4
  • Run description: smith_base LTR model + keywords + poetry categories


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: smith_keyword
  • Participant: Smith
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/16/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 086961b155545edae97f3b1fdbf6937e
  • Run description: smith_base LTR model + Keyword extraction techniques (e.g., TextRank) -> SDM-BM25 weighted phrases


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: smith_poetry
  • Participant: Smith
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/16/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 097ee8545f72054d72f2cb7926b35999
  • Run description: - Language Modeling Classifier -> BM25 Weighted Query - Date Information - Poetry Classifications derived from toplevel categories. - Entropy & Clickbait Probabilities (


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfolab_all
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: a266f91f9a008101269b9cec4da03957
  • Run description: The run used dbpedia-spotlight to conduct entity annotation on all documents in the collction. Entities were indexed as a single word. All words (terms and entities included) in a query document was used as the query. A simple time filter was used to ensure that only documents published before the query document could be retrieved.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfolab_ent
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: background
  • MD5: e75b88a63e78282aabc2ecdccfa4a038
  • Run description: The run used dbpedia-spotlight to conduct entity annotation on all documents in the collction. Entities were indexed as a single word. Entities in a query document was weighted based on the kl-divergence between the language model of the whole document and the "context" language model of the entity, which was generated based on the words occur before and after the entities. Top 50 entities based on their weights as well as top 50 non-entity terms based on their occurrence in the query documet, were used as the query. A simple time filter was used to ensure that only documents published before the query document could be retrieved.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: unh-trema-news
  • Participant: TREMA-UNH
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 9/23/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: f9d78612282e83b6a60a3e2b96a70a59
  • Run description: For each paragraph in each article, DBpedia spotlight annotates entities in the paragraph. In this method, initially the query relevant feedback paragraphs are retrieved using BM25 retrieval method. URL given in the input file is considered as query here. A candidate entity list of all the entities annotated using DBpedia spotlight in the feedback paragraphs is generated. For every entity present in the candidate entity list, an entity-pair is created with every other entity present in the list. Check the existence of every entity-pair in the feedback paragraphs, if the pair is present then the rank of the paragraph is considered in calculating the score of the entity-pair. The score of an entity is calculated by taking the average of entity-pairs. Take the list of entities given in the input file and check if the generated list of entities are present in the input list. If it is present then take the score of that entity from the generated entity list else 0 as the final score of entity.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UQ_count
  • Participant: UQ
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 5a7e03ce8eca3480b03ebfc7b8dc81f4
  • Run description: The entities are ranked based on the number of entities' occurrences.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UQ_count_sent
  • Participant: UQ
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 739f200e9663c99bf07d9bbfa7966a4e
  • Run description: The entities are ranked based on the number of entities' occurrences and the mean similarity scores which are derived by comparing the containing sentence with the whole document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UQ_sent
  • Participant: UQ
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 3b59c7d8e9661ee8511f2272b20b07b3
  • Run description: The entities are ranked based on the mean similarity scores which are derived by comparing the containing sentence with the whole document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UQ_wiki
  • Participant: UQ
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 42e011391ab64ca7d36255086f6b9ee9
  • Run description: The entities are ranked based on the similarity score between the wikipedia representation and the whole document.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: UQ_wiki_count
  • Participant: UQ
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/22/2019
  • Type: auto
  • Task: entity
  • MD5: 4826bf83df890a05b182ec6dc9f76235
  • Run description: The entities are ranked based on the similarity score between the wikipedia representation and the whole document combined with the sentences' score and entities' occurrences.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: WHUirteam_run1
  • Participant: YQW2018CGroup
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: manual
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 07400de58a1bf9c059d60fda402ebddd
  • Run description: Three features were used in, including the main title, the keywords of different paragraphs and the most important entities. And these results of the three features were sequenced by the merging results ranks of each one.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary | Appendix

  • Run ID: WHUirteam_run2
  • Participant: YQW2018CGroup
  • Track: News
  • Year: 2019
  • Submission: 8/18/2019
  • Type: manual
  • Task: background
  • MD5: 3a80885a57b1af3dcc41df815debdf10
  • Run description: Three features were the same as the WHUirteam_run1. Just the ranks were followed by the scores more than the positions of each one.