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Runs - Precision Medicine 2018


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: aCSIROmedAll
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 88d177458e2b2aa89b0c2df5e1c6395a
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking ith gene and disease boosting.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: aCSIROmedMCB
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 6fada5feba9d089abaa85e1406e3046b
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking with gene and disease boosting and boosting cross citations and MeSH matching.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: aCSIROmedNEG
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: e175291afb8c9f9a8d465533b515478a
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking with gene and disease boosting and negation detection and removal.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: BB2_sq_nprf
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 31a49803c425b1fc0267c3d735216c83
  • Run description: Dedicated method of creating a query. IR with BB2 model. No Query Expansion. Gene variant not taken.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: BB2_vq_noprf
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 29179f09570b7e07e0721169a30406da
  • Run description: Dedicated method of creating a query. IR with BB2 model. No Query Expansion methods applied.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: BB2sqw2vprf
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 0d4d8e89656931127473621ebc79fd3c
  • Run description: Dedicated method of creating a query. IR with BB2 model. Various Query Expansion methods applied. Gene variant not taken.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: BB2vqw2vprf
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 0a8d5fe4794adb0d23744d0fe4263aa8
  • Run description: Dedicated method of creating a query. IR with BB2 model. Various Query Expansion methods applied.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: bool51
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 418af7c56b2ac3baac70692f27f0fc64
  • Run description: Set of boolean queries with weights.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuCT1
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 7bc45987db8bedf32c22d6e578238266
  • Run description: documents re-ranking using convolution neural network clustering


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuCT2
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 15986de15c144850574de2eaf7ac06ea
  • Run description: pseudo relevance feedback using convolution neural network clustering (treatment and age information priority)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuCT3
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 789d3bbf2176bf9ea918f68c34f6c580
  • Run description: documents re-ranking using convolution neural network clustering (treatment and age information priority)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuSA1
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: fc41fda9adce05e9e6ca31166a21257f
  • Run description: documents re-ranking using convolution neural network clustering


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuSA2
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8bcd805cdb8ad7ca95f000c9a49b1744
  • Run description: pseudo relevance feedback using convolution neural network clustering (treatment and age information priority)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cbnuSA3
  • Participant: cbnu
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 4f15a69004dc82f6ea7e3b14b04a1389
  • Run description: documents re-ranking using convolution neural network clustering (treatment and age information priority)


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cCSIROmedAll
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 37770cd98b193d6fbfd5f5c7f9fddc9f
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking with gene and disease boosting.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cCSIROmedHGB
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 7426ae8913bb276891bf187f1d90f660
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking with gene and disease boosting, cross-citation boosting, and matching of MeSH headings.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cCSIROmedNEG
  • Participant: CSIROmed
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: f37deac3ae650b037543962fd9d8e484
  • Run description: We ran a BM25 ranking with gene and disease boosting, negation detection and removal, and matching of MeSH headings.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cubicmnz
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 405de8b16bfd0bfe4c78f6f7d12bfaef
  • Run description: CombMNZ with two language models and bm25 retreival models and normalisation with cubic model.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cubicmnzAbs
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 96a22dfeda3ce692313da955d533e756
  • Run description: CombMNZwith two language models and bm25 retrieval model and normalisation with cubic model.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cubicsumEW
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: ff1418b29ccde39d0a5c3c1f2b5a7e7c
  • Run description: CombSum and cubic model and without normalisation.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cubicsumW
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 030bbd2fb12984edb5700f229842b19c
  • Run description: CombSum and cubic model with word embeddings.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: cubicsumWAbs
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 18ff197a83aa26d6a5895e7fbbcc3d25
  • Run description: CombSUM with wordEmbedding and cubic normalisation.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: doc2vec_run
  • Participant: ASU_Biomedical
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 65eaf30ddd3a6b9bc8149f654d28a273
  • Run description: This is an automatic run using doc2vec to get similar documents along with the scores.Resources used: 1. Python 3.5 2. Gensim Doc2Vec 3.5


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: doc2vec_run2
  • Participant: ASU_Biomedical
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: a3358f4638d51728291bb946f1a2cc3b
  • Run description: Supervised approach to predict rank of similar documents.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_C_Run1
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 64596c1ec1bc85700877e30e38b0c105
  • Run description: The result retreived on entire clinic-trials dataset by terrier platform with BM25 model and pseudo relevance feedback.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_C_Run2
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: be0b8e1db1fbba56366b1f2a0acefe5e
  • Run description: Combine the PRF and BM25 to retreived on entire clinic-trials dataset.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_C_Run3
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 30247a922ac1fd470ffc7f8b56ddad1c
  • Run description: Add the descriptions of diseases as expansion of each topic, which are crawled from the NCBI Mesh, then do the same as RUN1.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_C_Run4
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: c8cb814de10c899342d7c044c129f0bf
  • Run description: Combination of RUN 1 to 3.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_C_Run5
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e05ea92b69a143b7ab01540ce1d4d820
  • Run description: Based on RUN4, delete the trials unmatched the constrains such as ages.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_S_Run1
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: dc5019e24efb5d014f018d04109a71c0
  • Run description: The result retreived on entire Medline and extra-abstract dataset by terrier platform with BM25 model and pseudo relevance feedback.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_S_Run2
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 9b65af46236d5f80098942e1b44ddbc8
  • Run description: For each topic, rerank fisrt 1000 documents retrieved in RUN1 by using LDA-Model to calculate the average similarity between all terms of each topic and related documents.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_S_Run3
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 2116eea09b2abe7443a17f7ecb719581
  • Run description: For each topic, rerank fisrt 1000 documents retrieved in RUN1 by using LDA-Model to calculate the average similarity between all terms of each topic and related documents. The terms are included high-frequency words from the frst 20 NCBI-PubMed abstracts which was related to the original topic.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_S_Run4
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 43e8add69c36c258b029bb82a5f79561
  • Run description: For each topic, rerank fisrt 2000 documents retrieved in RUN1 by using LDA-Model to calculate the average similarity between all terms of each topic and related documents, and finally choose the fisrt 1000 documents as results.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNU_S_Run5
  • Participant: ECNUica
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 86d61c4afa0f6819ca061c226796c0ab
  • Run description: For each topic, rerank fisrt 2000 documents retrieved in RUN1 by using LDA-Model to calculate the average similarity between all terms of each topic and related documents, and finally choose the fisrt 1000 documents as results. The terms are included high-frequency words from the frst 20 NCBI-PubMed abstracts which was related to the original topic.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: elastic_run
  • Participant: ASU_Biomedical
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 9572e9cb82b98c6b7a3f07782d4d82b2
  • Run description: This is a elastic search based automated run based on Python. We have used following frameworks for this automated run: 1. Python 3.5 2. Elastic Search 6.3


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpictall
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 29401e5c728bb7297e84f2a5d4991aa9
  • Run description: Same as "hpictboost", but with gene descriptions from NCBI gene list.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpictbase
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 7ce2743905c09b91d4dee5f99e8b5d99
  • Run description: Baseline run. Matching only disease and gene "as is". Boosts as in "hpictboost" run. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpictboost
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: bec77448844481d107d204d7210f5369
  • Run description: Matching age, sex, the disease preferred term and its synonyms (from SNOMED CT, MeSH, and ICD), gene synonyms (from NCBI gene list) and its family, as well as solid tumors. Boosting cancer and genetics keywords, as well as a list of positive handcrafted boosters. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpictcommon
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 5520a83929f55447261137bdec3b2977
  • Run description: Same as "hpictboost", but without solid tumor expansion and gene family, in order to have a comparable run with Biomedical Articles.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpictphrase
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 1cc159302e421199a21fcef6f4c6eece
  • Run description: Same as "hpictboost, but with exact matching on diseases.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpipubbase
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: bd739d133dc71743158ce5a211309df6
  • Run description: Baseline run. Matching only disease and gene "as is". Boosts as in "hpipubboost" run, but without the ML classifier. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpipubboost
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 14e64612a72a39f31bf8ed2e9e360ef1
  • Run description: Matching the disease preferred term and its synonyms (from SNOMED CT, MeSH, and ICD), the gene description and its synonyms (from NCBI gene list). Boosting AACR/ASCO abstracts, chemotherapy suffixes, cancer and genetics keywords, positive and negative handcrafted boosters, as well as a positive prediction from a ML classifier trained on the 2017 gold standard. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpipubclass
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 17152104525c9e3485ab2292bbb19d5e
  • Run description: Matching the disease preferred term and its synonyms (from SNOMED CT, MeSH, and ICD), the gene description and its synonyms (from NCBI gene list). Boosting chemotherapy suffixes, cancer and genetics keywords, positive and negative handcrafted boosters, as well as a highly boosted PM/Not PM MALLET MaxEnt classifier with SecondString TFIDF estimates, BANNER tagger gene counter and MeSH headings from the Medline XML. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpipubcommon
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 0ace8c5d18e310e06c5232d031f1778e
  • Run description: Matching the disease preferred term and its synonyms (from SNOMED CT, MeSH, and ICD), gene synonyms (from NCBI gene list). Boosting chemotherapy suffixes, cancer and genetics keywords, positive and negative handcrafted boosters. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: hpipubnone
  • Participant: hpi-dhc
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/6/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 05422ebf367ca45903327c7b04e6172c
  • Run description: Matching the disease preferred term and its synonyms (from SNOMED CT, MeSH, and ICD), the gene description and its synonyms (from NCBI gene list). Boosting chemotherapy suffixes, cancer and genetics keywords, positive and negative handcrafted boosters. Excluding non-melanoma.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKM_trail_1
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 3c2850c292e646f136a5fd2463fe35c8
  • Run description: Normal(include Exclusion)


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKM_trail_2
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 0d52fac6fc5b9dd8f192d053a543f4fb
  • Run description: Normal + Minus Exclusion


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKM_trail_3
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: a666ec9bb5205ac3ff8f7a06a0acdb93
  • Run description: Normal + Include Only Disease


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKM_trail_4
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: eebd8c390e121792f8c8ad0c9e7d6d3e
  • Run description: Normal + Include Only Gene


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKM_trail_5
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 86e8f8fb6888c5df94c8676d74a8c219
  • Run description: Normal - Low Relationship Tags


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKMLAB_1
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 2a629dcdc294680845fd7ce8e7825992
  • Run description: Pubtator + Chemical


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKMLAB_2
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: d2f30980e973e5cc2cd729f9db63f189
  • Run description: Pubtator + No Chemical


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKMLAB_3
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 56b6948f3bcefe30908345c3b08100ed
  • Run description: Extra + No Species and Chemical


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKMLAB_4
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 1cfaba33c358e33555c2fddb0c87654f
  • Run description: Extra + Species and Chemical


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IKMLAB_5
  • Participant: IKMLAB
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: fa13208c69331c1e40cef580e31bf270
  • Run description: Using a neural network to get the answer.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_abs1
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: c0525c8fd5e93537ef9001b504119f9f
  • Run description: Baseline query with MeSH age groups and grid-search optimized parameters.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_abs2
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8b9db5cfa78d78c44feabc94e73f8f66
  • Run description: Baseline query with MeSH age groups and grid-search optimized parameters. Boost English and extra topics.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_abs3
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 59443ed9ea1e33511544bc0372924662
  • Run description: Baseline query with MeSH age groups and grid-search optimized parameters. Boost English and extra topics. Search age group and sex in title, abstract, and MeSH.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_abs4
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 19823f0294c4ea1feb3e4debd44e1b01
  • Run description: Baseline query with MeSH age groups and grid-search optimized parameters. Boost English and extra topics. Search age group and sex in title, abstract, and MeSH. Abstract should exist.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_abs5
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 95f41a33e4a808192a8b193e27e788b1
  • Run description: Baseline query with MeSH age groups and grid-search optimized parameters. Boost English and extra topics. Abstract should exist.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_ct1
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 9f7ff828d4d51851040fc769db03c96e
  • Run description: Baseline query with bi and tri-gram search, plus grid-search optimized parameters.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_ct2
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 8d000cfcfe8a92defded6b156ec84bc7
  • Run description: Baseline query with bi and tri-gram search, plus grid-search optimized parameters. Disease must not match exclusion criteria.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_ct3
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: facc917835767ac0bec7af310f26d050
  • Run description: Baseline query with bi and tri-gram search, plus grid-search optimized parameters. All should (relaxed).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_ct4
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: ac7174119160dc2dd32f29569d9223da
  • Run description: Baseline query with bi and tri-gram search, weighed, plus grid-search optimized parameters.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: imi_mug_ct5
  • Participant: imi_mug
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: d268ba2490cab12992f50b1e9d429109
  • Run description: Baseline query with bi and tri-gram search, weighed, plus grid-search optimized parameters.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IMS_NO_PRF
  • Participant: ims_unipd
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/30/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 1cdd780ef65946afcbdd7396b5b3d4c1
  • Run description: Term-concept based retrieval using concepts within a knowledge-base (UMLS Metathesaurus) to expand the original query. The scoring function is the BM25F (Okapi version).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IMS_PRF
  • Participant: ims_unipd
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/30/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: c91e070eb155ef0b7aaf0e8f7a448330
  • Run description: term-concept based retrieval with Pseudo Relevance Feedback to expand query with concepts-terms that are related to the query terms. The selected concepts-terms are those that have a relation within the UMLS Metathesaurus with the concepts in the original query. The scoring function used is the BM25F (Okapi).


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: IMS_TERM
  • Participant: ims_unipd
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/30/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 8b4076e476c94e92db65de8388560a51
  • Run description: Term-based retrieval using original terms contained within the query. The scoring function is the BM25F (Okapi version).


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: irit_prf_cli
  • Participant: IRIT
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 25eadea5338ad5fd9d3c85af8875fcaa
  • Run description: Classical PRF with Indri, nDoc=5 nTerm=10


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18AbsFuse
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: a735a3598b0a54affdb35fc74315b5a7
  • Run description: Fusion runs: - Fusion of two different expansion methods and baseline run


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18absHY
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 57c67989193135a53160b3605e22cb71
  • Run description: Expansion with NCIT as KB


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18absWV
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8fad1acf30726557de31749674e721ac
  • Run description: - Pooling w2vec expansion run for diversity


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18TrialBF
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 9c5ee3a433b02c3858a7c65d52cc5b5d
  • Run description: Different baseline with filtering


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18TrialWV
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: a0f2dab422760c26faa4627d25ca59f6
  • Run description: Word2vec expansion run for diversity


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18TriFuse
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 9e563c7358b6ea571fa68c336a722517
  • Run description: Fusion run for Trials .


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KL18TriHY
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: ea1731903a04885691038be66001a2c1
  • Run description: Expansion using NCIT


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KLPM18T1Bl
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 3ba8680e2d5068e6530cde0c9f775047
  • Run description: _ baseline with filtering on demographic data,


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: KLPM18T2Bl
  • Participant: KlickLabs
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: fa897b1aff53beecc3754d7722301f4a
  • Run description: _ baseline Abstracts with filtering on demographic data,


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: m_trial1
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 145a34e18190c69ce1785ed4ab0493dd
  • Run description: method fusion for trial


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayoctcomp
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 1c2b3bf7f45acf19278421d5a49d2b4a
  • Run description: Comprehensive method combining entity recognition and learning to rank


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayoctscreat
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: db8ffe512ef3a3090e3dc01ee76bc974
  • Run description: using ctakes results for searching disease and conditions


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayoctsimp
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 7ff1e76c3170569df310ca62826f58bc
  • Run description: Baseline method using keyword search


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayomedcomp
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: a3210c59d376e63900554845386c2cb5
  • Run description: comprehensive retrieval model using learning to rank


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayomedcreat
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 121d92d7f70399cfb099d55fd82d0fe5
  • Run description: using ctakes results for searching disease and conditions


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayomedsimp
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: bbf9fdad63329172348929e5d717e32c
  • Run description: Simple baseline method using keyword and MeSH term matching.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mayopubtator
  • Participant: MayoNLPTeam
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/1/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 4c3f6f532b988db877a31b5b81aad3a6
  • Run description: using pubtator developed by NIH for searching diseases and genes


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: MedIER_sa11
  • Participant: MedIER
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 4d1d38426844711bb40e0587d0f1b813
  • Run description: BM25, appended results from multiple queries; Resources: Gene ontology, PubTator


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: MedIER_sa12
  • Participant: MedIER
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: f9ac0df3ffe92d1f620b512a60e5c175
  • Run description: LM, appended results from multiple queries; Resources: Gene ontology, PubTator


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: MedIER_sa13
  • Participant: MedIER
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 80f640fc0264fed34ef4daafca892163
  • Run description: RRF Fusion on runs MedIER_sa11 and MedIER_sa12


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: MedIER_sa14
  • Participant: MedIER
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 5aceb04004c2c733898affefdd42b88a
  • Run description: BM25, appended results from multiple queries; re-ranked using pseudo-relevance classifier; Resources: Gene ontology, PubTator


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: MedIER_sa15
  • Participant: MedIER
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 53cfb2584add309179e9d4935018471d
  • Run description: LM, appended results from multiple queries; re-ranked using pseudo-relevance classifier; Resources: Gene ontology, PubTator


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: method_fu
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: c75b39da4ab0b69600a40b9439a87755
  • Run description: method fusion


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: minfolabBA
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 52766488dac18c593ab9fbb80d16c864
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Direct use of disease, gene and gender


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: minfolabBC
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 43f597b4ee4aef2b775c0e7481d6bf83
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Expanded disease term to the most preferred atom (via UMLS REST API)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: minfolabBD
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 1237a593765b2afb1422193fb7b9724a
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Expanded disease term to the most preferred atom (via UMLS REST API) Expanded Genes terms (via Ensembl REST API)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: minfolabTH
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: b60f7699e100bc3e0ba256d145961826
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Expanded with human and neoplasm keywords


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mnz
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 09de909edc63930fae39d6bd1f23e674
  • Run description: CombMNZ with two language models and bm25 retreival models.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: mnzAbs
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: f259d4328d9088bc02d50e807bcd3d89
  • Run description: CombMNZwith two language models and bm25 retrieval model.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 36cde70ea4036f284a7a38e5ad5ba63f
  • Run description: A baseline system.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 03bde58a7d4008a040642667dfc422d6
  • Run description: Using our PM classifier with a high weight upon all the articles.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: dcd275be734c5197fae38057a04f2beb
  • Run description: Using our PM classifier with a high weight upon all the articles except for the top 10.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 58e9c2afa3eeea45e8cb9d8d6410bdec
  • Run description: Using our PM classifier with a low weight upon all the articles except for the top 10.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 2e473bf980947588976c86d32081415a
  • Run description: Using our PM classifier along with the PM classification function of our baseline system in the way of disjunctive.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 191eaa052119d6ebc3b9df5ae09e7dc5
  • Run description: msiip_trials3, without condidering 'study_type', 'intervention_type' and 'primary_purpose' fields.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 808d55b38362bc6e44feb21a814cfb46
  • Run description: msiip_trials5, not containing query_expansion, without condidering 'study_type', 'intervention_type' and 'primary_purpose' fields.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 3ecd03dd735d8a5f279bbf07b4249ede
  • Run description: containing all our methods, with some differential methods for some topics involving immonotherapy


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 364abe13393ffb2ccb41171b3014c15d
  • Run description: msiip_trials5, not containing query_expansion.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: Cat_Garfield
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 59a5940ba1b25bda1ce3aecfc668b2ef
  • Run description: containing all our methods, all topics share the same methods


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: NS_PM_1
  • Participant: NOVASearch
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: da978f3c3eeef04b10d9422fde30244b
  • Run description: Base search using Lucene. Re ranking based on three criteria: - Purpose, intervention and study type - Gene type matching the inclusion criteria, expanded using the HGNC database. - Patient condition matching trial condition, expanded using the MeSH and SNOMed databases.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: NS_PM_2
  • Participant: NOVASearch
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: d6ed6f9c1472937cadae6811a32417fa
  • Run description: Base search using Lucene. Re ranking based on three criteria: - Purpose, intervention and study type - Gene type matching the inclusion criteria, expanded using the HGNC database.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: NS_PM_3
  • Participant: NOVASearch
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 69aece298477376063e4e1b7546c96d7
  • Run description: LETOR using LambdaMart. Features based on multiple retrieval functions (BM25, TF-IDF, Language Models) and features based on to NS_PM_1 and 2 filters


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: NS_PM_4
  • Participant: NOVASearch
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 83c4f7db1e0010e892b477c8edf1321f
  • Run description: LETOR using AdaRank. Features based on multiple retrieval functions (BM25, TF-IDF, Language Models) and features based on to NS_PM_1 and 2 filters


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: NS_PM_5
  • Participant: NOVASearch
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e33b6095bf3f4360668dabd013d698c0
  • Run description: LETOR using Coordinate Ascend. Features based on multiple retrieval functions (BM25, TF-IDF, Language Models) and features based on to NS_PM_1 and 2 filters.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: para_fusion
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: cfea70527a6da887bd43afe4350e872c
  • Run description: parameter fusion


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: para_trial
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: a4a8a754bc23da6ec89d52b4d908664e
  • Run description: parameter fusion


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: PM_IBI_run1
  • Participant: PM_IBI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 1319df6a4695e4bbf5864d255e3752ad
  • Run description: PM_IBI_run1 description: For each topic, we automatically expand the terms describing the related disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) by relying on the UMLS meta-thesaurus and semantic network and on dbSNP. In particular for each gene and disease term we automatically gathered from UMLS: (i) all its synonym terms; (ii) all the terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms) by means of the UMLS semantic network (traversed up to a maximum depth of three levels). When variant(s) are present, we retrieved its reference SNP ID number (when possible). The automatically expanded lists of terms - disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) - are jointly used to properly structure a boolean query to an ElasticSearch document indexer where the whole set of PubMed abstracts provided to the challenge participants has been previously loaded. The top-1000 results retrieved by Elasticsearch are re-ranked by taking into account the following six relevance indicators: (i) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of the original term and its synonyms (from UMLS); (ii) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms - from UMLS); (iii) in case the gene name is present and the related variant is mentioned too, the number of mentions of the variant; (iv) the number of mentions of chemicals (MeSH compounds and string matches from a list of compound names derived from UMLS); (v) the presence, in a customized version of the bio-marker response database ResMarker (, of a validated relation among the genes, diseases, variants and chemicals mentioned in the abstract; (vi) the year of publication of the abstract. In the PM_IBI_run1, we generated the final list of ranked results for each topic by considering sequentially the following sub-groups of the abstracts returned by Elasticsearch (each sub-group is in turns internally ordered by relying on the previous set of six relevance indicators): A) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term), a gene (exact or more specific term) and a variant in the title B) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) and a gene (exact or more specific term) in the title (no variant mentions) C) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term), a gene (exact or more specific term) and a variant considering both title and abstract D) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) and a gene (exact or more specific term) considering both title and abstract (no variant mentions) E) abstracts with one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) or (XOR) one mention of a gene (exact or more specific term) together with one or more variant mentions, considering both title and abstract F) abstracts with one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) or (XOR) one mention of a gene (exact or more specific term) considering both title and abstract (no variant mentions)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: PM_IBI_run2
  • Participant: PM_IBI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: b665910ba02810038130f68cf7422e07
  • Run description: PM_IBI_run2 description: For each topic, we automatically expand the terms describing the related disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) by relying on the UMLS meta-thesaurus and semantic network and on dbSNP. In particular for each gene and disease term we automatically gathered from UMLS: (i) all its synonym terms; (ii) all the terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms) by means of the UMLS semantic network (traversed up to a maximum depth of three levels). When variant(s) are present, we retrieved its reference SNP ID number (when possible). The automatically expanded lists of terms - disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) - are jointly used to properly structure a boolean query to an ElasticSearch document indexer where the whole set of PubMed abstracts provided to the challenge participants has been previously loaded. The top-1000 results retrieved by Elasticsearch are re-ranked by taking into account the following six relevance indicators: (i) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of the original term and its synonyms (from UMLS); (ii) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms - from UMLS); (iii) in case the gene name is present and the related variant is mentioned too, the number of mentions of the variant; (iv) the number of mentions of chemicals (MeSH compounds and string matches from a list of compound names derived from UMLS); (v) the presence, in a customized version of the bio-marker response database ResMarker (, of a validated relation among the genes, diseases, variants and chemicals mentioned in the abstract; (vi) the year of publication of the abstract. In the PM_IBI_run2, we generated the final list of ranked results for each topic by considering sequentially the following sub-groups of the abstracts returned by Elasticsearch (each sub-group is in turns internally ordered by relying on the previous set of six relevance indicators): A) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term), a gene (exact or more specific term) and a variant, considering both title and abstract B) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) and a gene (exact or more specific term), considering both title and abstract (no variant mentions) C) abstracts with one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) or (XOR) one mention of a gene (exact or more specific term) eventually with one or more variant mentions, considering both title and abstract (In our other run, PM_IBI_run1, we always give highest rank if a paper has gene, disease and variant mentions in the titile. Here title and abstract are jointly considered as texts that give the same relevance to mentions that occur in.)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: PM_IBI_run3
  • Participant: PM_IBI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 0c77bab9f9125351a14745f38281e15d
  • Run description: PM_IBI_run3 description: Contrary to the other two runs of the PM_IBI team (run1 and run2), this run, PM_IBI_run3, exploits the demographic match between the topic and the abstract to better rank search results. For each topic, we automatically expand the terms describing the related disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) by relying on the UMLS meta-thesaurus and semantic network and on dbSNP. In particular for each gene and disease term we automatically gathered from UMLS: (i) all its synonym terms; (ii) all the terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms) by means of the UMLS semantic network (traversed up to a maximum depth of three levels). When variant(s) are present, we retrieved its reference SNP ID number (when possible). The automatically expanded lists of terms - disease(s), gene(s) and variant(s) - are jointly used to properly structure a boolean query to an ElasticSearch document indexer where the whole set of PubMed abstracts provided to the challenge participants has been previously loaded. The top-1000 results retrieved by Elasticsearch are re-ranked by taking into account the following six relevance indicators: (i) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of the original term and its synonyms (from UMLS); (ii) for each gene and disease, the number of mentions of terms describing more specific concepts (hyponyms - from UMLS); (iii) in case the gene name is present and the related variant is mentioned too, the number of mentions of the variant; (iv) the number of mentions of chemicals (MeSH compounds and string matches from a list of compound names derived from UMLS); (v) the presence, in a customized version of the bio-marker response database ResMarker (, of a validated relation among the genes, diseases, variants and chemicals mentioned in the abstract; (vi) the year of publication of the abstract. In the PM_IBI_run3, we extract from each abstract returned by Elasticsearch demographic information (age-ranges of patients), where available. Thus, given the age of the patient specified by the topic description, we can identify all the abstracts in which the age of the patient is included in one or more age-ranges. As a consequence, we divide the results retrieved by the Elasticsearch query in the two following groups: 1) abstracts with one or more age-ranges including the age of the patient 2) abstract with no matching age-range or without age-range specified. Internally we order the abstracts of each of these two groups by considering sequentially the following sub-groups (each sub-group is in turns internally ordered by relying on the previous set of six relevance indicators): A) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term), a gene (exact or more specific term) and a variant in the title B) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) and a gene (exact or more specific term) in the title (no variant mentions) C) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term), a gene (exact or more specific term) and a variant considering both title and abstract D) abstracts with at least one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) and a gene (exact or more specific term) considering both title and abstract (no variant mentions) E) abstracts with one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) or (XOR) one mention of a gene (exact or more specific term) together with one or more variant mentions, considering both title and abstract F) abstracts with one mention of a disease (exact or more specific term) or (XOR) one mention of a gene (exact or more specific term) considering both title and abstract (no variant mentions)


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: raw_medline
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 555abb90ee1ca0519756fca38a7c4de9
  • Run description: Naive method for task 1.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: raw_trials
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: bc082d4d066ea6d93699383347015374
  • Run description: Naive method from clinical trials.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: rbf
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8aa244dab315e94c29cdee8555e8c842
  • Run description: feedback


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: rfb_trial1
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: d6d1cab45f4a6537aa7d0d523741a2cc
  • Run description: feedback


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_CT_1
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 8580f5ef1b7dcbc226173db9ac875d6d
  • Run description: The following stack of queries was used: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prpr_df 3. sepr_ex 4. sepr_df 5. prse_ex 6. pr_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_CT_2
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e53eb48958979e4e51c943fd0763cc7e
  • Run description: The following stack of queries was used: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prpr_df 3. sese_ex 4. sese_df 5. sepr_ex 6. se_pr_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_CT_3
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 7ed5dfdadbcc22a721ee8c9dfed6b87c
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prpr_df 3. prse_ex 4. prse_df 5. sese_ex 6. se_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_CT_4
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e0a574972d878d8725898dc49280c859
  • Run description: Uses the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prse_ex 3. sese_ex 4. pr_pr_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_CT_5
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: ebf5635735a6b44349131f8f7d2dc0f5
  • Run description: The following rank of queries was used: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prse_ex 3. prpr_df 4. se_se_ex .... A GATE annotationa pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_LA_1
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: c4321e77c59e672874d2e31eaeb53864
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prpr_df 3. prse_ex 4. prse_df 5. sese_ex 6. se_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_LA_2
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 563a46b37ff9fbfdd3bbc17e7c8354d8
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prse_ex 3. sese_ex 4. prpr_df 5. sepr_ex 6. pr_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_LA_3
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 024532125f0650d09531a9fcf6d622ca
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prpr_df 3. prse_ex 4. sese_ex 5. sese_df 6. pr_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_LA_4
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 5d8463864b8ef94383703ddaef285f60
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prse_ex 3. prpr_df 4. sese_ex 5. se*_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: RSA_DSC_LA_5
  • Participant: RSA_DSC
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/27/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 2ff3d0ac9dc91ab93882292832f07196
  • Run description: Used the following stack of queries: 1. pr_pr_ex 2. prse_ex 3. prpr_df 4. prse_df 5. sese_ex 6. se_se_df ... A GATE annotation pipeline was used in the topics' processing


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMct1
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 2e4e1e1d98303bbca4a464b9117a79b0
  • Run description: Diseases are mapped and CTs are filtered by topics thanks to NCI thesaurus in : - conditions, mesh conditions, and keywords fields - along with titles and summary Genes are used in a standard search engine, Terrier, BM25. Demographic features are filtered. Boost are granted according to phases, primary purposes, and study types. Boosting values were computed with last year qrel distribution.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMct2
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 2fc07eaf9e62f3c8a90f395bb6bb9e0f
  • Run description: Diseases are mapped and CTs are filtered by topics thanks to NCI thesaurus in : - conditions, mesh conditions, and keywords fields Genes are used in a standard search engine, Terrier, BM25. Diseases and mutation keywords are also used in query. Demographic features are filtered. Boost are granted according to phases, primary purposes, and study types. Boosting values were computed with last year qrel distribution.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMct3
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 99700f6febda8807adfa7f27fb1f6187
  • Run description: Diseases are mapped and CTs are filtered by topics thanks to NCI thesaurus in : - conditions, mesh conditions, and keywords fields Genes are used in a standard search engine, Terrier, BM25. Demographic features are filtered. Boost are granted according to phases, primary purposes, and study types. Boosting values were computed with last year qrel distribution.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMct4
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: efcacec6c9ce90ee33dd7469566d423a
  • Run description: Diseases are mapped and CTs are filtered by topics thanks to NCI thesaurus in : - conditions, mesh conditions, and keywords fields - along with titles and summary Genes are used in a standard search engine, Terrier, BM25. Diseases and mutation keywords are also used in query. Demographic features are filtered. Boost are granted according to phases, primary purposes, and study types. Boosting values were computed with last year qrel distribution.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMlit1
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/23/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: a6c9e0ca4a7d67e1e0eb1824fbe4f23e
  • Run description: Run 1 is our baseline run. Four queries, enabling constraint relaxing (disease+gene+variant; disease+gene; disease+variant; gene+variant) are sent to our search engine. Results are re-ranked based on drug density. Drug density is based on a list of drugs provided by DrugBank, coupled with a boost for cancer-related drugs.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMlit2
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/23/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 4df01c733157aae1e7228f276e7acd90
  • Run description: Run 2 is based on run 1. Results are further re-ranked based on demographic information. MeSH terms are used to retrieve demographic information in the abstract. Abstracts matching the gender and age informations are favored.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMlit3
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/23/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 559b66e1498371112a3df43cf0327a70
  • Run description: Run 3 is based on run 2. A classifier has been developed to classify papers into two categories: PM or not PM. The probability of an abstract to be PM is used to re-rank run 2.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMlit4
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/23/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 6ed49fd34a3d78079ba6f58ace32a448
  • Run description: Run 4 is expanding the search to publications about more specific/general diseases. The simplified neoplasms hierarchy provided by NCI thesaurus is used ( The run is then merged with run 3 through linear combination.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SIBTMlit5
  • Participant: SIBTextMining
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/23/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: c24f80bff1c792a3dd4c34320d931768
  • Run description: Run 5 is first performing an exact run: the disease, the gene and the variant must be found in the abstract and the demographic information must be either not discussed or matching. Results from run 4 are completing the run 5.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SINAI_Base
  • Participant: SINAI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/31/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8278acb287184a2078d47022e72e7e55
  • Run description: We create a unique query with the terms of disease, gene and demographic fields. Finally we launch the query in a Lemur IR system.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: SINAI_FU
  • Participant: SINAI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/31/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: f53b59af99137e4964d8b72edce52547
  • Run description: We create a query with the terms of disease, gene and demographic fields. Then we launch the query in a Lemur IR system to obtain relevant documents. Next we use MetaMap to find UMLS concepts in query and relevant documents. Finally we remove from the list of relevant documents those that do not contain any UMLS concept of the query.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: SINAI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 7/31/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 9e5c6125ebfd2c648ea66b09e6aac7e7
  • Run description: We create a query with the terms of disease, gene and demographic fields. Then we launch the query in a Lemur IR system to obtain relevant documents. Next we use MetaMap to find UMLS concepts in query and relevant documents. We calculate the percentage of query concepts that appear in each document. Finally we remove from the list of relevant documents those that do not contain any UMLS concept of the query and reranking this list by the percentage of concepts it contains.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: sq
  • Participant: Poznan
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 983b68352b7c673346c6c3aa5543187f
  • Run description: Simple, boolean query.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: sum
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 468c06b520f73d146b721ebaa8cb220d
  • Run description: CombSUM with two language models and bm25 retreival models.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: sumAbs
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 0294fb8955b2e51c2196cb377621fca3
  • Run description: CombSum with two language models and bm25 retrieval model.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: sumEW
  • Participant: Brown
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 9dfb4c963bf536b82f94bb56dabcbab5
  • Run description: CombSUM with wordEmbedding and no normalisation.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: tinfolabBF
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 9f284644b42021589ca7066e897767ac
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Query expansion with genes weighted


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: tinfolabBK
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 28847ceea423c270e3b3c0951271c988
  • Run description: The matching model used: BB2 Query expansion with genes weighted. Expanded disease term to the most preferred atom (via UMLS REST API)


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: tinfolabF
  • Participant: InfoLabPM
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/2/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 159815f2bfc842c32cefa1cecf572c4c
  • Run description: The matching model used: BM25 Query expansion with genes weighted


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: two_stage
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: e3d45439a89b20c22bc8a29950daabe1
  • Run description: Two stage smoothing.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: two_trial1
  • Participant: FDUDMIIP
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e57f42b29f9662118fe75fed5afb52b1
  • Run description: two trial


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASCT1
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: ae6b83f238b5ccaed186937297b4129f
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25F retrieval model with Bo1 query expansion model. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are not performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASCT2
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: df3dd0730f38152f4ffd099c73196635
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25F retrieval model, whose weight is different from UCASCT1, with Bo1 query expansion model. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are not performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASCT3
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 726a0143492f6fd57ede4ac6f3ccabf2
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25F retrieval model with Bo1 query expansion model. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASCT4
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 9ff4f19abb1b8c1b325de5541ee6649d
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25F retrieval model, whose weight is different from UCASCT3, with Bo1 query expansion model. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASCT5
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: e715e47ebd9c53512c492fcd9c8198c4
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25 retrieval model with KL query expansion model. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are not performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASSA1
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 3cd218fae7f8f00cf0575302607b555d
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25 retrieval model with no query expansion. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASSA2
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: af4e2091f2c1b643c54f733a13de9418
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25 retrieval model with no query expansion. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASSA3
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: e9f7e04367c3d490e89d2f32f21009a6
  • Run description: An Initial result is generated by BM25 retrieval model with no query expansion. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving. Then employ K-NRM model to re-rank the initial result.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASSA4
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 3b725249bd258c0bb6de9e4f5c9a22a8
  • Run description: This run is generated by BM25 retrieval model with no query expansion. Some synonyms and abbreviations of diseases are added to the topic. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UCASSA5
  • Participant: UCAS
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/3/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 72c406f9ff9384c016164b026b576b3d
  • Run description: An Initial result is generated by BM25 retrieval model with no query expansion. Stopword removal and stemming are performed when indexing and retrieving. Then penalize the score of articles which are not related to treatment, prevention, and prognosis, according to MeSH term.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMCT1
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 00013971d256bf4ad46ca7fed25b93c2
  • Run description: Term based baseline run. Use the disease and gene as it is.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMCT2
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 225c2c66acbc65d467ea62acc6c9ec32
  • Run description: Term base retrieval, using the gene and disease as query. Demographic information is used to filter the result


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMCT3
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: aeab539545cf25aefa1f3071e0762c80
  • Run description: Concept based run. using original query, disease + gene as the query.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMCT4
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 6904a63c4782c0022a5c84498272a998
  • Run description: Concept based run. query expansion with disease ontology


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMCT5
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: c691cb63d9c901fc6999ac58ba3aaf0d
  • Run description: Two-round. Term based run. Retrieve 5k results in first round using disease + gene + disease ontology expansion. Second round do a binary search using only the original gene field


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMSA1
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: d263e22c7715ad530c4d1793e9c37a62
  • Run description: use the query as it is, disease + gene, term based


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMSA2
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 2e55d2aba9ff0c3cda576e4e901b84c3
  • Run description: disease + gene, term based, query expansion using Disease ontology and genecards


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMSA3
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 41fc44aabc7662b542d5a70e8984cbaf
  • Run description: Concept based run. using original query, disease + gene as the query.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMSA4
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: c7447aa0f34a0b1b1c77e0e0b243b351
  • Run description: Concept based run. query expansion with disease ontology


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Run ID: UDInfoPMSA5
  • Participant: udel_fang
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 8680fb2d91b5174cb3295cbb205650bd
  • Run description: Two-round. Term based run. Retrieve 5k results in first round using disease + gene + disease ontology expansion. Second round do a binary search using only the original gene field


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UNTIIA
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 4833c86f77dab05f5ef310c3f8efaa2d
  • Run description: This run was performed using queries constructed with synonyms of diseases in the topics acquired from MetaMap and synonyms of genes in the topic acquired from NCBI genBank as query expansion with Solr logical query language. The reranking was based on regression analysis, which is a supervised learning algorithm. The training data of the model is from TREC 2017 PM track.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UNTIIA
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 397056c2b3c28a513e4f1204b51da465
  • Run description: This run was performed using queries constructed using disease weighted terms and their synonyms, gene weighted terms and their synonyms with Solr logical query language. The reranking was based on regression analysis, which is a supervised learning algorithm. The training data of the model is from TREC 2017 PM track.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UNTIIA
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: eb0d97e1d20142533dfed0716570a76a
  • Run description: This run was performed using queries constructed using disease weighted terms and their synonyms, gene weighted terms and their synonyms with Solr logical query language. The reranking was based on Doc2Vec, a unsupervised learning technique based on Word2Vec.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UNTIIA
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: d0ad53e245a5a2ebdd782227cc889c0d
  • Run description: This run was performed using queries constructed with diseases and genes from the given topics as baseline method. The reranking was based on regression analysis, which is a supervised learning algorithm. The training data of the model is from TREC 2017 PM track.


Results | Participants | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UNTIIA
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 5dc15c17ebbc60f0f8e2c954bcda115e
  • Run description: This run was performed using queries constructed using disease weighted terms and their synonyms, gene weighted terms and their synonyms, disease specific treatment terms acquired from American cancer society with Solr logical query language. The reranking was based on Doc2Vec, a unsupervised learning technique based on Word2Vec.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: cfedde998b594a07a6376d7d1b942236
  • Run description: This run does retrieval using methods use in the previous year with a few adaptations for the new topic format. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), and Snomed were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 8eede80164453b405072dac1f79f9774
  • Run description: This run does retrieval using methods use in the previous year with a few adaptations for the new topic format. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), and Snomed were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: ab57b34b13ed4729ce7df5eca6600d16
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 001278f97be64fd88f9d84cbec2c1e5b
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 1307e9adf9dc00d5bfd141a31b307f67
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: d62ca3cfd285750e85321064f2ccad28
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: e93a916cb89468a13841c00013d4acf9
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: fd5cfdb9a370b0bbbe53b7c77e6e1381
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 60df297116dc2130cab642dfa1cb469f
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UTDHLTRI
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: trials
  • MD5: 169955678823f24a91e784f52fbdd4b1
  • Run description: This run does an initial retrieval using methods use in the previous year, and then applies a learning-to-rank algorithm to re-rank the results. UMLS, Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), FDA, Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb), Snomed, and Ranklib were used.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UVA_ART
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/4/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: ccef2e76b64cd3362f55a914d2fe483e
  • Run description: Resources used: cTAKES (for annotating documents) UMLS (for constructing concept graph) Elasticsearch (for query engine) A subset of documents matching a rough text filter were annotated using cTAKES to produce a set of identified concepts for each document. The documents and the concept terms were indexed in Elasticsearch. We built a concept graph from several UMLS ontologies and implemented a relatedness metric to quantify relationships between concepts. This was used to expand the topic data to a wider group of concepts. The expanded topics were input into a query format for Elasticsearch that emphasized CUI matches (especially disease and gene) and boosted results including terms that refer to treatment and prognosis, and negatively boosted some terms that refer to non-cancer or non-human terms.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UVA_ART
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: 699686de35aadf64b0d233cd2432995d
  • Run description: Resources used: cTAKES (for annotating documents) UMLS (for constructing concept graph) Elasticsearch (for query engine) A subset of documents matching a rough text filter were annotated using cTAKES to produce a set of identified concepts for each document. The documents and the concept terms were indexed in Elasticsearch. We built a concept graph from several UMLS ontologies and implemented a relatedness metric to quantify relationships between concepts. This was used to expand the topic data to a wider group of concepts. The expanded topics were input into a query format for Elasticsearch that emphasized CUI matches (especially disease and gene) and boosted results including terms that refer to treatment and prognosis, and negatively boosted some terms that refer to non-cancer or non-human terms. This run used a different boosting ratio than UVAEXPBOOST.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UVA_ART
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: dd99815234ecb5123a2d80adb464e7c0
  • Run description: Resources used: cTAKES (for annotating documents) UMLS (for constructing concept graph) Elasticsearch (for query engine) A subset of documents matching a rough text filter were annotated using cTAKES to produce a set of identified concepts for each document. The documents and the concept terms were indexed in Elasticsearch. We built a concept graph from several UMLS ontologies and implemented a relatedness metric to quantify relationships between concepts. This was used to expand the topic data to a wider group of concepts. The expanded topics were input into a query format for Elasticsearch that emphasized CUI matches (especially disease and gene) and boosted results including terms that refer to treatment and prognosis, and negatively boosted some terms that refer to non-cancer or non-human terms. This is similar to UVAEXPBOOST but includes extra CUI terms for clinical trials and related to apoptosis and remission, which are boosted, and terms for screening and detection which are negatively boosted.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UVA_ART
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: f78d7f48bb9313bae873bc718a3d17ce
  • Run description: Resources used: cTAKES (for annotating documents) UMLS (for constructing concept graph) Elasticsearch (for query engine) A subset of documents matching a rough text filter were annotated using cTAKES to produce a set of identified concepts for each document. The documents and the concept terms were indexed in Elasticsearch. We built a concept graph from several UMLS ontologies and implemented a relatedness metric to quantify relationships between concepts. This was used to expand the topic data to a wider group of concepts. The expanded topics were input into a query format for Elasticsearch that emphasized CUI matches (especially disease and gene) and boosted results including CUIs that refer to treatment and clinical trial concepts, and negatively boosted some CUIs that refer to cancer screening and detection.


Results | Participants | Proceedings | Input | Summary (trec_eval) | Summary (sample-eval) | Appendix

  • Participant: UVA_ART
  • Track: Precision Medicine
  • Year: 2018
  • Submission: 8/5/2018
  • Type: automatic
  • Task: abstracts
  • MD5: aa91ec0cceef479ab4bb714b2aa8eb20
  • Run description: Resources used: cTAKES (for annotating documents) UMLS (for constructing concept graph) Elasticsearch (for query engine) A subset of documents matching a rough text filter were annotated using cTAKES to produce a set of identified concepts for each document. The documents and the concept terms were indexed in Elasticsearch. We built a concept graph from several UMLS ontologies and implemented a relatedness metric to quantify relationships between concepts. This was used to expand the topic data to a wider group of concepts. The expanded topics were input into a query format for Elasticsearch that emphasized CUI matches (especially disease and gene) and boosted results including terms that refer to treatment and prognosis, and negatively boosted some terms that refer to non-cancer or non-human terms. This run differs in that it leaves gene as a "should" field rather than a "must" field as with other runs. It includes the extra terms from UVAEXPBSTNEG.