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Overview - Microblog 2015

Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The TREC 2015 Microblog track introduced a single realtime filtering task broken down into two scenarios. Our goal is to explore techniques for monitoring streams of social media posts with respect to users’ interest profiles. An interest profile describes a topic about which the user wishes to receive information updates in real time, and is different from a typical ad hoc topic in that the profile represents a prospective (as opposed to a retrospective) information need. Thus, the nature of the desired information is qualitatively different. In real-time filtering, the goal is for a system to “push” (i.e., recommend, suggest) interesting and novel content to users in a timely fashion.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Jimmy Lin, University of Waterloo
  • Miles Efron, University of Illinois
  • Garrick Sherman, University of Illinois
  • Yulu Wang, University of Marland
  • Ellen M. Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


  • a: Push notifications
  • b: Email digests

Track Web Page: