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Overview - Contextual Suggestion 2015

Proceedings | Data | Results | Runs | Participants

The TREC Contextual Suggestion Track evaluates pointof-interest (POI) recommendation systems, with the goal of creating open and reusable test collections for this purpose. The track imagines a traveler in a unknown city seeking sites to see and things to do that reflect his or her own personal interests, as inferred from their interests in their home city. Given a user's profile, consisting of a POI list and rating from a home city, participants make recommendations for attractions in a target city (i.e., a new context).

Track coordinator(s):

  • Adriel Dean-Hall, University of Waterloo
  • Charles L. A. Clarke, University of Waterloo
  • Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
  • Julia Kiseleva Eindhoven, University of Technology
  • Ellen M. Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


  • batch: Batch task
  • live: Live task

Track Web Page: