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Overview - Federated Web Search 2013

Proceedings | Data | Runs | Participants

The TREC Federated Web Search track is intended to promote research related to federated search in a realistic web setting, and hereto provides a large data collection gathered from a series of online search engines. This overview paper discusses the results of the first edition of the track, FedWeb 2013. The focus was on basic challenges in federated search: (1) resource selection, and (2) results merging.

Track coordinator(s):

  • Thomas Demeester, Ghent Univesity
  • Dolf Trieschnigg, University of Twente
  • Dong Nguyen, University of Twente
  • Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente


  • selection: Resource Selection
  • merging: Results Merging

Track Web Page: