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Overview - Common Core 2017

Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The primary goal of the TREC Common Core track is three-fold: (a) bring the information retrieval community back into a traditional ad-hoc search task; (b) attract a diverse set of participating runs and build a new test collections using more recently created documents; (c) establish a (new) test collection construction methodology that avoids the pitfalls of depth-k pooling. A number of side-goals are also set, including studying the shortcomings of test collections constructed in the past; experimenting with new ideas for constructing test collections; expand test collections by new participant tasks (ad-hoc/interactive), new relevance judgments (binary/multilevel), new pooling methods, new assessment resources (NIST / crowd-sourcing) and new retrieval systems contributing documents (manual/neural/strong baselines).

Track coordinator(s):

  • Evangelos Kanoulas, University of Amsterdam
  • James Allan, University of Massachusetts
  • Donna Harman, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Track Web Page: