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Runs - Federated Web Search 2013


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: CWI13bstTODPJ
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/29/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: adf786d7af71a0aac7fb257d8588763d
  • Run description: We use the resource score as a prior for the document


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: CWI13iaTODPJ
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/29/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 9a914caed215b0eb2434e47896addb4f
  • Run description: We did a diversification (IA-select) with the resources.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: CWI13IndriQL
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/29/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: a2fc48c2979f225c3cbc39c8e76c3ae8
  • Run description: Query likelihood of documents


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: cwi13ODPJac
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/6/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 631ea4f00acc59b750cec8be878db31b
  • Run description: We compute the Jaccard similarity between the ODP categories for the topic and each resource. To get these categories we used the query words and the resource URLs.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: cwi13ODPTI
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/6/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 8a42a828fb4368f7409abbca850464d8
  • Run description: A combination from our two submitted runs: Jaccard similarity between the ODP categories for topics and resources, and TF-IDF model using an index where each resource is represented as a document.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: cwi13SniTI
  • Participant: CWI
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/6/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: add0db777749aa121589b3129bbceb5e
  • Run description: We index each resource as a document in the index and apply TF-IDF similarity to retrieve the documents. We did not obtain any results for two topics (7056 and 7219).


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: ECNUBM25
  • Participant: scunce
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 76dca714032677aefc94310f332bd219
  • Run description: First we expend the meaning of queries and then use BM25 algorithm to ranking the search engines.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: ICTNETRun1
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/15/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: fbed2939e20d83a4303147c8330ff8cf
  • Run description: To sum up tf-idf score of each field with linear weighting method, including url, title, main content, content with h1/h2/h3/h4 font.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: ICTNETRun2
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/15/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: a1799de6b7aa39a98d6610f087ce4afe
  • Run description: To sum up tf-idf score of each field with linear weighting method, including url, title, main content, content with h1/h2/h3/h4 font and pr score.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: ICTNETRun3
  • Participant: ICTNET
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/15/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 3682f15ac1b57bc0145d72ee6ce3e034
  • Run description: To sum up tf-idf score of each field with linear weighting method, including url, title, main content, content with h1/h2/h3/h4 font and pr score. And remove documents whose score is less than 2


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: iiitnaive01
  • Participant: IIIT_Hyderabad
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 96b8801927cdae8346a4929e601846aa
  • Run description: A simple and naive approach. Expands the query using wordnet synonyms and Wikipedia categories, selects best possible resources using similar entries form the dataset.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: incgqd
  • Participant: isi_pal
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 7b1fb3c89d25f57d472eb4767e4d6f7a
  • Run description: index sample documents from urls related to the query.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: incgqdv2
  • Participant: isi_pal
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: c581f4ac784b3e32bdb41103f4df1aef
  • Run description: index sample documents from urls related to the query.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: mergv1
  • Participant: isi_pal
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/6/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 5188714db8322931dd042d7c762502cf
  • Run description: Merging is done based on the ranking score of each search-engine.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: nsCondor
  • Participant: NOVASEARCH
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/13/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 28e9f934b2f488ab80b25031178ec738
  • Run description: Result fusion from all engines using CondorFuse


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: nsISR
  • Participant: NOVASEARCH
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/13/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: d6bfcf5368344cee2f2acf5c1cda70dd
  • Run description: Result fusion from all engines using ISR (Inverted Squared Rank)


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: nsRRF
  • Participant: NOVASEARCH
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/13/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 7611d5d1387d5d8af5948adcb8962824
  • Run description: Result fusion from all engines using RRF


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: StanfordEIG10
  • Participant: StanfordEIG
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: e0b2109a26030fa322558a1a7832c383
  • Run description: This run represents the 200 queries executed over a Cassandra database containing meta information about the >150 search engines. The overall dataset was partitioned into >150 Solr indexes, Vectors were then calculated on a TF-IDF basis which was loaded into a dictionary map. Thresholds for term frequency were established at >=10, >=50 and >=100 respectively. The document map's along with other metadata was then loaded into Cassandra and incoming queries were tokenized before being executed over keys and fields in the Cassandra Keyspace Cassandra. The scoring metric/algorithm is not stable. Additionally only the top result is presented for each query... this is unfortunately due to the unstable scoring algorithm as rank could not be verified.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelFAVE
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 081ce6851e153187e405a79bd9cd130a
  • Run description: Resource scores are average of the document scores.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelODRA
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: f8d6b22ab25784ed51db1096334b6ac0
  • Run description: Rankings of documents are used to find resource scores with a cut-off.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelPgLnSc
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/16/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 772a66eeb9c2a68a03cb59f6c43e0003
  • Run description: New scores of documents for result merging are found by multiplying natural logarithm of resource scores and normalized indri-scores across all retrieved documents.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelRMIndri
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/16/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: be29ea543b6c71c2fc8a149637694d74
  • Run description: Performed indri run on result documents.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelRSMIN
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 172fa5977514cf3979115b12972eb10f
  • Run description: Score of a resource is the rank of the highest ranking document.


Participants | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: udelSnLnSc
  • Participant: udel
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/15/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 4cb1f42817b807121a979742fe3c729f
  • Run description: We performed indri run on retrieved snippets and multiplied normalized indri score of documents with natural logarithm of resource scores to calculate result merging document scores.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UiSP
  • Participant: UiS
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 864b92d3be3321c934a3c8fdb6ec34da
  • Run description: Document-based collection ranking.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UiSS
  • Participant: UiS
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: df0acbc0dcc63170c6b42e064353ee11
  • Run description: Combination of document-based and collection-based methods.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UiSSP
  • Participant: UiS
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/12/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 824a2b7f6ef0c24c1dddc4184bb43722
  • Run description: Combination of collection-based and document-based collection ranking methods.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UPDFW13mu
  • Participant: UPD
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 6f99b94385057267e14299efb68004f4
  • Run description: Ranked listed obtained using thr TWFIRF weighing scheme e AND among query keywords.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UPDFW13rrmu
  • Participant: UPD
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/14/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 8f1c3312cd04634e3ac12030c791e908
  • Run description: Round robin performed on the sample search results by using resource selection performed by AND clause among query terms.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UPDFW13rrsh
  • Participant: UPD
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 9/14/2013
  • Task: merging
  • MD5: 87577aed04901e25b4f3bcc12eb21265
  • Run description: Round robin performed on the sample search results by using resource selection performed by OR clause among query terms.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: UPDFW13sh
  • Participant: UPD
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/11/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: e3cbba81b5bd6467db498bc6eda88b1e
  • Run description: Ranking performed by TWF-IRF weighting scheme with OR among keywords in the query.


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: utTailyM400
  • Participant: ut
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/9/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: c2b7ae7b0fc7e5415a7e418d7f1a1dbb
  • Run description: Taily shard selection according to Aly et al SIGIR'13


Participants | Proceedings | Input | Appendix

  • Run ID: utTailyNormM400
  • Participant: ut
  • Track: Federated Web Search
  • Year: 2013
  • Submission: 8/9/2013
  • Task: selection
  • MD5: 7cb048962109601d886bcadac37e7ae8
  • Run description: Taily shard selection according to Aly et al SIGIR'13 but with normal distributions