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Overview - Real-time Summarization 2016

Proceedings | Data | Runs | Participants

The TREC 2016 Real-Time Summarization (RTS) Track aims to explore techniques and systems that automatically monitor streams of social media posts such as Twitter to keep users up to date on topics of interest. We might think of these topics as “interest profiles”, specifying the user's prospective information needs. In real-time summarization, the goal is for a system to “push” (i.e., recommend or suggest) interesting and novel content to users in a timely fashion. For example, the user might be interested in poll results for the 2016 U.S. presidential elections and wishes to be notified whenever new results are published.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Jimmy Lin, University of Waterloo
  • Adam Roegiest, University of Waterloo
  • Luchen Tan, University of Waterloo
  • Richard McCreadie, University of Glasgow
  • Ellen Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Fernando Diaz, Microsoft Research


  • a: Push notifications
  • b: Email digests

Track Web Page: