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Overview - Dynamic Domain 2017

Proceedings | Data | Runs | Participants

The goal of dynamic domain track is promoting the research of dynamic, exploratory search within complex information domains, where the search process is usually interactive and user’s information need is also complex. Dynamic Domain (DD) track has been held in the past three years. This track's name includes two parts. “Dynamic” means the search process may contain multiple runs of iteration, and the participating system is expected to adapt its search algorithm based on the relevance feedback. “Domain” means the search task focuses on special domains, where user’s information need consists of multiple aspects, and the participating system is expected to help the user explore the domain through rich interaction. This task has received great attention and this track is inspired by interested groups in government, including DARPA MEMEX program.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Grace Hui Yang, Georgetown University
  • Zhiwen Tang, Georgetown University
  • Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Track Web Page: